
After arriving in Taichung at the age of 62, Zheng Jiemin died violently, Chiang Kai-shek: If he did not die, he would flee to the United States



In 1949, Chiang Kai-shek was defeated and fled to Taiwan, and along with him left the mainland, bai chongxi, Yan Xishan, and Chen Cheng.

After arriving in Taiwan, Chiang Kai-shek changed his previous style of doing things and began to focus on cultivating Chiang Ching-kuo as his successor, and his attitude toward bai Chongxi's "old people" was also different from the past, so the death of many "old ministers" was considered to be related to Chiang Kai-shek by the outside world.

In 1959, Chiang Kai-shek's right-hand man Zheng Jiewen was found dead in his bedroom by his wife Ke Shufang, and his death caught people off guard, and some people pointed the spearhead directly at Chiang Kai-shek, believing that this matter was related to Chiang Kai-shek, because Chiang Kai-shek was very concerned about the affairs of Zheng Jiemin's brother and eldest son in the United States, and even said: "When you go to the United States, I will send you off." In this case, what is the matter, and why did Zheng Jiemin die?

After arriving in Taichung at the age of 62, Zheng Jiemin died violently, Chiang Kai-shek: If he did not die, he would flee to the United States

The military command expert died suddenly

On the evening of December 11, 1959, after Ke Shufang returned home after watching a movie, he found Zheng Jiemin collapsed on the floor of his bedroom, and was already lifeless, and then, Taiwan's Central News Agency Taipei reported that Zheng Jiemin died of a heart attack at the age of 62.

There are many opinions in various circles in Taiwan about the cause of Zheng Jiemin's death, and a large part of the voices indicate that Zheng Jiemin's death is closely related to Chiang Kai-shek.

Because before this, Zheng Jiemin was harshly reprimanded by Chiang Kai-shek for various reasons, and even on the day of his death, the two had a meeting, what happened to make a generation of "military unification experts" end up with such a desolate posture?

After arriving in Taichung at the age of 62, Zheng Jiemin died violently, Chiang Kai-shek: If he did not die, he would flee to the United States

At that time, there was a man named Huang Yanghui in Taiwan, whose real face was that of Liao Wenyi, the "Great President of the Republic of Taiwan", but Chiang Kai-shek regarded him as a Communist Party. Huang Yanghui has been vigorously agitating for "Taiwan independence" activities in Taiwan, and even wants to replace Chiang Kai-shek, which makes Chiang Kai-shek hate him to the bone.

On August 12, 1959, in order to relieve Chiang Kai-shek's troubles, Zheng Jiemin ordered the arrest of more than 30 Communist Party members in the Kaohsiung area, and finally captured Huang Yanghui with great difficulty, but unfortunately, on November 30, after the Americans visited the prison, Huang Yanghui mysteriously disappeared, at that time Zheng Jiemin had close relations with the United States, which made Chiang Kai-shek suspicious of Zheng Jiemin.

After arriving in Taichung at the age of 62, Zheng Jiemin died violently, Chiang Kai-shek: If he did not die, he would flee to the United States

In December, Zheng Jiemin still failed to arrest Huang Yanghui, so Chiang Kai-shek used the name of "inspecting and rebuilding the disaster area" to let Zheng Jiemin accompany him. In Taichung, Chiang Kai-shek became increasingly dissatisfied with The results of Zheng Jiemin's handling of the Huang Yanghui incident and ordered Zheng Jiemin to arrest Huang Yanghui within three days.

Huang Yanghui's incident reminded Chiang Kai-shek of Zheng Jiemin's relationship with the United States, not long ago, Zheng Jiemin had given his brother Zheng Tingfeng a guarantee to let Zheng Tingfeng go to the United States to investigate, but now he has not returned; Zheng Jiemin's son, Zheng Xinping, was also sent to the United States to study in the United States by Zheng Jiemin through the method of "leaving Taiwan in a curve", all of which made Chiang Kai-shek suspect that Zheng Jiemin was colluding with the United States.

After the three-day deadline, Huang Yanghui still had not yet arrived at the case, Chiang Kai-shek's patience had been exhausted, and he ordered Zheng Jiemin to be remembered more than twice, so that he could continue to arrest Huang Yanghui, and if it was not done well, all the personnel would be dealt with according to military law, but Zheng Jiemin had not yet waited for military law, and he waited for his own death date.

