
My Flower Notes Wave 3 – Dragon Tooth Flower, Yu Meiren, Cannabis, Leek, Hollyhock, Huang Chan

author:Small castor
My Flower Notes Wave 3 – Dragon Tooth Flower, Yu Meiren, Cannabis, Leek, Hollyhock, Huang Chan

3-1 Dragon's Tooth Flower

My Flower Notes Wave 3 – Dragon Tooth Flower, Yu Meiren, Cannabis, Leek, Hollyhock, Huang Chan

The dragon's tooth flower is a small deciduous tree of the legume family Tung genus, reaching a height of up to 4 meters. Also known as ivory red, hero tree, coral tree, coral thorn tree and so on. Native to South America. Blooming in early summer, clusters of scarlet flowers resemble strings of red crescents, dazzling and eye-catching, suitable for park and garden cultivation. Its bark contains dragon's tooth anthocyanin, which has the effect of anesthesia and sedative. Although the dragon's tooth flower is beautiful, its bark and fresh seed sap have a certain toxicity and need to be paid attention to.

My Flower Notes Wave 3 – Dragon Tooth Flower, Yu Meiren, Cannabis, Leek, Hollyhock, Huang Chan

The dragon's tooth flower is the national flower of Argentina, also known as the Cyprus flower, the hero tree. During the period of Spanish colonial rule, the Indians in the La Plata region (the capital of the Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina) rose up in rebellion. The chieftain was killed in the battle against colonial rule, and her daughter Anayi stepped forward and continued to command the bloody battle with the colonists until she was captured. The colonists tied her to a Cyprus tree and burned her to death. At this time, the tree suddenly bloomed with red flowers full of fire and blood, which was the dragon's tooth flower.

In 1942, Argentina passed a decree officially establishing the Cypriot as the national flower of Argentina. The dragon's tooth flower is a flower for heroes and a symbol of glory.

3-2 Yu Meiren (poppy)

My Flower Notes Wave 3 – Dragon Tooth Flower, Yu Meiren, Cannabis, Leek, Hollyhock, Huang Chan

Yu Meiren in winter

Yu Meiren is an annual herb of the poppy genus native to Europe, growing 25–90 cm tall. Also known as li chunhua, sai peony, fairy artemisia and so on. Yu Meiren's flowers are colorful and rich, red, yellow, pink, and even almost white, and the red is the most delicate. Thin petals as thin as aya, smooth as silk, light and flowing, no wind to shake themselves, whenever the wind rises, fluttering, petals have landed on the ground, regrettable As an ornamental plant, Yu Meiren has a long flowering period, cultivated in the park, the scenery is pleasant.

My Flower Notes Wave 3 – Dragon Tooth Flower, Yu Meiren, Cannabis, Leek, Hollyhock, Huang Chan

Cherry blossom garden

My Flower Notes Wave 3 – Dragon Tooth Flower, Yu Meiren, Cannabis, Leek, Hollyhock, Huang Chan
My Flower Notes Wave 3 – Dragon Tooth Flower, Yu Meiren, Cannabis, Leek, Hollyhock, Huang Chan
My Flower Notes Wave 3 – Dragon Tooth Flower, Yu Meiren, Cannabis, Leek, Hollyhock, Huang Chan
My Flower Notes Wave 3 – Dragon Tooth Flower, Yu Meiren, Cannabis, Leek, Hollyhock, Huang Chan
My Flower Notes Wave 3 – Dragon Tooth Flower, Yu Meiren, Cannabis, Leek, Hollyhock, Huang Chan
My Flower Notes Wave 3 – Dragon Tooth Flower, Yu Meiren, Cannabis, Leek, Hollyhock, Huang Chan
My Flower Notes Wave 3 – Dragon Tooth Flower, Yu Meiren, Cannabis, Leek, Hollyhock, Huang Chan

The whole plant of Yu Meiren can be medicated and has antitussive, analgesic, sedative and antidiarrheal effects.

Yumei looks extremely like a poppy, but it does not contain prohibited substances.

