
Write a new chapter in human development and progress

author:Bright Net

Write a new chapter in human development and progress

President Xi Jinping presided over the 14th BRICS Leaders' Meeting, the High-level Dialogue on Global Development and attended the opening ceremony of the BRICS Business Forum to answer the questions of the world, history and the times

Beijing, June 24 (Xinhua) -- From June 23 to 24, 2022, President Xi Jinping hosted the 14th BRICS Summit and the High-level Dialogue on Global Development by video and delivered important speeches. On June 22, President Xi Jinping also delivered a keynote speech at the opening ceremony of the BRICS Business Forum. At the end of the meeting, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi was interviewed by the central media to introduce China's hosting of the conference and explain the major ideas and far-reaching influences put forward by President Xi.

Wang Yi said that after the Sanya summit and the Xiamen summit, China hosted the BRICS leaders' meeting for the third time, which is the most important home diplomatic activity before the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, which is of great significance for jointly safeguarding international fairness and justice, reinvigorating the cause of global development, and promoting the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind.

At present, the world has entered a new period of turbulent change, the century-old changes and the century epidemic have superimposed resonance, the economic recovery is struggling, the security challenges are more prominent, and the global development cause has encountered headwinds and adverse currents. The voices of all countries for international fairness and justice have become stronger, and the people's desire for development cooperation has become more urgent. Standing at the height of the well-being of all mankind, President Xi Jinping led the BRICS meeting to form a series of pioneering, leading and institutional achievements, fully demonstrating the historical responsibility and world feelings of the leaders of major countries, and making new Chinese contributions to world peace and development.

1. Defend fairness and justice and uphold justice for the maintenance of world peace

Wang Yi said that for some time, the Cold War mentality and group politics have risen, and traditional and non-traditional security threats have emerged in an endless stream. Some countries have tried to expand their military alliances and seek absolute security, coercing other countries to choose sides and create camp confrontations, ignoring the rights and interests of other countries and engaging in solipsism. Factors of instability, uncertainty and insecurity have risen in the international situation, and the world is facing the real risk of separatism and confrontation.

Peace, like sunshine and air, is the basic element on which mankind depends for its survival and development and the ardent expectation of people all over the world. In his speech, President Xi Jinping profoundly pointed out that the tragic history of confrontation between the two world wars and the Cold War shows that hegemonism, bloc politics and camp confrontation will not bring peace and security, but will only lead to war and conflict. The Crisis in Ukraine has once again sounded the alarm bell for the world: superstitious power positions, expansion of military alliances, and the pursuit of their own security at the expense of the security of other countries will inevitably fall into security difficulties. President Xi Jinping stressed that only when everyone cherishes peace and maintains peace, and only when everyone remembers the bitter lessons of war can there be hope for peace.

President Xi Jinping put forward the global security initiative for the first time at this year's Boao Forum for Asia Annual Meeting, which received a warm response from the international community. During the BRICS Summit, President Xi Jinping further elaborated on the connotation and practical significance of the initiative, stressing that all countries should adhere to the concept of common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security; Uphold respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries; Uphold the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations; Adhere to the legitimate security concerns of all countries; Insist on the peaceful settlement of differences and disputes between states through dialogue and consultation; Persist in comprehensively maintaining security in traditional and non-traditional areas. President Xi Jinping clearly pointed out that the international community should abandon the zero-sum game, jointly oppose hegemonism and power politics, build a new type of international relations featuring mutual respect, fairness and justice, and win-win cooperation, and establish a sense of community with solidarity and common security.

President Xi Jinping also stressed that as important emerging market countries and developing powers, BRICS countries should have the courage to take responsibility and act courageously, and inject positive, stable and constructive forces into the world. It is necessary to safeguard justice, oppose hegemony, safeguard fairness, oppose bullying, safeguard unity, and oppose separatism.

It is necessary to give voice to fairness and justice, promote the international community to practice genuine multilateralism, safeguard the international system with the United Nations at its core and the international order based on international law, abandon the Cold War mentality and group confrontation, oppose unilateral sanctions and abuse of sanctions, and transcend the "small circle" of hegemonism with the "big family" of a community with a shared future for mankind.

Wang Yi said that President Xi Jinping's speech has a clear banner and a loud voice, expressing the common desire of developing countries to love peace and tranquility, oppose hegemony and power, and send out the voice of justice, peace and the times. The proposal of the global security initiative is timely and appropriate, has important practical significance and far-reaching impact, and is not only a firm support for the cause of world peace, but also a clear direction for effectively coping with the current chaotic situation. China will work with all peace-loving countries to uphold justice, uphold peace and promote the building of a global security community.