On December 11, Chiang Kai-shek invited Zheng Jiemin to sun and moon lake to enjoy the moon, and the meetings for several days had already exhausted Zheng Jiemin's strength, but he did not dare to refuse Chiang Kai-shek's orders, and could only go to the appointment with a hard scalp.

Boats swayed in the lake, Chiang Kai-shek and Zheng Jiemin each settled in a corner, but under the seemingly calm surface was an undercurrent, and not long after, the attendant brought a plate of watermelon. "Yao Quan, eat watermelon."

Chiang Kai-shek picked up a piece of watermelon and put it in Zheng Jiemin's hand, and then said with a slight feeling: "In the big winter, it is really not easy to eat watermelon." ”

Too late to think about whether Chiang Kai-shek had something to say, Zheng Jiemin stared at the watermelon in his hand, only to feel that today's watermelon was not as red as usual, as if it was his own blood, "Am I going to die here today?" Thinking of this, Zheng Jiemin shivered and suddenly felt that this place should not stay for a long time.

After arriving in Taichung at the age of 62, Zheng Jiemin died violently, Chiang Kai-shek: If he did not die, he would flee to the United States

"Yao Quan, eat melon, this watermelon is very sweet." Seeing that Zheng Jiemin did not react, Chiang Kai-shek urged.

There was no way, Zheng Jiemin had to make a gesture of eating melons, and when Chiang Kai-shek did not pay attention, he took the opportunity to throw the melons that he had eaten a few bites into the lake. After eating the melon, the two chatted for a few more minutes, and Zheng Jiemin set off to return home, at this time, he already felt a tingle in his heart, and he was very uncomfortable.

After returning home, Zheng Jiemin told Ke Shufang about today's day, and both of them were uneasy in their hearts. After dinner, a friend asked Ke Shufang to go to the movie together, worried about Zheng Jiemin's body, Ke Shufang wanted to refuse, but Zheng Jiemin said that he was not in the way, let her go at ease, not to think, this other, is actually the sky and people are separated.

The death of Zheng Jiemin aroused the curiosity of the general public. From being lonely and nameless to being in a high position, Zheng Jiemin can be called Chiang Kai-shek's right-hand man, what really happened to make the relationship between Zheng Jiemin and Chiang Kai-shek begin to become so turbulent?

After arriving in Taichung at the age of 62, Zheng Jiemin died violently, Chiang Kai-shek: If he did not die, he would flee to the United States

Persist in opposing communism and throwing oneself into Chiang Kai-shek

Zheng Jiemin, whose original name was Zheng Tingbing, was born into a family of failed landlords. The ruined family did not affect Zheng Jiemin's ambition, when he was 17 years old in middle school, he had secretly joined the Qiongya militia organized by Sun Yat-sen, and was accidentally discovered by the warlords, and had no choice but to change his name to Jiemin.

In 1924, the Whampoa Military Academy was founded, and Zheng Jiemin actively applied for the examination, and finally was admitted the following year.

After that, Zheng Jiemin actively studied and studied assiduously, and at the same time, through the introduction of his fellow villager Huang Zhenwu, he met He Zhihan, Pan Youqiang, Yang Yinzhi and others, and carried out anti-communist activities together, which also laid the groundwork for him to gain the favor of Chiang Kai-shek later.

After arriving in Taichung at the age of 62, Zheng Jiemin died violently, Chiang Kai-shek: If he did not die, he would flee to the United States

On April 12, 1927, Chiang Kai-shek launched a counter-revolutionary coup in Shanghai, and Zheng Jiemin, who was studying in Moscow, wrote the book "National Struggle and Class Struggle", in which he criticized the rule of the Communist Party and believed that Marxism-Leninism was not suitable for China... His distinct anti-communist attitude was appreciated by Chiang Kai-shek.

At the beginning of 1928, Chiang Kai-shek made a comeback in the field, Zheng Jiemin finally found a way to get close to Chiang Kai-shek after many inquiries, and when he was summoned by Chiang Kai-shek, he clearly stated that he adhered to the anti-communist ideology, and finally he was transferred to Chiang Kai-shek's side as an aide-de-camp and responsible for secret service work.

After arriving in Taichung at the age of 62, Zheng Jiemin died violently, Chiang Kai-shek: If he did not die, he would flee to the United States

But it wasn't until 1929 that Zheng Jiemin was reused by Chiang Kai-shek.

