
In 1957, Chairman Mao ordered that Wang Shengrong be promoted from deputy to vice-provincial, what is his special status?

author:Talk to Jun about history

On September 1, 2006, Wang Shengrong, who was 99 years old, died of illness in Wuchang, and at his funeral, Yu Zhengsheng, member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and secretary of the provincial party committee, and Song Yuying, member of the standing committee of the provincial party committee, came to send him to his death.

In 1957, Chairman Mao ordered that Wang Shengrong be promoted from deputy to vice-provincial, what is his special status?

What kind of past does this name, which most people feel unfamiliar, have been able to make two such heavyweights come to mourn? Who is this man named Wang Shengrong? What kind of legend has he had? This time, we will take this old man as the protagonist and tell his story.

Little boy big capable

Wang Shengrong was born in 1907 in his hometown outside Hanyang Gate in Wuchang District, Wuhan, Hubei Province. Like most people in that era, Wang Shengrong spent a very poor life in his youth, in order to maintain his livelihood, the adults in the family lived by fishing, and when Wang Shengrong was a little older, he often helped his family to build a handle, and gradually he had the appearance of taking over the family burden.

In 1957, Chairman Mao ordered that Wang Shengrong be promoted from deputy to vice-provincial, what is his special status?

But the good times are not long, and the job of fishing will soon be unable to support a family of several people with three meals a day, let alone fill their stomachs. In order to reduce the burden on his family, Wang Shengrong, who was only thirteen years old, came to the Shanghai spinning mill alone as a child laborer, because of his industrious attitude and simple character, Wang Shengrong was very popular with his colleagues in the spinning mill, so in 1926, he was allowed to join the local textile union.

At a young age, he had already suffered a lot at that time, and he also understood the feeling of being oppressed, and the anti-oppression spirit in his bones Chinese was vividly reflected in Wang Shengrong. Since May 1926, Wang Shengrong has participated in the revolution, and he should be regarded as one of the first people to participate in the revolution, at that time Wang Shengrong was only nineteen years old, and he was also the youngest of the earliest revolutionaries.

In 1957, Chairman Mao ordered that Wang Shengrong be promoted from deputy to vice-provincial, what is his special status?

Wang Shengrong, who devoted himself to the revolutionary cause, may have secretly made a decision in his heart at this time to dedicate his life to The revolutionary cause in China.

In July 1926, Wang Shengrong joined the Communist Youth League of China, and because of his excellent performance, he successfully served as the leader of the Boy Scout League, and since then he has begun to work with the members of the League to serve the advanced youth and intellectuals of the time, and also participated in three armed uprisings of the Shanghai workers, always fighting for the forefront of the Chinese revolution.

In 1957, Chairman Mao ordered that Wang Shengrong be promoted from deputy to vice-provincial, what is his special status?

In May 1927, after a year of examination, Wang Shengrong finally officially became a member of the Communist Party of China, and in the same year was transferred to Wuhan as a traffic officer of the Hubei Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China. But if We mention Wang Shengrong's revolutionary road, we have to say that it is the "Eighty-Seven Conference."

In 1927, the Communist Party of China held the 1987Th National Congress in Hankou, and Wang Shengrong was selected to serve as the meeting's secretary and also served as a defense worker. The party organization at this meeting profoundly examined its past behavior and summed up the lessons and reasons for the failure of the great revolution, and it was also at this meeting that Wang Shengrong met Chairman Mao for the first time.

In 1957, Chairman Mao ordered that Wang Shengrong be promoted from deputy to vice-provincial, what is his special status?

In addition to listening to Chairman Mao's speech at the meeting, the two people also had an in-depth exchange after the meeting, Chairman Mao was surprised by the teenager's profound views on the current social and revolutionary issues, and the revolutionary road planned by Chairman Mao and the ideal of new China also made Wang Shengrong feel enthusiastic, and this meeting formed an indissoluble relationship for the two and also became the starting point of Wang Shengrong's clear revolutionary direction.