Chinese legend

According to legend, the Chu and Han dynasties fought each other, and Xiang Yu, the king of Western Chu, was surrounded by the Han army. Xiang Yu knew that it would be difficult to break through the siege, so he drank with his favorite concubine Yu Ji at night. Suddenly, Chu Song was everywhere, and he couldn't help but sing generously and sadly: Li Ba Shan was full of qi and the world, and the unfavorable times did not pass away. What can you do without dying? What if? Yu Ji also felt that the general trend had gone, and with tears she sang the "Song of HexiaXia" and danced, singing Yun: "The Han soldiers have been slightly, the four directions of Chu singing, the king is exhausted, and the concubine He Liaosheng!" After singing, he drew his sword from Xiang Yu's waist and slashed himself with a horizontal knife. This is the story of the famous "Farewell to the King". Later, a kind of grass grew on Yu Ji's tomb, shaped like a cockscomb flower, with leaves growing on opposites, windless automatically, like a beauty dancing, delicate and lovely. Folklore has it that this is the embodiment of Yu Ji, so this grass is called "Yu Meiren Grass" and its flowers are called "Yu Meiren". The bright red color is said to be stained by Yu Ji's splashed blood.

Europeans' claims

Speaking of Yu Meiren, I have to say about the famous Flanders red poppy. The flowers are borne solitary at the tip of the leaf, with 4 or heavy petals, blood red, very delicate. Loved living in a wheat field. The main feature is that the flower heart is black.

My Flower Notes Wave 3 – Dragon Tooth Flower, Yu Meiren, Cannabis, Leek, Hollyhock, Huang Chan
My Flower Notes Wave 3 – Dragon Tooth Flower, Yu Meiren, Cannabis, Leek, Hollyhock, Huang Chan

During and after World War I, the battlefields that had been bombarded with artillery fire were full of red poppies, and John Mc Crae, a military medical officer from Canada, wrote a famous poem "On the Battlefield of Flanders" on the battlefields of Flanders. The red poppy later became a memorial flower for Armistice Day of World War I. European and American countries have always maintained and continued to use this flower to commemorate the fallen soldiers.

3-3 Cannabis

My Flower Notes Wave 3 – Dragon Tooth Flower, Yu Meiren, Cannabis, Leek, Hollyhock, Huang Chan
My Flower Notes Wave 3 – Dragon Tooth Flower, Yu Meiren, Cannabis, Leek, Hollyhock, Huang Chan

Cannabis is a perennial root herb of the genus Cannabis, reaching a height of up to 1.5 meters. Native to the Americas, Africa and tropical Asia. Also known as red banana, small plantain, orchid banana and so on.

Before the Tang and Song dynasties, there were only red flowers, so it was called "red banana", and later there were other flower colors, which were called "beauty bananas" after the Ming and Qing dynasties. There is a poem: "The banana leaves are far away, and the moon calyx is high and reflects the sun red." It is like a beautiful person who falls asleep in spring, and the lips and green sleeves dance in the east wind. "The cannabis got its name from this. According to Buddhism, the big red flowers of the cannabis are made from the blood flowing from the toes of the Buddha.

Cannabis can bloom in all seasons, the flowers are large and colorful, mainly red, as well as light yellow, orange, and some have stripes and spots, which can be described as colorful.

My Flower Notes Wave 3 – Dragon Tooth Flower, Yu Meiren, Cannabis, Leek, Hollyhock, Huang Chan

Dongpo Lake Vista downstairs

My Flower Notes Wave 3 – Dragon Tooth Flower, Yu Meiren, Cannabis, Leek, Hollyhock, Huang Chan

Near the Old Spring Bridge

My Flower Notes Wave 3 – Dragon Tooth Flower, Yu Meiren, Cannabis, Leek, Hollyhock, Huang Chan

Chengdu Campus

Cannabis not only has high ornamental value, but also can absorb harmful substances such as sulfur dioxide and carbon dioxide, and is an ideal flower for purifying the environment. Its blades are susceptible to damage and reactively sensitive, so it is known as a living "monitor" of harmful gases polluting the environment. However, its leaves will re-grow new leaves after being damaged and restore their vitality to purify the air and protect the environment.