Second, focus on the theme of development and raise the flag for global development cooperation

Wang Yi said that in recent years, the global economic recovery has been difficult, the development gap between the North and the South has widened, the momentum of international development cooperation is insufficient, the development issue is increasingly marginalized in the international agenda, and the implementation of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is difficult. In view of this, President Xi Jinping put forward the Global Development Initiative at the United Nations General Assembly, which aims to promote the international community to refocus on development issues, contribute Chinese solutions and Chinese wisdom to solve development problems, and provide important public goods. To date, the initiative has been echoed by more than 100 countries and international organizations, and more than 50 countries have joined the Group of Friends of the Global Development Initiative.

At this high-level dialogue on global development, President Xi Jinping further proposed to create a development pattern of inclusive balance, coordination and inclusiveness, win-win cooperation and common prosperity, and put forward four proposals: First, jointly consolidate international consensus on promoting development, put development at the center of the international agenda, and implement the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development; The second is to jointly create an international environment conducive to development, build an open world economy, and build a more just and reasonable global governance system and institutional environment; The third is to jointly cultivate new momentum for global development, promote scientific and technological and institutional innovation, and promote the realization of stronger, greener and healthier global development; The fourth is to jointly build a global development partnership, and the two sides should move in the same direction and jointly build a united, equal, balanced and inclusive global development partnership, so that no country or person will be left behind.

President Xi Jinping also announced China's important measures to implement the global development initiative, including the establishment of the "Global Development and South-South Cooperation Fund", the increase of investment in the China-United Nations Peace and Development Fund, the establishment of the Global Development Promotion Center, the release of the Global Development Report, and the establishment of a global development knowledge network, etc., making China's contribution to mobilizing global development resources and accelerating the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The dialogue also released a list of 32 outcomes covering eight areas, including poverty reduction, food security, fight against the epidemic and vaccines, financing for development, climate change and green development, industrialization, digital economy, and connectivity in the digital age, including the establishment of the Global Partnership for Poverty Reduction and Development, the launch of the "Special Action to Promote Food Production", the establishment of the International Alliance for Cooperation in Vaccine Innovation and Research and Development, the promotion of the Establishment of a Global Clean Energy Partnership, and the establishment of a global forest sustainable management network. International forums on global development and 100,000 training seminars for developing countries. China looks forward to working with the international community to jointly implement the outcomes of the dialogue, open up the project pool for the joint participation of all parties, and inject strong impetus into accelerating the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Wang Yi said that the holding of the high-level dialogue on global development marks the beginning of the implementation of global development initiatives. In addition to the BRICS leaders, the dignitaries attending the dialogue included Indonesia, the rotating chairmanship of the Group of Twenty, Thailand, the rotating chairmanship of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation, Kazakhstan, the rotating chairmanship of the CIS, Cambodia, the rotating chairmanship of the ASEAN, Fiji, the host country of the Pacific Islands Forum, Argentina, the rotating chairmanship of the African Union, Senegal, the rotating chairman of the African Union, Uzbekistan, the rotating chairmanship of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, Algeria, the rotating chairmanship of the Arab League, as well as Egypt, Ethiopia, Malaysia. Leaders of important emerging markets and developing countries such as Iran are broadly representative and have international influence. With the theme of "Building a Global Development Partnership in the New Era and Jointly Implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development", the leaders of various countries held in-depth discussions on topics such as accelerating world economic recovery, deepening pragmatic cooperation, implementing global development initiatives, and building a global development partnership in the new era, which sounded the strong voice of the times for achieving common development and prosperity.

Third, promote win-win cooperation and open the pulse for improving the global governance system

Wang Yi said that with the changes in the international balance of forces and the increase of global challenges, strengthening global governance and promoting the reform of the governance system has become the desire of the people and the trend of the times. However, we must also realize that some countries stubbornly pursue hegemonism, unilateralism, and protectionism, politicize, instrumentalize, and weaponize the world economy, and promote the momentum of anti-globalization. The recovery of the world economy is at a critical juncture, and the reform of global governance is facing a directional choice. Openness, inclusiveness or closed exclusivity, integrated development or camp confrontation, are related to the future and destiny of all mankind.

