
Nourishing the heart in summer is to nourish the "life"! Please put away this "Guide to Raising the Heart"

author:Beiqing Net

Chinese medicine believes that the heart corresponds to summer, and summer health care focuses on nourishing the heart. The Su Qing records: "The heart, the origin of life, the change of God, its hua is in the face, it is filled in the blood, it is the sun in the yang, and it is connected to the summer qi." ”

For patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, summer is a hurdle for the body!

Why does acute myocardial infarction occur in summer?

The main reasons may be the following:

——Summer outdoor temperature is higher, when the human body enters the air conditioning, fan and other low temperature environment or a large number of cold drinks, eat cold drinks, take cold baths, swimming, violent temperature changes will cause the human body to significantly increase the temperature difference between inside and outside the body, which can easily induce coronary artery reflex spasms, vasoconstriction, myocardial blood supply is reduced, myocardial ischemia, necrosis.

Summer temperature rises, people are easily agitated, sleep quality is affected, once encountered cold stimulation, under the joint action of multiple parties, it is easy to cause sympathetic excitement in the human body, heart rate acceleration, increased myocardial oxygen consumption, high blood coagulation, platelet activation, prone to acute myocardial infarction.

——The summer temperature is high, the human body sweats more, and the result of a large amount of sweating is serious dehydration in the body. Some citizens do not pay attention to dietary hygiene in summer, or excessive cold, prone to diarrhea, resulting in imbalance of water and electrolyte balance in the body, increased blood viscosity, and patients with hypertension, hyperlipidemia, hyperglycemia, obesity and coronary heart disease who do not pay attention to supplementing water, and eventually it is easy to develop myocardial infarction.

Nourishing the heart in summer is to nourish the "life"! Please put away this "Guide to Raising the Heart"

"Nourish the liver in spring, nourish the heart in summer, nourish the lungs in autumn, and nourish the kidneys in winter." TCM health care pays attention to the time of day, and everything originates from nature.

According to the time of the Five Visceral Lords, summer is the lord of the heart, and at this time it has entered the three volt days, the weather is extremely hot, and it is easy to consume the yang of the heart; At the same time, the heat is sweaty, and sweat is "heart fluid", and excessive sweating consumes a lot of heart yin fluid.

For patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, the three volt days are even more of a hurdle! In the high temperature state of summer, the blood vessels are dilated, the heart rate is accelerated, the return of heart blood and myocardial oxygen supply is greatly reduced, coupled with emotional instability, less drinking water, long days and nights, short sleep and other reasons, it is easy to have blood vessel blockage and even cause myocardial infarction.

Therefore, summer nourishment has become the top priority.

Keep your mind in mind in summer and keep these points in mind

1. Calm and naturally cool

The weather is hot, people's minds are easily disturbed and uneasy, and there is restlessness and rapid heartbeat, which is not conducive to nourishing the heart. At this time, first of all, the mind must be quiet, the quiet is yin, and the yin and yang coordination can maintain the heart.

Nourishing the heart in summer is to nourish the "life"! Please put away this "Guide to Raising the Heart"

2. The diet should be light

The diet should be kept light, calm the heart fire, replenish the heart, but also to nourish the liver, spleen, etc., with low salt, low fat, multi-vitamin, light food.

3. Drink plenty of water

The weather is hot and sweaty, and it is easy to consume sperm and hurt the yin. Water is yin, drinking water can directly nourish yin and sperm, is the first good recipe for summer health care.

Nourishing the heart in summer is to nourish the "life"! Please put away this "Guide to Raising the Heart"

4. Take a deep breath when you have time

After getting up every morning, choosing a place with fresh air, closing your eyes, and inhaling deeply with your nose can keep people calm, nourish your mind, and be very good for your body.