In addition, cannabis has edible and medicinal value. Its roots contain about 20% starch and are edible. Every morning, a little juice will ooze from the flower heart of the canna, which is called "manna", which has the effect of cooling and quenching thirst.

The flowers and rhizomes of the cannabis can also be medicated, and the flowers can stop bleeding; Rhizomes can treat jaundice hepatitis, rheumatic numbness, traumatic bleeding, etc. The leaves can also be made into artificial cotton and sacks; After extracting the aromatic oil, the residue of the leaves can also be used as a raw material for papermaking, which can be described as "full of treasure".

3-4 Leeks

My Flower Notes Wave 3 – Dragon Tooth Flower, Yu Meiren, Cannabis, Leek, Hollyhock, Huang Chan

Dongpo Wetland Park

Leek is a perennial herb of the genus Allium in the family Lycaenidae. Also known as red jade curtain, wind and rain orchid, leek orchid and so on. It is native to Central and South America. Leek lotus looks like leeks, the flowers are trumpet-shaped, shaped like daffodils, mostly pink or pale pink, often planted in pieces, when the flowers bloom piece by piece, it is very good-looking. Especially when there is a breeze, the grass gently dances with the wind, which is very pitiful.

My Flower Notes Wave 3 – Dragon Tooth Flower, Yu Meiren, Cannabis, Leek, Hollyhock, Huang Chan

Leek lotus also has medicinal value, has the function of heat dissipation, detoxification, blood invigorating and cooling blood; It is mainly used for bruises, redness, venomous snake bites, etc.

3-5 hollyhocks

My Flower Notes Wave 3 – Dragon Tooth Flower, Yu Meiren, Cannabis, Leek, Hollyhock, Huang Chan

Chengdu Campus

Hollyhock is a biennial upright herb that grows up to 2 meters tall. There are purple, pink, red, white and other colors.

Native to Sichuan, hence the name "Hollyhock". Because it can reach the height of Zhangzhang, and the flowers are mostly red, it is called "Yizhang Red". It is also called "barley ripening" because it blooms when the wheat is ripe.

My Flower Notes Wave 3 – Dragon Tooth Flower, Yu Meiren, Cannabis, Leek, Hollyhock, Huang Chan

Cherry blossom garden

My Flower Notes Wave 3 – Dragon Tooth Flower, Yu Meiren, Cannabis, Leek, Hollyhock, Huang Chan
My Flower Notes Wave 3 – Dragon Tooth Flower, Yu Meiren, Cannabis, Leek, Hollyhock, Huang Chan

Cherry blossom garden

Hollyhock whole plant can be used in medicine; Root can clear heat and detoxify, drain pus and diuretic, for enteritis, dysentery, urinary tract infections, etc.; Sub can be used in the treatment of urinary tract stones; Flowers can be used for unfavorable urination and can relieve the poison of pufferfish; Flowers and leaves can be used externally for the treatment of trauma such as burning and scalding.

Anthocyanins extracted from flowers can be used as colorants for food products. Marshmallow

3-6 Huang Chan flower - gorgeous and poisonous

My Flower Notes Wave 3 – Dragon Tooth Flower, Yu Meiren, Cannabis, Leek, Hollyhock, Huang Chan

Chengdu Campus

The yellow cicada is an evergreen shrub of the oleander genus, so its roots, stems and leaves are poisonous, and special attention needs to be paid when planting and ornamentation. The yellow cicada flower is native to Brazil and can reach a height of up to 2 meters. The flowers are delicate yellow, and when they bloom like small bells, they are very beautiful and cute, and they are ornamental plants in the garden.

My Flower Notes Wave 3 – Dragon Tooth Flower, Yu Meiren, Cannabis, Leek, Hollyhock, Huang Chan

Huang Chan flower looks like a flowerless flower, that is because its flower bud is hidden inside the flower tube, it is difficult to be seen, therefore, people think that Huang Chan "no flower heart", and gave it a nickname "good man flower".

(To be continued)

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