
The legend and personality traits of the snowshoe cat

author:Pet Life 888

What is the legend about the snowshoe cat

The legend and personality traits of the snowshoe cat

There is a beautiful legend about the peculiar coat color of the snowshoe cat. Legend has it that hundreds of years ago, the Khmer people of Asia built a temple dedicated to a golden goddess studded with blue jeweled eyes. The devout monk Monha often knelt in front of the statue of the goddess and meditated, and his beautiful white cat "Xin" also looked at the goddess. On a dark night, thieves looted the temple and killed Monha. After Monha's death, Sim placed its feet on its master's body and faced the statue. At this time, its white fur turned golden yellow, its yellow eyes became the royal blue of the goddess's statue, and its four white legs became the brown of the earth. But the feet placed on the master's body are still snow-white, symbolizing purity.

The legend and personality traits of the snowshoe cat

The next morning, the temple's more than a hundred white cats all turned the same golden yellow as before. From then on, Xin never left the altar for a step, and seven days later, Xin also left the world and entered heaven with the soul of his master. Since then, the cat color of the temple has been preserved and has been preserved to this day.

What are the personality characteristics of snowshoe cats

The legend and personality traits of the snowshoe cat

Snowshoe cats are lively and intelligent by nature, rich in feelings, and are never afraid of strangers; they have a gentle personality and like to be close to their owners; they have sweet voices and elegant manners; and they especially like to be clean. It grows healthily in a comfortable environment, and when the weather is nice, I like to go for a walk in the garden and courtyard. The snowshoe cat has a bright mind, it has very fulfilling feelings, and it can maintain a friendly attitude towards other kinds of animals and get along with them.

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