Heart-nourishing points: one fruit, two teas and four actions

A heart-nourishing fruit

Chinese medicine believes that "red is fire, into the heart to replenish qi and blood", so red food into the human body has the effect of nourishing the heart and blood; Modern medicine has also confirmed that red fruits and vegetables are rich in the antioxidant lycopene, which can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Nourishing the heart in summer is to nourish the "life"! Please put away this "Guide to Raising the Heart"

Usually, you can eat more tomatoes. It should be reminded that compared with raw tomatoes, the content of lycopene in fried tomatoes is higher, and the survival rate in the digestion process is larger and easier to be absorbed. Chinese medicine also believes that eating raw tomatoes is not suitable for people with spleen and stomach deficiency, and it is best to cook them and eat them.

Two cups of nourishing tea

People with weak hearts and panic of love can try guiyuan red date tea that nourishes the heart, women drink more in moderation, and they can also beautify and nourish their faces and drink a good look.

1. Guiyuan red date tea

Nourishing the heart in summer is to nourish the "life"! Please put away this "Guide to Raising the Heart"

Method: 20 g longan meat, 5 red dates (pitted), fried in water, can also be seasoned with a small amount of goji berries and rock sugar.

Longan meat taste sweet, warm, return to the heart, spleen meridian, can replenish the heart and spleen; Red dates are rich in protein and vitamins, which can nourish the heart and blood. However, it should be noted that the temperature of guiyuan and red jujube is hot, and it is easy to drink this tea, do not drink it every day.

Suitable for: overthinking, lack of energy, insomnia and dreams, palpitations and forgetfulness.

Contraindicated people: phlegm fire, yin deficiency fire, cold, cough, sore throat, excessive stomach acid, pregnant women.

2. Lotus heart tea

Nourishing the heart in summer is to nourish the "life"! Please put away this "Guide to Raising the Heart"

Method: Lotus hearts are used in a dosage of 3 to 10 grams each time, brewed in a cup of boiling water (about 250 ml), and simmered for about 10 minutes. Lotus heart tea has a bitter taste, in order to reduce the irritation of the gastric mucosa, you can add some honey in an appropriate amount.

Applicable people: heart and chest upset, insomnia, yellow urine, constipation, crimson tip of the tongue, or mouth and tongue sores and other heart fire.

Contraindicated people: spleen and stomach deficiency and cold, wet and full, edema.

Four small heart-nourishing actions

1. Get up in the morning and rub your hands

Nourishing the heart in summer is to nourish the "life"! Please put away this "Guide to Raising the Heart"

Getting up in the morning and rubbing your hands is good for heart health.

Regular hand rubbing can also stimulate the Laogong acupoints in the palm of the hand, stimulate the heart through the meridians, make the organs excited, and help the human body quickly recover its physical strength.

2. Stretch your waist

Nourishing the heart in summer is to nourish the "life"! Please put away this "Guide to Raising the Heart"

One of the ten key tips for the ancients to maintain health is a very important one: "Always stretching the waist is an ancient precept, exhausting and nourishing the blood and nourishing the heart." ”

Stretching the waist, set deep breathing, breast expansion, waist extension, arms, legs and other actions in one, can smooth the blood veins, activate the muscles and bones, intentionally stretch a few lazy waist, can make the whole body comfortable, mental pleasure.

3. Turn your ankles

Nourishing the heart in summer is to nourish the "life"! Please put away this "Guide to Raising the Heart"

If the foot is the second heart of the human body, the ankle can be called an important transportation hub between the two "hearts".

Nearly ten important tissues such as lymphatic vessels, blood vessels, and nerves are distributed on the ankle, and there are also acupuncture points such as Shangqiu and Kunlun, silently regulating more than half of the meridians of the whole body.

Turning the ankle frequently can drive the smoothness of the blood veins of the whole body and play a heart-protecting effect.

Turn your ankles to stand or sit. When standing, the center of gravity shifts to the left foot, the right foot points to the ground, and the ankle rotates with the tip of the foot as the fulcrum.