President Xi Jinping profoundly pointed out that driving history backwards and trying to block other people's roads will only end up blocking their own roads. We must adhere to openness and inclusiveness, remove all barriers that hinder the development of productive forces, and guide and promote the healthy development of globalization; It is necessary to maintain the multilateral trading system with the World Trade Organization as the core, eliminate trade, investment and technical barriers, and promote the construction of an open world economy; It is necessary to adhere to consultation, co-construction and sharing, strengthen global economic governance, increase the representation and voice of emerging market countries and developing countries, and ensure equal rights, equal rules and equal opportunities for all countries. In view of the challenges encountered in the recovery of the world economy, President Xi Jinping pointed out that only by adhering to the same boat and unity and cooperation can we overcome the economic crisis. All parties should think and work hard to strengthen macroeconomic policy coordination to prevent the global recovery process from slowing down or even interrupting. The major developed countries should adopt responsible economic policies to avoid spillover of negative policy effects and serious impacts on developing countries.

Wang Yi said that President Xi Jinping's speech has expressed the voice of the vast number of developing countries, clarified the direction for the reform of the global governance system, and gathered strength for the recovery of the world economy. The reform of the global governance system is like a boat against the current, full of risks and challenges. China will work with emerging market countries and developing countries to adhere to the correct direction of economic globalization and promote the construction of a more just, reasonable, inclusive and inclusive global governance system.

Fourth, conform to the trend of the times and contribute to deepening BRICS cooperation

Wang Yi said that the BRICS countries account for 26% of the world's area, 42% of the population, and 25% of the total economy, representing the historical trend of the collective rise of developing powers. BRICS cooperation has gone through 16 years of history, from the establishment of the New Development Bank and emergency reserves, to the "BRICS +" cooperation model, to the establishment of the new industrial revolution partnership, BRICS cooperation is entering a stage of high-quality development. This year, China also held the first BRICS +" foreign ministers' dialogue to promote the construction of the BRICS mechanism and become the most influential platform for South-South cooperation.

At the BRICS Leaders' Meeting, President Xi Jinping put forward a four-point proposal for the future development of the BRICS: first, adhere to harmony and mutual assistance to maintain world peace and tranquility, second, adhere to cooperative development and jointly cope with risks and challenges, third, adhere to pioneering and innovation, stimulate cooperation potential and vitality, and fourth, adhere to openness and inclusiveness, and gather collective wisdom and strength. In response to the recent proposals of many countries to join the BRICS mechanism, President Xi Jinping pointed out that the BRICS is not a closed club, nor an exclusive "small circle", but a big family that watches over each other and is a good partner for win-win cooperation. Under the new situation, BRICS should open its doors to development and open its arms to promote cooperation. The expansion process should be promoted so that like-minded partners can join the BRICS family at an early date. President Xi Jinping also stressed at the opening ceremony of the BRICS Foreign Ministers' Meeting held earlier that the BRICS countries should carry out dialogue and exchanges with more emerging market countries and developing countries, so that the cake of cooperation will become bigger and bigger, the forces of progress will become stronger and stronger, and make greater contributions to building a community with a shared future for mankind.

Wang Yi said that under the guidance of President Xi Jinping' painting, the "Chinese Year" of the BRICS has yielded fruitful results and bright spots. China will host more than 170 BRICS activities in various fields throughout the year, and more than 20 ministerial meetings alone in the first half of the year, attracting more than 50 non-BRICS countries to participate, and the influence of BRICS has been expanding. This year's BRICS activities will achieve 37 major achievements, which will reach a new height of BRICS cooperation in terms of quantity and quality, which can be preliminarily summarized as "ten highlights":

The first is to issue a strong BRICS voice for safeguarding international fairness and justice. Issued the Beijing Declaration, expressed common positions on supporting multilateralism and improving the global governance system, and put forward BRICS proposals for safeguarding world peace.

The second is to consolidate the BRICS defense line against the epidemic. Launch the "BRICS Vaccine R&D Center" to build a comprehensive platform for joint R&D and production that radiates developing countries, and help build a community of human health.

The third is to make BRICS contributions to promoting the construction of an open world economy. Issued the BRICS Joint Statement on Supporting the Multilateral Trading System and WTO Reform, and put forward the BRICS Initiative on Strengthening Supply Chain Cooperation, condensing the BRICS consensus on safeguarding the multilateral trading system and improving the formulation of international trade rules.

