
The real 50 kinds of animals, "the value of the face is against the sky", have to sigh the magic of nature

author:Governor Cold

1, Venezuelan poodle moth, only found in Venezuela in 2009, because the hair and poodle hair are similar to the hair of the poodle

The real 50 kinds of animals, "the value of the face is against the sky", have to sigh the magic of nature

2. Atlantic poseidon sea slugs, also known as blue swallows and blue dragons, are distributed in the tropical waters of the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans

The real 50 kinds of animals, "the value of the face is against the sky", have to sigh the magic of nature

3. Red-lipped batfish, this fish lives in the waters around the Galapagos Islands and is named for its red lips

The real 50 kinds of animals, "the value of the face is against the sky", have to sigh the magic of nature

4. The Expression Emperor Tibetan Fox, distributed in the plateau area, feeds on wild mice, hares, birds and fruits

The real 50 kinds of animals, "the value of the face is against the sky", have to sigh the magic of nature

5, the big long-legged mane wolf, is the largest canine in South America, the legs are long and thin like stepping on stilts

The real 50 kinds of animals, "the value of the face is against the sky", have to sigh the magic of nature

6. Long-necked antelope, slender limbs, jumping speed is very fast, and the movement is very graceful

The real 50 kinds of animals, "the value of the face is against the sky", have to sigh the magic of nature

7, magic flower mantis, good at camouflage, can be disguised as the appearance of flowers

The real 50 kinds of animals, "the value of the face is against the sky", have to sigh the magic of nature

8. The Brazilian four-tumor horned cicada has a strange hair ball on its head, and its ancestors have lived on the earth for 40 million years

The real 50 kinds of animals, "the value of the face is against the sky", have to sigh the magic of nature

9, New Guinea tree kangaroo, also known as the "three unlike", has the face of a koala, the kangaroo's nursery bag, and the monkey's long tail

The real 50 kinds of animals, "the value of the face is against the sky", have to sigh the magic of nature

10, the vicious cat, mainly distributed in Africa, West Asia, south and northwest Asia and other places, the most famous feature is its long and thick black ears

The real 50 kinds of animals, "the value of the face is against the sky", have to sigh the magic of nature

11. Rabbit fox, distributed in the central Asian belt east to Siberia, round and round

The real 50 kinds of animals, "the value of the face is against the sky", have to sigh the magic of nature

12. The weasel deer, slightly larger than the hare, is a rare species between the camel family and the deer family

The real 50 kinds of animals, "the value of the face is against the sky", have to sigh the magic of nature

13 Dumbo octopus, named because their fins resemble elephant ears, usually live 400-7000 meters under the sea

The real 50 kinds of animals, "the value of the face is against the sky", have to sigh the magic of nature

14, black chamois, alias golden chamois, unkempt chamois, red-headed chamois, etc., China's special animals

The real 50 kinds of animals, "the value of the face is against the sky", have to sigh the magic of nature

15. The lowland spotted Horse Island hedgehog, like a combination of shrew and hedgehog, has a long snout and a thorny body

The real 50 kinds of animals, "the value of the face is against the sky", have to sigh the magic of nature

16, Okapi, at first glance looks more like a horse, but the rear has alternating black and white stripes, making it look like a zebra

The real 50 kinds of animals, "the value of the face is against the sky", have to sigh the magic of nature

17, proboscis monkey, a unique animal in Kalimantan, Southeast Asia, has a surprisingly large nose, while the male's nose will grow larger and larger with age, and finally turn red

The real 50 kinds of animals, "the value of the face is against the sky", have to sigh the magic of nature

18. Star-nosed mole, which grows in eastern North America, eastern Canada and northeastern United States, is the world's fastest-moving mammal predator

The real 50 kinds of animals, "the value of the face is against the sky", have to sigh the magic of nature

19, scorpion fly, a common insect in Western Europe, looks like a combination of wasps and scorpions

The real 50 kinds of animals, "the value of the face is against the sky", have to sigh the magic of nature

20, long-eared jerboa, distributed in China and Mongolia, the tail length is almost 2 times the length of the body, can jump more than a meter in the air

The real 50 kinds of animals, "the value of the face is against the sky", have to sigh the magic of nature

21, red bald monkey, endemic to the Amazon basin in South America, the biggest feature is a red face

The real 50 kinds of animals, "the value of the face is against the sky", have to sigh the magic of nature

22. The Royal Tamarind Monkey, with two long white whiskers, is in the upper canopy of tropical rainforest or tropical forest grassland

The real 50 kinds of animals, "the value of the face is against the sky", have to sigh the magic of nature

23. The mountain fish, the world's largest monkey primate, is named for its brightly colored special pattern that resembles a ghost

The real 50 kinds of animals, "the value of the face is against the sky", have to sigh the magic of nature

24, the armadillo, living in central Argentina, the body color is rose or pink, after being frightened, it will bury itself

The real 50 kinds of animals, "the value of the face is against the sky", have to sigh the magic of nature

25, short-tailed dwarf kangaroos, known as "the happiest animal in the world", with a chubby face and a "sweet" smile, often appear in people's selfies

The real 50 kinds of animals, "the value of the face is against the sky", have to sigh the magic of nature

