
How to write the end of the article to be brilliant? Here's the trick

author:Creek Delight with books

The title, beginning, and end are the three most eye-catching points in the self-media article, and they are also the key to whether an article is brilliant. As the saying goes, "fancy years, start with flowers, end with Flowers", it is not enough to have a beautiful beginning, a good article also needs to have a wonderful ending to match.

Today I will share with you how to write a wonderful ending. I promise that after reading it, you will find that the way of writing is always the same. Mastering the rules of writing at the bottom and improving your writing ability will also be more effective with less.

First, summarize the point of the question: reaffirm the core point of view, sublimate the theme

This method is the most common in self-media articles, and it is the easiest way to write a small white. Summarizing the entire content at the end of the article and reiterating the core points can allow the reader to further deepen the impression, deepen the central idea, and make the article more convincing.

For example, in an article on "Fan Deng's Reading", "The Most Advanced Show of Wealth in the Second Half of Life: No Illness in the Body, Nothing in the Heart, No Complaint in the Eyes", the author discusses the three sub-arguments in the title separately, the content is detailed, reasonable and well-founded, causing the reader to think deeply and resonate. At the end of the book, the author writes:

Life is a long journey, different ages, see different landscapes.

When you don't do anything, you always think that money can buy everything.

At a certain grade, I understand that true wealth is a heart that feels happiness and tastes life.

Maybe there are no mansions and luxury cars, no flashy luxuries.

But as long as there is no illness in the body, no problem in the heart, and no complaint in the eyes, you can taste joy from the ordinary days.

The final foothold is to summarize the three sub-arguments in the article - no illness in the body, no problem in the heart, no complaint in the eyes, you can taste joy from the ordinary days, and it is also a re-summarization and sublimation of the theme of the article.

How to write the end of the article to be brilliant? Here's the trick

Another example is an article I wrote before, "The real high emotional intelligence is not to get others, but to get yourself!" "Discussing how to cultivate your own realization of high emotional intelligence from three aspects, and finally wrote at the end:

The portal of the mouth is the heart, and the ability of people to live in the world is actually interpersonal skills, which is what we often call high emotional intelligence. With the high emotional intelligence of realization, you must use your professional and powerful core to attract contacts, use your win-win altruistic thinking to expand networks, and use your proper communication to maintain networks.

"If you just need it, and I happen to be professional, the story between us happens."

It is natural to summarize the whole text, echo the title, and once again emphasize the cultivation of our high emotional intelligence by enhancing value, win-win, and guarding boundaries.

Second, the end of the golden sentence: summarize the main idea, sublimate the theme

The so-called end of the golden sentence refers to the use of some sentences that are particularly touching, resonant, and have the desire to forward, to summarize the core points of the article and sublimate the theme. Such an ending can leave a deep impression on the reader, and people can't help but silently read, speculate, and forward.

There is a 10w+ article on "Insight", "People, to know the advance and retreat, understand the trade-offs", the author's writing skills are extremely strong, and the content is fascinating. I especially like his frequent golden sentences, which are catchy to read, profound and connotative, and endlessly evocative.

At the beginning, the author points out the theme: life, you must know the advance and retreat, in order to survive. To grow, we must understand the trade-offs in order to make progress.

The ending echoes the beginning, and he writes:

People, must weigh the pros and cons, in order to clarify the goal, people, must abandon perfection, in order to gain something, people, must know how to choose, in order to grow rapidly.

We must learn to choose, not to pay too much attention to the immediate interests, to maintain reason, to make precise trade-offs, to seize the opportunity, to concentrate on moving forward, in order to have a good life.

Between advances and retreats, guarding oneself and achieving oneself; Between trade-offs, make the right decisions and realize the ideal.

The golden sentences of the battle are neat and tidy, which further sublimates the theme, so that people still have endless memories after reading it. Therefore, practicing writing golden sentences is a pen kung fu that we have been deliberately practicing. If you can't write it at the beginning, we can also start with collecting and sorting, and then imitate the creation after becoming proficient.

How to write the end of the article to be brilliant? Here's the trick

Third, famous quotes: increase the persuasiveness and depth of the article

Borrowing the end of a famous quote, it is also common in public account articles. Increase the depth and persuasiveness of the article by quoting what celebrities say, borrowing the power of others. This is a way of writing that uses celebrity endorsements and must be learned to use.

