
More than 6,000 sheep died suddenly, leading to the Chemical Weapons Conspiracy of the United States, which can kill people in just 10 milligrams


In 1968, there was a small village in the United States, the animal husbandry industry in this village was very developed, almost every household had cattle and sheep, and the locals lived plainly and happily.

But one day, all 6,000 sheep they kept on the mountain died mysteriously, without any trauma or traces of being eaten by beasts, why did they all die overnight, and the number was so large.

More than 6,000 sheep died suddenly, leading to the Chemical Weapons Conspiracy of the United States, which can kill people in just 10 milligrams

The more the locals thought about it, the more terrifying they became, so they called the police. After the police came, they did not find anything wrong, the police sent a veterinarian to do an autopsy examination of these sheep, or did not find out where the problem was, the police also felt that this matter was not simple, they reported it to the superior department.

The higher authorities also attached great importance to this matter, so they sent a large-scale police force to conduct a carpet search of the area, and finally found that the US Military's Dagwell Experimental Base was not far from the village.

More than 6,000 sheep died suddenly, leading to the Chemical Weapons Conspiracy of the United States, which can kill people in just 10 milligrams

The police believe that the bizarre death of these 6,000 sheep must be inseparable from the Dagwell experimental base, but the person in charge of the Dagwei experimental base refuses to admit that as this matter becomes more and more noisy, the whole United States is alarmed, and finally the experimental base really cannot withstand the pressure of public opinion, and has to admit that the deaths of these sheep are indeed related to them.

It turned out that a few days ago, the U.S. military at the Dagwell Experimental Base was preparing to experiment with the newly developed chemical, and as a result, the F-4 fighter carrying this chemical was flying over the hill where the sheep were located, and a sealed tank on the plane leaked, and the material fell to the ground, contaminating the grassland in this large area, and the sheep all died within a few hours because they ate the contaminated grass.

More than 6,000 sheep died suddenly, leading to the Chemical Weapons Conspiracy of the United States, which can kill people in just 10 milligrams

The death of these sheep also exposed the terrible plan of the US military to develop biological and chemical weapons, and the local people and the American people expressed strong dissatisfaction and condemnation, because if these chemicals did not fall on the hillside, but fell in the village, the consequences would be unimaginable, and the entire village could die.

More than 6,000 sheep died suddenly, leading to the Chemical Weapons Conspiracy of the United States, which can kill people in just 10 milligrams

So what exactly is this chemical that is so toxic?

This chemical is actually called VX nerve agent( VX nerve agent), first discovered by the British in 1952, this nerve agent can be said to be the most toxic nerve agent at present, and it is also one of the deadliest chemical weapons in the world today.

VX nerve agent is a colorless and odorless oily liquid, after it encounters oxygen, it will become a gas, so it is generally impossible to detect this agent, when the human body inhales this gas or skin comes into contact with it, then people will be poisoned in a few seconds.

After poisoning, VX nerve agent will act on enzymes that control the glands and muscles of the body, and the muscles will continue to produce convulsions, spasms and paralysis, and eventually people will suffocate to death, and people generally only have about 15 minutes from poisoning to death.

More than 6,000 sheep died suddenly, leading to the Chemical Weapons Conspiracy of the United States, which can kill people in just 10 milligrams

As the king of neurotoxicity, VX nerve agent only needs 10 mg to kill people, and 500 ml of VX nerve agent is spread in the air, killing tens of thousands of people. Moreover, VX nerve agent is also a persistent agent that can play a terrifying role for hours or even days in a row.

More than 6,000 sheep died suddenly, leading to the Chemical Weapons Conspiracy of the United States, which can kill people in just 10 milligrams

The Dagwell Experimental Base in the United States is actually studying such a terrible thing, which makes the world shudder, and their security measures are so inadequate, which makes everyone panic.

In fact, the infamous Dagwell Experimental Base in the United States is not the first time that such a thing has occurred.

Founded in 1942 to test a wide variety of chemical sprays, flamethrowers and incendiary bombs during World War II, the Dagwell Experimental Base was shut down after world war II, but biological and chemical weapons were studied after the outbreak of the Korean War in 1950. Although the experiments carried out here are extremely dangerous, the security work here can be said to be a mess, and the incident of the sheep's violent death only opens a frightening memo.

