
Delayed by the name of the "net red flower", the flower type is like a small bell, edible and rewardable value, high sowing, reproduction, shading, cooling and insect pest prevention

author:Insight Little Eight

Foxglove, belongs to the Xuan Ginseng family, foxglove is a perennial herb, the branches are covered with a short layer of gray-white glandular hairs, in the absence of artificial intervention, can grow to a meter high, the leaves are generally oval, the surface is relatively rough, and even a little wrinkled, so when not flowering, like a wild grass that grows everywhere, the appearance is very general, but when it blooms, it will definitely amaze the whole field.

Delayed by the name of the "net red flower", the flower type is like a small bell, edible and rewardable value, high sowing, reproduction, shading, cooling and insect pest prevention

Foxglove flowering period is concentrated in April-June, each time flowering, is from the top of the inflorescence, flower buds will be differentiated from the inflorescence, a cluster, a bunch of strings, very brilliant, flower type like a small bell, very playful and cute, the corolla is generally purple red, and covered with dots of spots, the current more common flower color is white, pink, dark red, that is, white flower freedom clock, large flower freedom clock, heavy petal freedom clock, and green leaves in one piece, pleasing to the eye, ornamental value is particularly high.

Delayed by the name of the "net red flower", the flower type is like a small bell, edible and rewardable value, high sowing, reproduction, shading, cooling and insect pest prevention

Foxglove ornamental value is high, very suitable for planting in the flower landscape, flower beds, rock gardens, and even as a natural flower arrangement, its ornamental value is high, medical value is also high, but this kind of attention, beautiful roses are prickly, foxglove whole body is poisonous, but in medicine, rational use, can extract special elements, as a cardiotonic agent, can improve blood circulation, treatment of chronic congestive heart failure, edible and rewardable value.

Delayed by the name of the "net red flower", the flower type is like a small bell, edible and rewardable value, high sowing, reproduction, shading, cooling and insect pest prevention

< h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="4" > sowing and propagating</h1>

The propagation method of foxglove is also very simple, mainly seed propagation, the fastest germination speed in the spring, before sowing, first put it in warm water at 20 ° C to soak, generally soaked for about 8 hours, on the one hand, the seed can completely absorb water, on the other hand, it can also soften its shell, accelerate the germination rate; then wrap the seeds of foxglove in a damp towel, you must pay attention to, towels are best to pass the water every day to ensure the cleanliness and hygiene of the water body;

Observe that the seeds of foxglove have germination signs, we then bury the seeds in the soil, foxglove likes the slightly acidic and breathable soil environment, if it is potted, you can choose acidic humus soil such as pine needle soil, mix some river sand, and then pre-bury the seeds of foxglove, if the ground is planted, cut the loose soil weeding, while choosing the wall, that is, the place where there is a shelter, and then regularly add an acidic solution such as ferrous sulfate in the soil to allow the roots to better absorb nutrients.

Delayed by the name of the "net red flower", the flower type is like a small bell, edible and rewardable value, high sowing, reproduction, shading, cooling and insect pest prevention

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="7" > shade cooling</h1>

Foxglove heat resistance is particularly poor, its most suitable growth temperature is 13-18 ° C, so when planting on the ground, it is best to choose a semi-shade and a place with a shelter, which can weaken the intensity of sunlight, if it is a potted plant, generally in the north balcony and other places of maintenance, while paying attention to the surrounding temperature, timely do a good job of shading work, and try to spray water mist around as much as possible to improve humidity.

Delayed by the name of the "net red flower", the flower type is like a small bell, edible and rewardable value, high sowing, reproduction, shading, cooling and insect pest prevention

Foxglove does not like fertilizer, if you want to speed up its growth rate, generally one to two months to add fertilizer to it once, it is recommended to choose a softer fertilizer chicken manure or sheep manure, their fertilizer effect is long, watering can penetrate the fertilizer, to the flowering period, you can appropriately extend the sun exposure time, and timely supplement some phosphate fertilizer, accelerate the differentiation of flower buds, so that the flowers are more full.

Delayed by the name of the "net red flower", the flower type is like a small bell, edible and rewardable value, high sowing, reproduction, shading, cooling and insect pest prevention

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="10" > pest prevention</h1>

In the semi-shady environment, the breeding rate of some insect pests is still relatively fast, the general common insect pests are aphid shell insects, aphids, etc., so usually do a good job of prevention, regular spraying of insecticides, if accidental infection, the number is relatively small, you can use 75% alcohol, wet with cotton swabs, and then stick the pests one by one,

Delayed by the name of the "net red flower", the flower type is like a small bell, edible and rewardable value, high sowing, reproduction, shading, cooling and insect pest prevention

After that, simply spray with a general insecticide, if the number of infections is large, be sure to isolate immediately, and use professional insecticides, such as insecticidal essential emulsion 2500 times liquid, thiamethoxine, imidacloprid, etc. to spray, spray 3 to 4 times continuously to avoid recurrence.

Delayed by the name of the "net red flower", the flower type is like a small bell, edible and rewardable value, high sowing, reproduction, shading, cooling and insect pest prevention

Summary: flower friends who like to raise flowers, don't mistake this "net red flower" foxglove, although the name is rustic, but once the flowering period, you can sprang out a large string of gem flowers, like a channeling wind chime, playful and cute, and there is medical value, edible and rewardable value.

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