
New formats give birth to new occupations, and new occupations open up more employment "outlets"

author:China Industry Network

Source: Zhonggong Network

Workers Daily - China Gong Net reporter Shi Binna

"I was pleasantly surprised to learn that my profession had been recognized as a new one." Recently, Wang Bo, who is engaged in research and study travel work, saw that many peers forwarded the news that "study tour instructors will become a new profession", and everyone was very excited. "When I introduced myself in the past, I usually said that I was a teacher with summer camp and winter camp, and I can use this new title in the future, looking forward to getting greater recognition from parents and children." Wang Bo said.

Study tour instructor is one of the newly announced new occupations by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security. On June 14, 18 new occupations were announced to the public, and these new occupations information was intended to be included in the new edition of the occupational classification dictionary.

New formats give birth to new careers. The new occupations bred in the needs of digital occupations, green occupations and people's beautiful lives are the three major categories of new occupations announced this time, which also reflects the new trends in economic development. Experts believe that new formats give birth to new occupations, new occupations will bring new employment, new employment can feed back economic development, and have a positive role in promoting the transformation and upgrading of industrial structure and high-quality economic and social development.

Study tour instructor under the integration of culture, tourism and education

Independent Living Camp, Pioneer Junior Challenge Camp, Central Axis Exploration Camp... In the work, Wang Expo plans different activity themes according to the children's age, physical and mental characteristics, and activity purpose, designs course content and forms that have both experiential and educational significance, and experiences the environment during the journey in advance, and leads the team to complete the trip when the safety guarantee runs through all aspects of the activity.

"Taking independent living as an example, this demand for children has always existed, but since I entered the industry in 2015, I can clearly feel that this demand is becoming more and more valued by parents." Wang Bo said that with the continuous release of policy dividends, students' willingness to participate in study trips has become stronger.

"Study tour instructors have become a new profession, reflecting the new trend of the integration of culture, tourism and education, and helping to attract more professional talents into the industry." Wang Bo therefore has more confidence in his work.

Homestay housekeeper, from "0" to "million" leap

Born in 2000, Hu Xiaoyu majored in environmental design at Xi'an Polytechnic University. His hometown is a small village at the foot of the Qinling Mountains. Due to the proximity to the natural scenic spot, the flow of people and traffic will pass through the village, and since the second year of college, Hu Xiaoyu has the idea of running a homestay. With the help of his family, he used his spare time to renovate his family's detached courtyard, and launched the Meituan, open to tourists, although there are only three rooms, but the business is quite good, and the annual income is enough to support the cost of college.

Near graduation, when many of his classmates stayed in the city to find jobs, Hu Xiaoyu chose to do something in the village. Around the time of "May Day", Hu Xiaoyu used his professional knowledge to design his family's ten acres of land into a campground and created 6 camping homestays. Many villagers were also influenced by him and began to run homestays and campsites. In Hu Xiaoyu's view, work should not just be like sitting in the office. Being able to do something in the village and help the villagers get rich together is a more fulfilling thing.

According to the data of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, homestay housekeeper is a new occupation that has achieved a scale span from "0" to "million" in just a few years, which is inseparable from the development of the industry.

Meituan data shows that under the epidemic, the number of homestay practitioners has maintained steady growth, and has effectively stimulated employment related to the upstream and downstream industrial chains such as decoration, design, cleaning, and management. This year, the number of post-00s homestay housekeepers has increased by 75%.

"However, the talent gap has always been a pain point in the homestay industry." Industry insiders in the homestay industry said that the identification of homestay housekeepers and the foreseeable series of supporting projects such as vocational skills training and qualification certification will inevitably be able to solve the problem of insufficient talents in the industry to a large extent and promote the development of the industry.

The development of the digital economy has given birth to digital careers

Among the 18 new occupations, as many as 9 digital occupations have been spawned in the development of the digital economy. In this regard, the relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security explained that the digital economy is promoting profound changes in production methods, lifestyles and governance methods. The revision of the canon has conducted a special study on the classification of occupations in the context of industrial digitalization and digital industrialization, and marked the occupations with obvious digital characteristics.

"Judging from the new occupations announced in this round, the integration of the digital economy and traditional formats has become an important driving force for the birth of new occupations. The emergence of new occupations will also help to promote the continued stability of the future job market. The relevant person in charge of Meituan said that the reason why the digital economy platform represented by Meituan can become a cultivation platform for new occupations is that digital technology integrates traditional formats, which in turn promotes the emergence and growth of new models and new formats.

According to data released by the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology, the size of the mainland's digital economy has grown from 2.6 trillion yuan in 2005 to 39.2 trillion yuan in 2020. By 2025, the number of jobs driven by the digital economy will reach 379 million.

Pan Helin, co-director of the Digital Economy and Financial Innovation Research Center of Zhejiang University's International United Business School, believes that the mainland digital economy is in a stage of rapid development and has become the main driving force for economic growth. "On the one hand, the digital economy optimizes the stock and further subdivides past occupations; On the other hand, it creates increments, giving birth to new products, new formats and new business models. Pan and Lin said.

New occupations open up more employment "outlets"

In addition to the digital occupations spawned by the development of the digital economy and the new occupations bred in the needs of people's better lives, the green occupations such as carbon sink measurement appraisers and integrated energy attendants that have emerged under the requirements of carbon peak carbon neutrality and development goals are also important categories of new occupations announced this time.

"Among the 18 new occupations, the demand for digital economy and new platform economy is the mainstream, and there are occupations such as agricultural digital technicians, coal quality workers and urban rail transit maintenance workers, which are the refinement of past jobs and respond to the increasing demand for quality and efficiency improvement in the industry." Pan and Lin said.

In 2022, the number of college graduates in the country is expected to reach 10.76 million, the scale and increment are at a record high, and new occupations are expected to open up more employment "outlets".

"The emergence of new occupations reflects the strong demand for talents in these fields and the importance and support of the state for the development of the industry." Pan and Lin believe that the new career will broaden the professional success path of job seekers, and will further promote the transformation and upgrading of the industry.

Editor-in-charge: Liu Yingjie