
Take stock of some of the most disgusting heroes in Dota 2, Bomberman is still disgusting, and Prophet has become a new upstart

author:Captain Dragonfly Zwj

Hello everyone, here is Dragonfly Captain Zwj. There are many interesting heroes in dota, but there are also many heroes that make people feel "disgusting", the following captain will share a few of the most disgusting heroes in my personal mind!

Take stock of some of the most disgusting heroes in Dota 2, Bomberman is still disgusting, and Prophet has become a new upstart


In the 7.31 version that was only released recently, Bomberman ushered in a new life, after changing the mine to a big move and removing the two disgusting skills of static trap and remote control bomb, the bomberman's gameplay has changed a lot (previously it was a knife axe to open the tree card shadow to bury the thunder yin man, and now it is a magic crystal self-detonation + a set of seconds of the spirit).

Shortly after the Bomberman was redesigned, everyone thought that this hero was not so disgusting, but with the players' research, the disgusting level of this long-range desretor self-detonating bomber now does not seem to be lower than before...

Take stock of some of the most disgusting heroes in Dota 2, Bomberman is still disgusting, and Prophet has become a new upstart

Poison Warlock

Speaking of dota' most disgusting hero, there must be a poison warlock, as a "jumping knife nemesis" of the poison warlock in addition to being able to stick people in the team battle so that the enemy can not use the jumping knife can also bring a very obvious slowdown effect to the enemy, and in addition to these two characteristics, it is also a team battle AOE continuous damage is high to the highest level of hero, so even to the 7.31 version of Dota 2 This hero is still a very disgusting hero.

It is worth mentioning that although the captain thinks this hero is disgusting, it is limited to the situation on the opposite side, if it is a teammate to choose this hero, I think it is very good!

Take stock of some of the most disgusting heroes in Dota 2, Bomberman is still disgusting, and Prophet has become a new upstart


Many players should remember that the most likely operation to cause player dissatisfaction in the Dota1 period is the Minota Gully Card Soldier, Clockwork Soldier and Stealing Tower, and after entering the Dota 2 era, the Gully Card Soldier and the Clockwork Soldier have gradually been recognized, but the stealing game has always been unpopular.

In the previous article, the captain briefly introduced the "orphan stream" prophet game developed by a high-scoring anchor, after the rise of the prophet of this genre, more and more players have realized the power of the magic crystal tree man to dismantle the tower, and there are more and more players who uphold the principle of joining the passers-by game, so in the captain's mind, the prophet has become the most disgusting hero.

Take stock of some of the most disgusting heroes in Dota 2, Bomberman is still disgusting, and Prophet has become a new upstart

In fact, there are many heroes like this (such as the auxiliary tree that mends the knife and axe out of the door), and everyone's view is different, and the three most disgusting heroes mentioned here are only the three most disgusting heroes in the captain's mind.

Take stock of some of the most disgusting heroes in Dota 2, Bomberman is still disgusting, and Prophet has become a new upstart

So what do you think about that? Welcome to share some of the most disgusting heroes in your mind in the comment area, remember to long press and like to support a wave. #游戏 #