
The first sound of the new cicada, do you know when the cicadas start to chirp? Can cicadas be eaten?

author:Yasong national style
The first sound of the new cicada, do you know when the cicadas start to chirp? Can cicadas be eaten?

The summer solstice begins to sound. Tiáo is what is now called cicada, zhi.

From this day on, summer is no longer a frog singing a monologue, and cicadas have joined the chorus. The difficult summer, because of the sound of cicadas, is more and more lively and vivid. I love the loud and rhythmic cicada chant, which is a natural sound that can never be tired of hearing.

The first sound of the new cicada, do you know when the cicadas start to chirp? Can cicadas be eaten?

Writing cicadas vividly, I thought it was a cicada recorded in Qu Dajun's "Guangdong New Language" of the Qing Dynasty: "There is a stone cave under the Luofu East Peak. There are thousands of maple trees in the cave. There are often hundreds of kinds of cicadas, hundreds of miles of song in unison, stop at the same time, no jagged continuance, and there are birds and them, the sound is like a wooden fish. Huang Guanyun: Former White Jade Toad Zhenren Yu Chong Xuan Guan made the eight songs of "Yun Huang", with guests, often ordering Dao Tong to play it. The crane is empty, and the mountain bird is corresponding. Listening to this cicada sound is like the syllable of "Yunzhuang". "Comparing the sound of cicadas to Taoist xianle, it can be seen that it is beautiful.

The first sound of the new cicada, do you know when the cicadas start to chirp? Can cicadas be eaten?

When the cicadas chirp, it is just a holiday. Students who don't love summer vacation! There are too many fun dongdong in the summer of Gangnam, and cicada catching is one of the fun dongdong in the summer vacation.

The first sound of the new cicada, do you know when the cicadas start to chirp? Can cicadas be eaten?
The first sound of the new cicada, do you know when the cicadas start to chirp? Can cicadas be eaten?

"The shepherd boy rides a yellow bull, and the song vibrates lin. Intending to catch cicadas, he suddenly closed his mouth. This is the "Seeing" in the eyes of the great Qing Dynasty poet Yuan Ming. It's no different from what I saw when I was younger.

The first sound of the new cicada, do you know when the cicadas start to chirp? Can cicadas be eaten?

There are three ways to catch cicadas, and one method is to catch cicadas, just like a shepherd boy who can only catch them directly by hand without any preparation. Cicadas are easy to catch at low places, and cicadas are in high places, so you need to have superb climbing skills. The author had such a good skill when he was young, and sometimes he wanted to show his skills. In the trees, you can not only catch cicadas, but also catch scarab beetles, praying mantises, celestial cows and so on.

The second kind of amaranth is to take a long bamboo pole coated with glue at the tip of the pole to stick to the cicadas, which is the main method of catching cicadas.

The third is also to take a long bamboo pole, but the pole is not glued, but a small pocket is made to cover the cicada, so that the cicada caught is complete and the difficulty is greater. There is a record in "Zhuangzi" that "the ricket bears the worm", more than 2,000 years have passed, and I don't know how many things have happened in the world, and today's children still follow the method of hunchbacked old people to catch cicadas, which is really a very interesting thing.

The first sound of the new cicada, do you know when the cicadas start to chirp? Can cicadas be eaten?
The first sound of the new cicada, do you know when the cicadas start to chirp? Can cicadas be eaten?

The cicada's life has gone through three stages: eggs, larvae, and adults, and the cicadas in the larval stage have been in the ground for several years or even more than ten years, in order to just sing in the summer.

The first sound of the new cicada, do you know when the cicadas start to chirp? Can cicadas be eaten?

Any kind of success is not achieved overnight.

Behind all the births, there are unknown hardships, either sweat or tears.

Like cicadas, they lay dormant for years under the darkness of the earth.

They endure loneliness, suck the sap of tree roots, and then break out of the earth and fly into the sky for a midsummer.

Nietzsche said that whoever will eventually shake the earth will be silent for a long time.

The first sound of the new cicada, do you know when the cicadas start to chirp? Can cicadas be eaten?

The ancients caught cicadas for food. Today's children catch cicadas mostly for fun, and sometimes they are also put on the stove and roasted to eat, which is indeed delicious. Now some hotels have "fried golden cicadas", which are game dishes with high nutritional value. It is said that Don. The monk was originally the reincarnation of Shakyamuni's second disciple, the "Golden Cicada", so in the Journey to the West, there is also a "Tang. Monk meat " can be immortalized. Eating "fried cicadas" is like eating "Don. Monk meat", how, do you officials want to taste the delicious immortal "Tang. Monk meat"?

The first sound of the new cicada, do you know when the cicadas start to chirp? Can cicadas be eaten?
The first sound of the new cicada, do you know when the cicadas start to chirp? Can cicadas be eaten?