The fourth is to highlight the BRICS action of winning the anti-corruption struggle. Through the BRICS Initiative on Rejecting Corruption As a Safe Haven, we will deepen brics pragmatic cooperation in cross-border corruption governance, fugitive recovery and recovery of stolen goods, and build a new global anti-corruption governance system.

The fifth is to build a foundation for the construction of a large market for BRICS integration. The BRICS Government Agreement on Cooperation and Administrative Mutual Assistance in Customs Affairs was signed and the BRICS Initiative on Trade, Investment and Sustainable Development was issued, providing new growth points for promoting trade facilitation and achieving economic recovery.

The sixth is to inject BRICS impetus into safeguarding global food security. Reached the first BRICS Food Security Cooperation Strategy and established the Agricultural and Rural Development Forum, demonstrating the pragmatic actions of the five countries to stabilize global food production and their positive contributions to global food security governance.

The seventh is to tap the potential of the golden brick for innovative development. Establish the "BRICS Network of Technology Transfer Centers" and hold the "Big Data Forum on Sustainable Development" to help the economic transformation and upgrading and high-quality development of the five countries.

The eighth is to expand the frontier scientific and technological cooperation of the five countries. Establish a "BRICS Space Cooperation Mechanism", promote exchanges and innovation in space science and technology, and create a BRICS model for the peaceful use of outer space and space technology to promote sustainable development.

The ninth is to seize the opportunities of the era of digital economy development. Reached the "BRICS Digital Economy Partnership Framework" and issued the "BRICS Manufacturing Digital Transformation Cooperation Initiative" to jointly achieve leapfrog development.

Ten is to build a future-oriented high-quality technical talent pool. Establish the "BRICS Vocational Education Alliance", hold vocational skills competitions, sustainable development goal solution competitions, and women's innovation competitions, and promote the connection of talent chains, industrial chains and innovation chains in the five countries.

In addition, this year, we also held a forum of BRICS political parties, think tanks and civil society organizations, carried out documentary co-production and broadcast activities, and told the BRICS story well, spread the voice of the BRICS, and promoted the acquaintment of the BRICS countries with colorful people-to-people exchange activities. We also pay attention to strengthening the construction of the BRICS mechanism, expanding brics +" cooperation, and establishing a broader partnership. We also unanimously support the discussion on advancing the BRICS expansion process and clarifying the guiding principles, standards and procedures for the expansion.

Fifth, adhere to reform and opening up, and inject Chinese impetus into the recovery of the world economy

Wang Yi said that in recent times, the new crown pneumonia epidemic has been repeated, the international situation is complex and changeable, and various factors that exceed expectations have been superimposed, and China's economy has also suffered a lot of impact. As the main engine of world economic growth, how China can resolve risks and challenges and promote high-quality development has become a common concern of the international community.

At the opening ceremony of the BRICS Business Forum, President Xi Jinping introduced China's economic situation and policy concepts, pointing out that in the face of a complex and severe domestic and foreign development environment, China adheres to the overall planning of epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development, and effectively responds to various challenges. China adheres to the supremacy of the people and the supremacy of life, builds a solid barrier for epidemic prevention and control, consolidates the achievements of epidemic prevention and control, protects people's lives and health to the greatest extent, and stabilizes the basic plan of economic and social development to the greatest extent. China will intensify macroeconomic policy adjustment, take more effective measures, and strive to achieve the annual economic and social development goals. President Xi Jinping said that China will continue to improve the level of opening up, build a new system of a higher level of open economy, and create a market-oriented, rule-of-law and international business environment. All parties are welcome to invest in China and share development opportunities. President Xi Jinping's speech was lofty and inspiring, expounding the internal laws and inevitable trends of China's economy, demonstrating the great potential and resilience of China's development, and enhancing the confidence of the outside world in China's economic prospects.

Wang Yi finally said that wanshan looks at the main peak, and the chaotic clouds are still calm. At a critical moment in the development and evolution of human history, China successfully hosted this meeting, focusing on the BRICS and surpassing the BRICS, answering the questions of the world, history and the times, and writing a colorful stroke in the history of international relations. At present, the people of Chinese are marching towards the second centenary goal with great vigor. We will take Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era and Xi Jinping Thought on Diplomacy as the guide, hold high the banner of a community with a shared future for mankind, and make new and greater contributions to realizing the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and promoting lasting peace and common development in the world.

Guangming Daily ( 2022-06-25 01 edition)

Source: Guangming Network - Guangming Daily