More than 6,000 sheep died suddenly, leading to the Chemical Weapons Conspiracy of the United States, which can kill people in just 10 milligrams

In 2004, the Dagwell Proving Ground mailed 86 groups of Bacillus anthracis samples to other collaborating laboratories for the development of biochemical monitoring instruments, drugs or vaccines, but 17 of them were still active and did not inactivate, and these activated Bacillus anthracis were sent to hundreds of laboratories in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Japan;

In 2011, the Dagwell Weapons Test Site was emergencily cordoned off after a small vial of VX nerve agent was lost;

In 2017, there was a 1.5 ml gap in the stockpile of sarin gas at the Dagwe's weapons test site, which is also a highly toxic gas that can cause people to die in a very painful way in just a few minutes.


More than 6,000 sheep died suddenly, leading to the Chemical Weapons Conspiracy of the United States, which can kill people in just 10 milligrams

Moreover, the Dagwell Experimental Base is only one of the many biochemical bases in the United States, and there are many biochemical bases in the United States that have great loopholes in the security, such as the U.S. Army Biochemical Warfare Research Laboratory, the 257 Laboratory, the Fort Detrick Laboratory...

According to incomplete statistics, the United States has hundreds of biological laboratories in the world, all over the world, all over the world, Southeast Asia, Central Asia, Eastern Europe, the Middle East and other parts of the world.

We can't help but wonder why the United States needs to build so many laboratories, and what exactly are they doing in the laboratories?

More than 6,000 sheep died suddenly, leading to the Chemical Weapons Conspiracy of the United States, which can kill people in just 10 milligrams

Terrible biological and chemical weapons have been used on the battlefield many times in previous wars, and people have also seen their huge lethality, which has tormented and injured many peoples. However, the lessons of history still do not sound the alarm bell of some countries, which is sad.

In World War I, warring countries used various biological and chemical weapons such as chlorine gas, sarin, and mustard gas, resulting in more than 100,000 deaths and more than 1 million injuries. In view of the mass destruction and inhumanity of chemical and biological weapons, on June 17, 1925, more than 30 countries, including the United States, signed the Geneva Protocol in Geneva, Switzerland, which prohibits the use of any biological and chemical weapons in war.

More than 6,000 sheep died suddenly, leading to the Chemical Weapons Conspiracy of the United States, which can kill people in just 10 milligrams

But in the 1930s, when World War II broke out, countries began to develop biological and chemical weapons, especially the United States, Germany and Japan. In 1941, the United States established the Biological Warfare Commission; German study of Y. pestis, Vibrio cholerae, yellow fever virus; Japan, represented by the terrible Unit 731, studied bacteriological weapons and experimented with chinese living people, bringing great disasters and suffering to the Chinese people.

More than 6,000 sheep died suddenly, leading to the Chemical Weapons Conspiracy of the United States, which can kill people in just 10 milligrams

In 1971, the United Nations developed a draft Biological Weapons Convention, which entered into force in 1975 and, by 2011, 162 countries around the world had signed the Convention.

Ironically, however, the convention does not seem to be binding on the United States, and the use of chemical weapons has continued in the Iraq War and the Syrian War.

More than 6,000 sheep died suddenly, leading to the Chemical Weapons Conspiracy of the United States, which can kill people in just 10 milligrams

In fact, as early as 2001, the Biological Weapons Convention recognized the need to develop verification and punishment mechanisms, otherwise the Convention would be a dead letter, so the United Nations decided to establish a verification team composed of experts from each State party, and if any State party was found to have failed to meet the provisions of the Convention, it would be punished according to the regulations.

However, of all the States parties, the United States is the only one who is resolutely opposed, and has been opposed for more than twenty years, to this day, and has also listed a bunch of sophistry reasons, and it has to be said that this desire to cover up is simply too obvious, and its sinister intentions are simply to tell the world that it is developing biological and chemical weapons, so it cannot agree to this verification mechanism.

More than 6,000 sheep died suddenly, leading to the Chemical Weapons Conspiracy of the United States, which can kill people in just 10 milligrams

In today's Russian-Ukrainian conflict, Russia has found that there are more than 30 biological laboratories in the United States and Ukraine, which are likely to be manufacturing biological weapons, and the United States recently released a list that mentions that the United States is providing technical support for 46 biological laboratories in Ukraine, which seems to be more exaggerated than what Russia found.

As a result of these acts of the United States, biological and chemical weapons, an extremely terrible weapon of war against human civilization, still have not become history; In today's era, the haze of biological and chemical weapons still hangs over the world for a long time, and if one of the natural weapons is used on a large scale as an extreme means in the future, then all mankind will fall into the abyss of disaster, and we hope that that day will never come.

Author: Qiao Mu Editor: Xiao Wan

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