
Typhoon No. 3 of this year may be generated! Torrential rain + cooling is coming

author:Bright Net

Recently this weather

Are you the same as Xiaobian?

It's hot enough to "melt"...


This week, the heat will be alleviated!

Xiaobian learned from the Municipal Meteorological Observatory

From the 30th of this month

Affected by tropical clouds

Rainfall in Zhuhai will increase again

The high temperature weather is expected to ease

Typhoon No. 3 this year may be formed

It is reported that the current tropical cloud development in the Philippines is active, and it is likely to develop into the third typhoon this year and affect South China.

The duty forecaster of the Municipal Meteorological Observatory pointed out that the development of tropical clouds is still relatively uncertain, and the impact on Zhuhai in the later period mainly depends on its movement path and intensity, and if it moves to the west of Zhuhai, it will have a relatively large impact on Zhuhai wind and rain.

There is currently a tropical disturbance developing in the central South China Sea

It is expected to affect South China later this week

It will be affected by its peripheral circulation from the 30th

The rainstorms in Zhuhai increased and the winds increased

But! There is still considerable uncertainty about the path of tropical cyclones

There are two reasons for this

First: the subtropical high pressure is far away

Guided airflow around its periphery

Tropical cyclones are not reachable

Makes it impossible to move forward steadily

Typhoon No. 3 of this year may be generated! Torrential rain + cooling is coming

Second: the future is in the south of the East China Sea

There may be further tropical disturbances

The "double typhoons" pull each other apart and interact with each other

It is also the direction of tropical cyclones in the South China Sea

Added uncertainty

Typhoon No. 3 of this year may be generated! Torrential rain + cooling is coming

Reminder from the Municipal Meteorological Observatory

Members of the public pay close attention to the latest weather forecasts released in the coming days, paying attention to possible typhoons and rainfall information.

In addition, on June 29, Zhuhai's sunny and hot weather will continue, and there will be short-term showers or thunderstorms in the local area, and it is still necessary to pay attention to heat protection and sun protection, and replenish moisture in time.

Specific forecasts

It is expected that from June 30, Zhuhai will receive more rainfall and the temperature will begin to fall.

From July 1 to 3, Zhuhai will experience torrential rains, with temperatures ranging from 26°C to 31°C and sea gusts of up to magnitude 9.

After that, there may still be showers in Zhuhai, and the sunny and hot weather may not be able to return immediately.

Typhoon No. 3 of this year may be generated! Torrential rain + cooling is coming

Image source: Zhuhai Meteorological Bureau

A few days after that

Remember to bring your rain gear when you go out

Comprehensive: Zhuhai Special Economic Zone, Zhuhai Meteorology

Source: Zhuhai Traffic Police