In June 1928, Zhang Xueliang announced the change of the northeast, the contradictions between the Gui clan suddenly sharpened, the Gui clan forces began to develop sharply, Chiang Kai-shek saw the situation and worried, worried that the Gui clan would affect his dictatorship, so he decided to disintegrate the Gui clan army. Sensing Chiang Kai-shek's thoughts, Zheng Jiemin volunteered and took the brunt of the demand to break into the Gui clan.

Zheng Jiemin and Li Zongren's younger brother Li Zongyi had a deep friendship when they were studying at Sun Yat-sen University in Moscow, and Zheng Jiemin planned to use this relationship to break into each other's internal affairs.

He first pretended to be unemployed, and then ran to Wuhan to find Li Zongyi, Li Zongyi saw that he was ragged and poor, so he immediately tried to find a way to help him, not only let him live in the same room with himself, but even bought clothes for Zheng Jiemin to let him go out to meet guests, at that time Li Zongyi's status in the fourth group was very high, and everyone saw that he treated Zheng Jiemin so kindly, so they also gave Zheng Jiemin courtesy.

After arriving in Taichung at the age of 62, Zheng Jiemin died violently, Chiang Kai-shek: If he did not die, he would flee to the United States

Zheng Jiemin took these opportunities to steal important information from Li Zongren, and at the same time attracted many confidential personnel, and out of trust in what he did, Li Zongyi has never doubted.

At the end of March 1929, the Chiang Kai-shek War broke out, and when Chiang Kai-shek led people to attack liujiamiao, Li Mingrui and Yang Tenghui, who had already been bribed by Zheng Jiemin, had retreated to other places, and the next day they announced their obedience to the "central authorities", and the remaining Gui forces could not resist Chiang Kai-shek's army, and Chiang Kai-shek easily won the war.

Afterwards, when Zheng Jiemin returned to Nanjing from Wuhan to return to Chiang Kai-shek, he also returned the passbook with the remaining activity funds to Chiang Kai-shek, and Chiang Kai-shek became more satisfied with him and used it more and more.

In addition to the civil war, Zheng Jiemin's prediction of international war is also very successful.

In the summer and autumn of 1944, Zheng Jiemin and the US army discussed the time to open a second battlefield, when many officers of the US army were getting axes in banmen, one year, the next next year, only Zheng Jiemin chose to speculate from the entire war situation.

After arriving in Taichung at the age of 62, Zheng Jiemin died violently, Chiang Kai-shek: If he did not die, he would flee to the United States

Zheng Jiemin believes that the second battlefield is imminent, the forces of all sides are ready to be in place, and it will not be delayed until the second year at the latest, and his statement has been denied by everyone.

But then Zheng Jiemin came to the conclusion that August 18 was the most likely to land on August 18 according to the high tide law on the British coast, and everyone scoffed, thinking that he was dreaming.

Soon after, however, the prophecy was staged, and the Allies landed from Normandy in those days, and Zheng Jiemin's clever deeds were widely praised, and he also won Chiang Kai-shek's attention.

However, contrary to Zheng Jiemin's excellent intelligence ability, he is not very straightforward in his style of doing things, and many colleagues within the Kuomintang are quite dissatisfied with him, and the reason is that he is self-interested and half-truth, and it is difficult to be respected.

After arriving in Taichung at the age of 62, Zheng Jiemin died violently, Chiang Kai-shek: If he did not die, he would flee to the United States

Void and snake in the private pocket

On March 17, 1946, Dai Kasa, deputy director of the Kuomintang Military Command Bureau, died in a plane crash, and Zheng Jiemin finally got the position of director of his heart.

A few days later, Shen Drunk, who had a deep friendship with Dai Kasa, reported the details of Dai Kasa's death to Zheng Jiemin, and when he heard that Dai Kasa had been violently killed for three days in Jiangning County near Nanjing, Zheng Jiemin not only did not regret his colleagues, but even sneered: "It is really humiliating, a leader died for three days before being discovered, and it is a joke to be known." ”

Zheng Jiemin's wife Ke Shufang was not idle on the side, and when she opened her mouth, she asked Shen Drunk about the cars, houses, and other objects that Dai Kasa had waited for in Nanjing and Shanghai, and Zheng Jiemin sat quietly and watched from the sidelines, and waited until Ke Shufang was finished, and then pretended to make a decision, so that Shen Drunk quickly dealt with the enemy and counterfeit industries received by various places, so that others would not also covet Dai Kasa's belongings.

