
The three volt days are coming, the diet should be avoided, remember "three eat three do not eat", smoothly pass the volt day

author:A sister's kitchen

Three volts of the day is coming, diet to avoid the mouth, remember "eat three do not eat", smoothly over the volt day!

Soon it will be the three volts of the day, and the three volts are the collective name of the first volt, the middle volt, and the last volt. "Volt" refers to the yin qi suppressed by the yang qi lurking in the ground can not come out. In this period, the temperature is high, the air pressure is low, the humidity is large, and the wind speed is small, so people will feel sweltering and unbearable on the three-volt day, the human body consumption is relatively large, and the humidity is also more serious, as the saying goes, "three volt days have no disease and three points of weakness", which is the meaning.

The three volt days are coming, the diet should be avoided, remember "three eat three do not eat", smoothly pass the volt day

In the three-volt day, it is not advisable to carry out excessive exercise, to do meditation and recuperation, sleep enough, and have some taboos in diet. Today, I will share with you the "three eating three don't eat" in the three volt days, remember these, let us smoothly pass the volt day!

What is "three eats"?

First, eat more "bitter vegetables"

"Bitter vegetables" refers to those foods that taste slightly bitter in the summer, such as bitter melon, bitter chrysanthemum, these foods contain a variety of vitamins, bitters, alkaloids, etc., these substances have the effect of detoxifying the eyes, cooling and removing the fire, so it is very suitable for summer consumption. Here I would like to share with you the method of cold mixed bitter chrysanthemum.

The three volt days are coming, the diet should be avoided, remember "three eat three do not eat", smoothly pass the volt day

Remove the roots and break into small flowers, rinse and soak in salt water for five minutes. Soak the bitter chrysanthemum to remove the dried water and sprinkle some salt to marinate the water. The bitter chrysanthemum that comes out of this is not only not bitter to eat, but also has a very crisp taste. Squeeze the pickled bitter chrysanthemums into a dish, add minced garlic, peanuts, dried chili peppers, sugar, soy sauce, balsamic vinegar, and pour a spoonful of hot oil on top.

Second, eat more "melon vegetables"

As the saying goes, "spring eat buds, summer eat melons", summer is the season to eat all kinds of melons, not only there are many watermelons, melons, these fruit melons, but also melons that can be eaten as vegetables, such as loofahs, winter melons, square melons and so on. These vegetables are rich in vitamins, dietary fiber, and a lot of water, three volt days to eat, can clear heat and detoxification, water and swelling, can timely replenish the loss of nutrients and water in the body. Eating some loofah and winter melon in moderation can also achieve the effect of beauty and weight loss.

The three volt days are coming, the diet should be avoided, remember "three eat three do not eat", smoothly pass the volt day

Here is a recommendation to stir-fry loofah. Wash the loofah scraper, cut into hob pieces and soak in salt water for about five minutes, then squeeze out the water and set aside. Heat the oil, then pour the onion, ginger and garlic until fragrant, then pour the loofah in and stir-fry, after the loofah becomes soft, add the cut chili shreds, stir-fry on high heat for about two minutes, add salt and MSG to taste and you can get out of the pan. Stir-fried loofah is simple, the taste is refreshing, and the three-volt day is nutritious and appetizing.

Third, eat more "white meat"

The weather is extremely hot on three volt days, and the human body loses more nutrients, and it is not enough to eat vegetables alone, but also to eat some meat to supplement nutrition. However, in the summer, the weather is hot and hot, people's appetite and stomach are relatively weak, not suitable for eating high-fat and greasy things, so some meat with high protein content but less fat is popular with people, such as fish, chicken, shrimp and so on. Here is a recommended dish for everyone - steamed sea bass, the fish is tender and nutritious, very suitable for summer consumption.

The three volt days are coming, the diet should be avoided, remember "three eat three do not eat", smoothly pass the volt day

Wash the purchased sea bass to remove the black film in the belly, and then use cooking wine, green onion and ginger shreds, a small amount of salt to apply to the surface of the fish, and put some in the stomach, so as to remove the fishy smell. Bring water to a boil in a pot and steam the sea bass for 8-10 minutes. Take out the steamed sea bass, pour out the soup inside, pick up the shredded green onion and ginger, and resaint it with a layer. Drizzle the fish with steamed soy sauce, salt to the right amount, and pour a spoonful of hot oil so that the steamed sea bass is ready. If you want to make the fish more flavorful, we put the drizzled fish in a boiling water steamer for another 1 minute, the taste will be better.

What does "three not to eat" mean?

First, it is not advisable to eat "cold food"

The three volt days are coming, the diet should be avoided, remember "three eat three do not eat", smoothly pass the volt day

Three volt days of hot weather, the pores of the human body are open, so conducive to detoxification and heat removal, at this time if you eat a lot of cold food, it will make the body temperature drop rapidly, pores contraction, the body's humid heat can not be discharged, so that in the autumn it is easy to cause coughing, especially children. So in the summer we should try to eat as little or no cold food as possible, especially ice cream or cold drinks.

Second, it is not advisable to eat "irritating greasy food"

The three volt days are coming, the diet should be avoided, remember "three eat three do not eat", smoothly pass the volt day

In the summer, the human gastrointestinal function is relatively poor, and it is not advisable to eat foods that stimulate greasy food, such as dishes that are too spicy or too greasy. These foods are eaten into the stomach, and the stomach and intestines cannot be loaded, which is easy to cause diarrhea and vomiting. Therefore, on the three-volt day, we still have to focus on light food, which is both healthy and comfortable to eat.

Third, it is not advisable to eat "overnight leftovers"

The three volt days are coming, the diet should be avoided, remember "three eat three do not eat", smoothly pass the volt day

"No food waste" is our traditional virtue, and if there are leftovers we usually eat it after a hot meal. However, when it comes to the three-volt day, this habit must be paid attention to. The temperature is relatively high on three volt days, the bacteria multiply relatively fast, and some leftovers are easy to deteriorate, especially overnight, even if they are placed in the refrigerator for a long time, they will deteriorate, so it is easy to eat bad stomach. So in the summer, we make food, try to make as little as possible, eat it all at once, and everyone should pay attention to this.

Three volts of the day is coming, everyone should pay attention to avoid the mouth, remember the above "three eat three do not eat", smooth and stable through the volt day!

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