26, blue longhead fish, looks and color are very strange

The real 50 kinds of animals, "the value of the face is against the sky", have to sigh the magic of nature

27, blue-footed, with bright blue flippers, the comic ratio in the bird world

The real 50 kinds of animals, "the value of the face is against the sky", have to sigh the magic of nature

28, Mexican blunt-mouthed salamander, commonly known as hexagonal dinosaur, is a unique species in Mexico, common in the mainland are primary color, albino black eye, albino red eye, gold and molan and other individuals

The real 50 kinds of animals, "the value of the face is against the sky", have to sigh the magic of nature

29. The jagged shark, named for its gill cracks with folds on its head, is known as a "living fossil"

The real 50 kinds of animals, "the value of the face is against the sky", have to sigh the magic of nature

30, smiley face spider, a unique spider in the Hawaiian Islands of the United States, because of the smiley face pattern on the body and named

The real 50 kinds of animals, "the value of the face is against the sky", have to sigh the magic of nature

31, the Canadian hairless cat, also known as the Sphinx cat, is believed to be bred by selection, docile temperament, strong independence, looks very similar to a character in an anime

The real 50 kinds of animals, "the value of the face is against the sky", have to sigh the magic of nature

32, Satan leaf-tailed gecko, living in the east-central part of the island of Madagascar, the whole resembles a realistic dry leaf

The real 50 kinds of animals, "the value of the face is against the sky", have to sigh the magic of nature

33, the shrew, like to inhabit the dry area, looks against the sky, very cute

The real 50 kinds of animals, "the value of the face is against the sky", have to sigh the magic of nature

34. Barrel-eye fish, first discovered by humans in 1939, lives in the Pacific, Indian and Atlantic Oceans

The real 50 kinds of animals, "the value of the face is against the sky", have to sigh the magic of nature

35, basket snake tail, a kind of echinoderm, feeds on the detritus of organic matter in the silt on the seabed, has a strong regeneration ability, and looks like many snakes coiled together

The real 50 kinds of animals, "the value of the face is against the sky", have to sigh the magic of nature

36, Ye Hailong, distributed in western and southern Australia, is a close relative of the seahorse, known as "the most elegant swimmer in the world"

The real 50 kinds of animals, "the value of the face is against the sky", have to sigh the magic of nature

37, the snowman crab, also known as the "Kiwardo hairy monster", the claw is covered with hair-like fine fluff, completely without visual function, living in the deep sea near 1500 kilometers from the southern Indian Ocean

The real 50 kinds of animals, "the value of the face is against the sky", have to sigh the magic of nature

38, white outer leaf bat, also known as white leafless bat, white bat, white fruit bat, is a very endangered species

The real 50 kinds of animals, "the value of the face is against the sky", have to sigh the magic of nature

39, panda ant, is a wingless, furry bee, because of its appearance is a bit panda-like and named, was discovered in Chile in 1938

The real 50 kinds of animals, "the value of the face is against the sky", have to sigh the magic of nature

40. The Kivu tree viper, with its body covered with dense and sharp spiny scales, is mainly distributed in the Kivu region of Central Africa

The real 50 kinds of animals, "the value of the face is against the sky", have to sigh the magic of nature

41, glass frog, also known as transparent frog, mainly distributed in South America, the abdominal skin will become as transparent as glass, you can clearly see the internal structure of the body

The real 50 kinds of animals, "the value of the face is against the sky", have to sigh the magic of nature

42, the sea pen, because of the shape of the quill pen and named, formed by many hydra colonies

The real 50 kinds of animals, "the value of the face is against the sky", have to sigh the magic of nature

43, purple-breasted Dharma monk, a bird with a very high appearance, is the national bird of Botswana and Kenya

The real 50 kinds of animals, "the value of the face is against the sky", have to sigh the magic of nature

44, frog fish, commonly known as colorful unicorn, green unicorn, multicolored frog, spotted fins, because of the large and prominent eyes and the shape of the head resembles a frog and named

The real 50 kinds of animals, "the value of the face is against the sky", have to sigh the magic of nature

45. Glass-winged butterfly, with transparent butterfly wings, distributed in Central and South America

The real 50 kinds of animals, "the value of the face is against the sky", have to sigh the magic of nature

46, the vulture, a large terrestrial bird of prey, has a high appearance and is the national bird of Sudan

The real 50 kinds of animals, "the value of the face is against the sky", have to sigh the magic of nature

47, the auricular fox, one of the smallest canids in the world, about the size of a kitten, is one of the cutest animals in the world

The real 50 kinds of animals, "the value of the face is against the sky", have to sigh the magic of nature

48, orchid mantis, produced in the tropical rainforest area of Malaysia in Southeast Asia, lives near different types of orchids, and can adjust the color of its body according to the shade of the flower

The real 50 kinds of animals, "the value of the face is against the sky", have to sigh the magic of nature

49, the red panda, the appearance of a cat, but larger than the cat, the whole body of reddish brown, is one of the most adorable animals in the world

The real 50 kinds of animals, "the value of the face is against the sky", have to sigh the magic of nature

50. Giant panda (national treasure finale), China's national treasure, the image ambassador of the World Wide Fund for Nature, is the flagship species of biodiversity conservation in the world

The real 50 kinds of animals, "the value of the face is against the sky", have to sigh the magic of nature