In order to cultivate revolutionary talents, under the arrangement of the organization, Wang Shengrong was sent to the cultural study class of Sun Yat-sen University in Moscow, the Soviet Union, mainly to learn relevant political and military knowledge, and the accompanying personnel also included Zhang Wentian, Wang Jiaxiang and others, who all played an important role in the party revolution in the later period.

In 1957, Chairman Mao ordered that Wang Shengrong be promoted from deputy to vice-provincial, what is his special status?

In three years, Wang Shengrong finally returned to China after completing his studies and set foot on his homeland again, his heart was more sober than ever, facing the old China in front of him, even if he knew that there were more difficulties ahead, he would never back down.

A thousand shots to save the war

After returning to China, Wang Shengrong was sent to various places to hold various positions, and as long as there was a need for him, no matter where he was, no matter how difficult it was, battlefield or logistics, he would not hesitate to go there.

In 1957, Chairman Mao ordered that Wang Shengrong be promoted from deputy to vice-provincial, what is his special status?

In 1931, the Fourth Plenary Session of the Sixth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China was held in Shanghai. After the meeting, Wang Ming grasped the supreme leadership of our party at that time, but due to his wrong command, our party suffered huge losses. In November of the same year, the CCP held the first congress of the CPC's Party organization in ruijinyeping, Jiangxi, also known as the Gannan Conference.

Because Chairman Mao did not have actual leadership at that time, and his ideas were not widely accepted, Xiang Ying, who was presiding over the meeting at that time, criticized Mao Zedong at the meeting and passed the "Political Resolution" at the meeting, so Chairman Mao was removed from the post of acting secretary of the Central Bureau of the Soviet Union at that time.

In 1957, Chairman Mao ordered that Wang Shengrong be promoted from deputy to vice-provincial, what is his special status?

Even so, Chairman Mao's own talents could not be ignored, and according to the instructions of the Comintern at that time, China at that time needed to establish a Chinese Soviet Republic in areas where the revolutionary development was relatively mature, so as to further promote the CCP's revolutionary influence in the country.

At that time, the Jinggangshan Revolutionary Base Area was successfully elected as the base for the establishment of the Soviet Republic because of its extremely high influence, and Mao Zedong in Ruijin was also elected chairman of the (provisional) central government of the Chinese Soviet Republic. But as the revolutionary clique led by Wang Ming took root in the base areas, they gradually excluded Mao Zedong.

In 1957, Chairman Mao ordered that Wang Shengrong be promoted from deputy to vice-provincial, what is his special status?

In the winter of 1932, Mao Zedong was conducting investigations and studies in Gannan Province, and it was here that the relationship between Chairman Mao and Wang Shengrong was once again deepened. Because it coincided with the meeting of the Chinese Soviet Republic, which had to be attended by Mao Zedong, who was the chairman at the time, Wang Shengrong was selected as a liaison officer and ordered him to quickly notify Mao Zedong to come to the meeting.

Wang Shengrong, who learned of this news, immediately set off, because at that time, the place was not peaceful, he also carried a platoon of combat strength, day and night finally arrived in Gannan, before he could breathe a sigh of relief, he heard the sound of gunfire in the village in front, and Wang Shengrong immediately led the team into the village in front.

In 1957, Chairman Mao ordered that Wang Shengrong be promoted from deputy to vice-provincial, what is his special status?

When he came in, he found that the guards around Chairman Mao had clashed with the local reactionary organizations, and seeing that the chairman's side was gradually weakening due to lack of manpower, he hurried up to help. At that time, because the chairman's physical condition was not very good, and the reactionaries probably also saw this point before they came to attack, Wang Shengrong almost desperately tried to save the chairman from the inside.

It was also this experience that Wang Shengrong left a deeper impression on Chairman Mao, and it may be because of this incident that the grievances suffered by Wang Shengrong were revealed.

In 1957, Chairman Mao ordered that Wang Shengrong be promoted from deputy to vice-provincial, what is his special status?