Dai Kasa's death invisibly unveiled Zheng Jiemin's false Qinggao hat, after which, Zheng Jiemin, who coveted profits, became more and more uncontrollable, and even began to use the power in his hands for his own profit.

After arriving in Taichung at the age of 62, Zheng Jiemin died violently, Chiang Kai-shek: If he did not die, he would flee to the United States

At that time, gasoline was in short supply in the southwest region, and if gasoline was transported from Shanghai to the southwest, each barrel of gasoline was profitable, which was a good business to make a steady profit, but the China Merchants Bureau, which was responsible for allocating ships, had many concerns because of the danger of gasoline, and ordinary people could not make profits through this channel.

Coincidentally, the Military Command Bureau has a guard inspection team in the China Merchants Bureau, which knows a lot of the inside story of the China Merchants Bureau, and it is always difficult for the China Merchants Bureau to refuse the request of the Military Command Bureau, and Zheng Jiemin, as the director of the Military Command Bureau, seized this "opportunity." ”

In the autumn of 1946, Shen Drunk went to the Zheng family for dinner at the invitation of Ke Shufang, and at the banquet, he saw Lu Genquan, a businessman who had asked him to help transport gasoline a few days ago.

After arriving in Taichung at the age of 62, Zheng Jiemin died violently, Chiang Kai-shek: If he did not die, he would flee to the United States

During the meal, Zheng Jiemin called back and asked Shen Drunk to help Lu Genquan buy 1,000 barrels of oil in Shanghai, and transport it to Chongqing together with the 5,000 barrels of oil purchased by the Military Command Bureau, in the face of Zheng Jiemin's request, Shen Jiemin had no other choice but to do so, although before that, he had rejected Lu Genquan with official reasons, and now he had to punch himself in the face, and this phone call alone, Zheng Jiemin recorded more than 1,000 gold in the account, which was called a huge profit.

At the same time, Zheng Jiemin not only hid his selfish intentions when making profits, but also hid it in the face of national war, so he was not honest.

In November 1948, before the Battle of Huaihai began, zheng Jiemin, who was extremely politically sensitive, was keenly aware of the unfavorable nature of the situation, and the building was about to fall, so he began to ask Ke Shufang to take care of all kinds of family assets and prepare to go to Taiwan at any time.

After arriving in Taichung at the age of 62, Zheng Jiemin died violently, Chiang Kai-shek: If he did not die, he would flee to the United States

However, in a very different way from his behavior, when his party colleagues asked him what he thought of the war, Zheng Jiemin swore: "The Communist Party will not fight the initiative, and this decisive battle in Xuzhou is the starting point for us to turn defeat into victory, and we can take this opportunity to recover North China and Northeast China." ”

At the time of saying this, Ke Shufang was still cleaning up assets at home. Before the huaihai campaign was over, the Zheng family's assets in Nanjing had been transferred almost completely, leaving only houses and furniture that was inconvenient to take away, and the colleagues who listened to Zheng Jiemin's lies were still in the dark at that time, and could only wait for defeat and flee.

The loss of character will only increase the resistance to Zheng Jiemin's work, but the loss of trust hangs a sword of "Damocles" on Zheng Jiemin's head, and it is not surprising that this sword really fell.

After arriving in Taichung at the age of 62, Zheng Jiemin died violently, Chiang Kai-shek: If he did not die, he would flee to the United States

Lose trust and your life is in danger

In fact, long before the Huang Yanghui incident, Chiang Kai-shek was already wary of Zheng Jiemin.

In March 1959, when Zheng Jiemin visited the United States, he was received by the United States, and the Americans also gave him a check for ten million US dollars for Zheng Jiemin to use freely.

After arriving in Taichung at the age of 62, Zheng Jiemin died violently, Chiang Kai-shek: If he did not die, he would flee to the United States

After returning to Taiwan to report to Chiang Kai-shek, Zheng Jiemin solemnly handed the check to Chiang Kai-shek, which surprised Chiang Kai-shek, and after a few seconds of hesitation, he returned to normal, pretending to be relieved to comfort him: "Oh, Yaoquan, don't be so polite, since the Americans gave it to you, you just put it away." ”

Zheng Jiemin knew very well in his heart that after Chiang Kai-shek arrived in Taiwan, he had been deliberately alienating himself, and if he did not handle this matter properly, the consequences would be unimaginable, so he saw clearly Chiang Kai-shek's deep meaning and resolutely refused: "No, President, this money was given by the Americans.