When sitting, place your left foot on your right leg, gently support your left ankle with your left hand, and hold your left foot with five toes in your right hand.

4. Tiptoe

Nourishing the heart in summer is to nourish the "life"! Please put away this "Guide to Raising the Heart"

Tiptoeing can make the heart muscle get sufficient oxygen supply, and can ensure that the person's heart rate is normal, which is beneficial to the heart.

Stand on tiptoes: Stand up in a pair of smooth flat shoes, lift the heel, support the body with the tiptoe, drop the heel after about 2 seconds, continue to lift the heel after standing firmly, support the body with the tiptoe, and repeat. Do it 3 times a day for about 5 minutes each time.

Sit on tiptoe: Sit on a chair with your legs at 90 degrees, keep your knees and thighs level, tiptoe up for a few seconds and then put them down, tiptoeing 30 to 50 times each time, or tiptoeing back.

Unclogging the pericardium is easy to block acupuncture points

Some people call the pericardial meridian "life-saving pericardial meridian", which is the meridian that is responsible for the periphery of the heart such as the pericardium, cardiovascular and so on. Pericardial transstatic congestion can cause chest tightness and heartache, and in severe cases, it will cause coronary heart disease, angina, myocardial infarction and even paralysis, which shows that this is a meridian closely related to our health, and it can be used to find and prevent cardiovascular disease in a timely and early manner.

Below, let's follow along with the study of the easily blocked acupuncture points that unblock the pericardial meridian.

1. The circular route of the pericardial meridian

Nourishing the heart in summer is to nourish the "life"! Please put away this "Guide to Raising the Heart"

Pericardial meridian pattern

The pericardial meridians of the hand are mainly distributed in the middle of the anterior upper limb:

(1) Starting from the middle of the chest, shallow out of the pericardium, through the diaphragm, through the chest, upper abdomen and lower abdomen, networked in the trifocal;

(2) along the inner chest out of the flank;

(3) When three inches under the armpits go up to the armpits;

(4) Along the inside of the upper arm, walk up to the middle of the arm;

(5) Enter the elbow, lower the forearm, and walk between the two tendons;

(6) Enter the palm of the hand, along the radial side of the middle finger out of the end;

(7) Separate from the palm, point along the nameless point to the end, and take over the Shaoyang Sanjiao Sutra.

"Lingshu Meridians": "From the chest, out of the pericardium, under the diaphragm, the calendar of the three jiao". "The Calendar Of The Three Focal Points" is the secret path of the pericardium, and also indicates the superficial relationship between the pericardium and the three focal points. From the beginning of the pericardial meridian is located in the chest, next to the nipple, the pericardial meridian can not only protect the heart, but also protect the heart, and its unimpeded access can protect the mammary glands.

2. Probe the site

Nourishing the heart in summer is to nourish the "life"! Please put away this "Guide to Raising the Heart"
Nourishing the heart in summer is to nourish the "life"! Please put away this "Guide to Raising the Heart"

3. Loosening techniques and feelings

(1) Palm on your back, the elbow is 90 degrees, with the other hand, the little knuckles of the other hand are tapped along the midline of the biceps from the top to the elbow joint, there will be a strong pain at the beginning of the biceps, you should be a little mentally prepared. This is the Tianquan Cave, and the severe one can operate for a while. Preventing heart disease and breast hyperplasia in women requires constant care here. (Note: Some people have pain points in the middle of the biceps)

(2) People with heart disease or hidden dangers, when dredging the Tianquan acupoint, the thumb presses the acupuncture point, where there is pain, and the pain can be transmitted upwards. It can effectively alleviate the symptoms of panic and chest tightness.

4. Pericardial relaxation can assist in the conditioning of diseases

Shortness of breath, chest pain, insomnia and fatigue, coronary heart disease, hypertension, etc.

Summer nourishing heart, have you learned? Better to share with friends and relatives, enjoy health together!

(Health Care Doctor)