I have seen an article on "Insights" before, "6 Kinds of Thinking that Make People Stronger", and the author uses a juxtaposition structure to reveal to us the intrinsic connection between the 6 kinds of thinking and life achievements. At the end, 2 famous quotes are used in a row, which makes people feel unfinished.

Mr. Yang Dai said:

"Although people are small, although life is short, people can learn, people can cultivate themselves, and people can improve themselves." The value of man lies in man himself. ”

In Yang Chen's words, the most common mistake people make is to blindly chase forward with their heads down, omitting "the lower foundation determines the superstructure".

Finally, Liu Run's words are quoted:

"Ordinary people change results, good people change reasons, and top people change their thinking models."

To sublimate the theme and name the importance of thinking. Without good thinking ability, no amount of effort is in vain. Just right and strong support for his core argument.

4. Guiding action: Calling for action inspires empathy

The role of guiding action is to call on readers to act immediately. It is generally common in parenting articles and publicity copywriting. It is usually to clarify the significance of an event and call for positive action.

For example, an article on the website of a university, "The balance of the holiday is insufficient", aims to stimulate the enthusiasm of students in Guangdong University, clarify the preparations before the start of the school, and finally end with a call for action.

It is written like this:

Winter vacation is coming to an end, preparation before the start of school, have you gotten it?

Hurry up and fight for yourself!

How to write the end of the article to be brilliant? Here's the trick

Fifth, wish hope: the warm pulse is touching

A blessing ending is also a common way of ending, in which the author can express his true feelings, so that the reader has a state of mind of being seen and cared for, and bring people like a spring breeze.

For example, in the article "Be generous to people, do things to be enlightened, and be authentic to be authentic", it ends like this:

In the years to come, may you get along with such a person, your heart full of openness, the corners of your mouth smiling, and your eyes full of satisfaction.

May you also become such a person, the years are unharmed, and the time is quiet.

I myself like this way of ending, such as an article about aesthetic education that I just wrote two days ago, "Illustrations of primary school textbooks cause public outrage: Where is the "beauty" of "aesthetic education"? I wrote:

Cai Yuanpei once said: "The cultivation of a complete and strong personality does not come from the indoctrination of knowledge, but from the cultivation of feelings." ”

May our children be immersed in the environment of "beauty" and have the ability to see, appreciate, and create beauty.

Sixth, ask questions: thought-provoking and thought-provoking

At the end of the article, a question is asked in the form of a rhetorical question, which triggers the reader's deep thinking. However, if this method is not well grasped, it may cause the reader to resent. Therefore, we must be very sure that our views are accurate, easy to accept and support, and have a positive guiding effect on readers.

For example, an article on "Girl Pie" "Don't say to the child, "I count to 3", the harm is far greater than you think", the author discusses the harm of counting "123" in family education, and the correct way to deal with it, he wrote in the final conclusion:

Just like in the movie "Weakness", whenever something bad happens, the mother will always tell the child:

"Oh, close your eyes.

Then I count to 3, open your eyes, the past is over, the world is beautiful. ”

In his mother's words, these 3 numbers gave Ohe endless motivation, even if life is difficult, but Oh is full of kindness to the world.

This is the correct posture to use "count to 3", have you learned?

For example, in the article "The 3 sentences that hurt the most children, sentences are like knives, but many parents hang on their lips every day", the author focuses on the adverse impact of the three sentences often said by parents on the growth of children.

1. I can't remember every day, are you a pig?

2. Can I still count on you when I am old?

3. How are you just inferior to others?

The final author ends like this:

The above 3 sentences, we seem to be just a few simple words, but for children, it is extremely lethal. The child's self and self-esteem are not strong enough, and if we often use such words to belittle and hit him, then the child may really become what we say - stupid, unproductive, inferior to others.

Do you often say these 3 sentences to your children?

The author left a big question mark, causing the majority of parents and readers to reflect and introspect, reflecting the art of leaving blanks.

The above are the 6 wonderful endings I have summarized, and in my opinion, no matter which way you end, you must take care of the reader's feelings. How to end can only be one form of expression, and the experience you bring to the reader, the ideas and values conveyed will not change.

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