Chiang Kai-shek did not give him a chance to continue his defense: "Yaoquan, since the Americans gave it to you, you should accept it, otherwise they will think that we have opinions, and you must use your own strength to contribute to the country, without worrying about these details." ”

The pretentious Chiang Kai-shek made Zheng Jiemin deeply uneasy, he knew that there were many things wrong with his past practices, but he did not know when the superficial peace would collapse. Sure enough, it wasn't long before the masquerade's calm could no longer be maintained.

In the winter of 1959, Zheng Tingfeng went to the United States under the sponsorship of Zheng Jiemin. It is also a pity that Zheng Jiemin and his colleagues have been to Egypt, the United States and other places many times in the past, only Zheng Tingfeng, busy with civil war and work, has not been able to go out to investigate.

So in 1957, when giving Zheng Jiemin his 60th birthday, Zheng Tingfeng put forward the idea of going out to investigate, and finally made the trip two years later, but he did not expect that this would be his brother's catalyst.

After arriving in Taichung at the age of 62, Zheng Jiemin died violently, Chiang Kai-shek: If he did not die, he would flee to the United States

The unique human geography and democratic freedom of the United States have deeply attracted Zheng Tingfeng, and Zheng Jiemin's friends in the United States have retained him many times, and Zheng Tingfeng's return date has been postponed again and again.

At that time, Chiang Kai-shek was furious because Zheng Jiemin could not catch Huang Yanghui, thinking that Zheng Tingfeng was in the United States, zheng Xinping was also in the United States, he felt more and more that Zheng Jiemin was colluding with the United States, and on December 4, Zheng Jiemin's brother Zheng Tingji was pardoned by the central government, which further deepened Chiang Kai-shek's suspicions about Zheng Jiemin.

After arriving in Taichung at the age of 62, Zheng Jiemin died violently, Chiang Kai-shek: If he did not die, he would flee to the United States

A few days later, on December 11, Chiang Kai-shek summoned Zheng Jiemin, and after a painless greeting, Zheng Jiemin returned home and drove to Hexi that night.

Regarding the death of Zheng Jiemin, Chiang Kai-shek expressed great regret and twice personally went to the funeral home to mourn, and on the 31st, the Taiwan authorities also issued a "commendation order" to posthumously promote Zheng Jiemin to "a first-class army general." ”

Learning the news of his brother's death, Zheng Tingfeng also hurried back to Taiwan, but the matter has become a foregone conclusion, Zheng Tingfeng is powerless to know the detailed inside story, but since then his temperament has changed greatly, not like the past dashing and cheerful, but has become addicted to reticence, perhaps, he is also regretting what he did, but the wood has become a boat, and it is useless to think more.

After arriving in Taichung at the age of 62, Zheng Jiemin died violently, Chiang Kai-shek: If he did not die, he would flee to the United States


From a no-name pawn to a political official, Zheng Jiemin's life can be called a counterattack, but no matter how many meritorious deeds have been destroyed after Chiang Kai-shek became suspicious of him, it cannot be said that it is a sad life.

Regardless of the past or the future, the reunification of the motherland is an established fact, no matter who or what happens, can not affect the trend of the times, anyone who tries to split the country, can not be forgiven, Zheng Jiemin, others are the same.

After arriving in Taichung at the age of 62, Zheng Jiemin died violently, Chiang Kai-shek: If he did not die, he would flee to the United States


"1" Ou Daxiong. Gui Su General Zheng Tingdi[M].Hainan. Nanhai Press.2016.537-538

"2" Wu Dehui. The Ugly History of Ancient China Illustrated Secret Edition No. 8[M].Jilin. Jilin Photography Publishing House.2001.4721-4724

"3" Pan Wang. Senior generals of the Kuomintang and the Communist Party of China who came out of the Whampoa Military Academy2[M].Beijing. Communist Party History Publishing House.2016.272

"4" Zhang An. Ten Secret Agents of the Republic of China[M].Beijing. Taiwan Straits Publishing House.2013.160-161

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