
What are the advantages of the short blue cat with a cute bun face?

author:Ali grunted
What are the advantages of the short blue cat with a cute bun face?

Big head, round bun face, chubby figure, blue-gray hair and a pair of brass-colored eyes, is the protagonist we are going to introduce today, the Short Blue Cat La~

What are the advantages of the short blue cat with a cute bun face?

As a native feature of the United Kingdom, the English short blue cat has become a famous novice introductory cat breed in the pet industry with its cute and thick appearance and docile personality, which is easy to raise and tame.

Five short is their characteristics, short hair, short ears, short tail, short stature and short limbs, is the criterion for judging the appearance of the English short blue cat.

What are the advantages of the short blue cat with a cute bun face?

Many people are easy to confuse the difference between the English short blue cat and the Russian blue cat, they are not actually the same kind of cat. The Russian Blue Cat originated in the port of Arkhangelsk in the Archangel Archipelago of Russia, which is also known as the "Blue Angel Port", compared to the five short figures of the English Short Blue Cat, the Russian Blue Cat is also more slender and agile, and they also have a pair of green eyes. The English short blue cat, originating in the United Kingdom, belongs to a kind of British shorthair cat coat color, like we are familiar with the gold gradient, silver gradient also belongs to the British shorthair cat.

So back to the point, what are the advantages and disadvantages of the Short Blue Cat that make it so loved by shovelers?

# 01

What are the advantages of the short blue cat with a cute bun face?

1, cute and cute bun face is synonymous with them

The short blue cat has a beautiful blue-gray hair, which is also very delicate and comfortable to stroke, coupled with their iconic bun face, fat body and round eyes, the look is very cute and cute, and it is very cute to take a photo with your hand. The appearance of this item alone makes most people fall in love with them.

2, smart and docile, very good companion cat cat

The docile Short Blue Cat likes to be with the shoveler very much, and they often take the initiative to run to your side to accompany you quietly, which is one of the reasons why the Short Blue Cat is cute. At the same time, their IQ is equivalent to that of human children about three years old, which belongs to the higher IQ of cats and cats, and shovelers can also simply train them to complete some simple tricks.

3, cats that love cleanliness are not easy to get sick

The environmental adaptability of the Short Blue Cat is also very outstanding, and it is unlikely to get sick or uncomfortable due to changes in the environment. At the same time, they themselves prefer a clean living environment. Cleaning up the cat litter in a timely manner, cleaning the living environment of cats and cats, and cleaning the work in the home are also the unshirkable responsibilities of shovelers such as me. The hair of the English short blue cat is relatively short, and it is easier to get ashed, so every day we still have to take time to comb the hair of the cat and cat to ensure that the cat hair is clean and hygienic.

What are the advantages of the short blue cat with a cute bun face?

The life span of cats and cats is directly related to the usual living environment and the feeding method of the owner, so these cleaning work and scientific feeding are indispensable. Usually, the time that the English short blue cat can accompany us is only about 13-17 years.

★ Immunization and deworming

For us as shovelers, cats and cats are certainly the most desirable thing in our hearts, so immunity and deworming processes are essential.

Immunity can help cats produce antibodies to prevent fighting viral infectious diseases and protect the life and health of cats, and secondly, deworming can also protect cats and their families from internal and external parasites.

What are the advantages of the short blue cat with a cute bun face?

Immunization and deworming are very important things, and shovelers must not slack off and take chances, and it is always better to plan ahead than to regret it afterwards.

In addition, it is also recommended that blue cats over the age of six recommend a full body examination every year, which is also conducive to timely response to physical abnormalities or early prevention.

4, not picky eaters, eat well

The English short blue cat is a big hungry cat, almost what you feed them, it will eat anything, it is easy to, which is also the origin of their bun face. It is very worrying not to be picky, but the shovelers can't feed them for their health, after all, too fat is not conducive to their health.

What are the advantages of the short blue cat with a cute bun face?

Listening to so many advantages of the Short Blue Cat, are there any small problems that need to be paid attention to in their bodies?

# 02

1. Hair-dropping monsters, walking dandelions

The hair loss of the short blue cat is very serious, and when the seasons are replaced, they will be transformed into hair-dropping monsters, which can be called "walking dandelions", where to go, where to fall. Therefore, it is also very important to groom their hair every day, and secondly, it is very comfortable to groom the cat, and it can also enhance the relationship between the shoveler and the cat owner. In terms of feeding, you can also choose a light, hair-beautifying cat food as a staple food, and add some fish oil to alleviate the hair loss.

2, extremely easy to get fat

The meaty cat looks really cute, but for The Short, it is still necessary to maintain a moderate body shape. On the one hand, the blue cat after gaining weight will be very ugly, on the other hand, obesity also has a very serious harm to the health of cats and cats. Therefore, as shovelers, we should also control their diet as much as possible, play with cats and cats often, and keep their physical health. Usually do not feed too much cat snacks, diet is not too single, it is best to eat cat food that is rich in nutrients, so that cats can maintain comprehensive nutrition. To ensure the intake of trace elements and vitamins, you can also feed some complementary foods such as cooked meat and vegetables twice a week.