After several tribulations, it will eventually come to light

At the beginning of 1933, because of the shortage of funds in the Shanghai Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, it happened that the Red Army had received a large amount of money from Zhangzhou, and it thought of sending people to send this money to maintain. This money totaled twenty thousand US dollars, which is not a small amount, so the person who sent the money could not withstand the temptation to abscond with the money, and after hearing this news, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China had to raise funds again and sent higher-ranking people to go forward, but the result was again unsatisfactory.

At this time, some people recommended that Wang Shengrong go forward, Wang Shengrong's party is notoriously simple and sincere, the ability is also good, the organization has thought about it several times, and finally decided to believe him, the unit came to prevent the previous situation from happening again, and there are two accompanying guards to protect him, in fact, it is also another kind of surveillance.

In 1957, Chairman Mao ordered that Wang Shengrong be promoted from deputy to vice-provincial, what is his special status?

In order to ensure the safety of funds, Wang Shengrong did not take the road that recently arrived in Shanghai, but all the way from Jiangxi, through Guangdong, Hong Kong, and then along the waterway to Shanghai, because the time spent on the road is too long, the organization must think that this time it is the wrong person, Shanghai just came to the news, the support money has arrived, a lot of money.

In this way, Wang Shengrong once again let the party organization witness his personal character and ability, after which he was often assigned various tasks, and also led the Red Army to fight, and every time it was handed over to him, he was able to complete it very well.

In 1950, Wang Shengrong was working in the Ministry of Industry at the time, he suddenly received a task of producing tungsten sand to prepare for export, this order was issued when the requirement was to produce 10,000 tons per year, in the domestic situation at that time, this was actually impossible, this task reached the hands of Wang Shengrong, he first went to the field to investigate, only to find that the equipment for producing tungsten sand at that time was very backward, which made him also a headache.

In 1957, Chairman Mao ordered that Wang Shengrong be promoted from deputy to vice-provincial, what is his special status?

At this time, Wang Shengrong unexpectedly learned that Chiang Kai-shek had 1,000 tons of tungsten sand in Hong Kong, and he thought that he could sell this batch of goods and then buy advanced machines, then the production efficiency would be greatly improved later, but he did not do it at once, Wang Shengrong was not such an impulsive person, he immediately called Premier Zhou, expounded his ideas, and only implemented it after getting the approval of the Prime Minister.

These advanced machines played a very big role at that time, promoting the efficiency of China's industrial production, but everything did not go as expected. The following year, people with hearts once used the excuse to slander Wang Shengrong for selling state-owned assets, and in an instant, Wang Shengrong changed from a hero of state construction to a traitor who infringed on state property, and he was thus demoted to the deputy director of the Zhongnan Construction Engineering Department.

Until 1957, Chairman Mao went to all parts of the country to inspect, and when he arrived in Hubei, the officials accompanying him did not see the teenager who had saved him. He asked the people around him, "Where is Wang Shengrong?" But the people around them were all dazed.

In 1957, Chairman Mao ordered that Wang Shengrong be promoted from deputy to vice-provincial, what is his special status?

After several searches, the crowd found him at the Zhongnan Construction Engineering Office, and after learning what Wang Shengrong had suffered over the years, Chairman Mao was also very sorry; after contacting Premier Zhou to confirm that Wang Shengrong was completely wronged, he immediately ordered Wang Shengrong to be transferred to the Hubei Provincial Metallurgical Factory as the director of the department, and enjoyed the treatment of vice-provincial level.


On September 1, 2006, Wang Shengrong died in Wuchang at the age of 99. This old man dedicated his life to the founding and construction of New China. In his lifetime, he has been treated unfairly many times, but he has always maintained his original intention and never wavered.

Some people commented that he was too honest and did not know how to cater, but if not, would he still be the Wang Shengrong who would rather go around most of China and complete the task? Fortunately, justice did not come too late for him, and he also enjoyed the honor he deserved.

The hero is late, Wang Shengrong's life has experienced all kinds of ups and downs, he is not anxious when he is glorious, he is not complaining about the world when he is lost, he sees through the world, and he is willing to dedicate his life, born into death, regardless of gains and losses, he deserves to be remembered by us.