
Pigeon Keeping: Cher's Third Month

author:Qingdao husband and wife caravan shop

One day, I was rinsing the shower room, Cher sneaked up to the shower room, jumped up the bathing room by herself, the water rushed to where it followed, I fixed the shower, the water was warmed, it lay down, spread its wings, let the water quicksand wash its feathers. I learned that it actually likes to bathe, and since then, it has to shower once a week or so.

We have never raised pigeons before, some time ago fed the small wild pigeon outside the window, but also after it can eat millet sesame or something to let it eat, but Cher was fed by me to get used to, and even developed some bad problems, the soaked peas must be peeled into two petals, and must be placed in my hands to eat, see it does not eat itself, worried that it is hungry, had to accommodate it.

In less than two months, Cher's hair is basically long, and the appearance characteristics of the pip pigeon are all out, with a short mouth, big eyes, a pinch of black hair on the top of the head, a tail is all black, and the rest of the feathers are white. Seeing the appearance of the adult pigeons, we also understand why the survival rate of the small pigeons hatched by the friends is not high. The mouth of the idea is small, the young birds do not easily eat the milk from the mouth of the hen, and the young pigeons are actually mostly starving to death. Since then, friends have taken more care of both the old and young birds that are hatching and the young birds who are hatching, and have fed the young birds some rice paste for added nutrition, and the number of pigeons in their family has quickly doubled.

I searched on the Internet, wanted to know whether Cher was male or female, the Internet said: pull the mouth, head forward and then backward is the male pigeon, but also said: look at the toes, the left side is a male pigeon, the same long is the hen pigeon, we finally did not understand whether Cher is male or female, but what does it matter, the same is a little baby.

I went downstairs at least twice a day to walk the season, a few days after Cher came, when I went downstairs to walk the dog, I took Cher with me, when there was no hair, I took a small towel to wrap it, after a little bigger, let it stand on my hand, and later, let it stand on my shoulder, and the people in the elevator came in and out, and it was not afraid at all.

I never worried that it would shit on my body, because it didn't take long to find that pigeons only have shit and no urine, and when they shit, whether in the nest, on the table, or on my shoulders, it will move as far as possible to the outermost side, plucking its ass and pulling it out, generally not pulling on the body.

When I got downstairs, I would put it on the ground, and when it couldn't fly, like a chicken, it would chase me and Ji Xiaoke upside down with two little feet, and the next month, three or five meters away, it would be able to fly low to find us.

Pigeon Keeping: Cher's Third Month

The hairs are almost growing

Pigeon Keeping: Cher's Third Month

The standard appearance of the pip: black top, black tail, and other feathers are all white.

Pigeon Keeping: Cher's Third Month

Like a handsome big girl

Pigeon Keeping: Cher's Third Month

Pure and cute

Pigeon Keeping: Cher's Third Month

Just like it

Pigeon Keeping: Cher's Third Month

Love stays on my shoulders

Pigeon Keeping: Cher's Third Month

The left and right sides are swapped back and forth

Pigeon Keeping: Cher's Third Month

I also like to stay with Ji Dad

Pigeon Keeping: Cher's Third Month

As long as it's not work, drive out the door, and you'll take both with you.

Pigeon Keeping: Cher's Third Month


Pigeon Keeping: Cher's Third Month

Bought a nice pigeon cage. Keep it in a cage at night, so that it doesn't have to go around the house early in the morning and affect our rest

Pigeon Keeping: Cher's Third Month

Proud little princess-like

Pigeon Keeping: Cher's Third Month

The hair is actually not yet fully grown, and there is still no hair under the neck and stomach

Pigeon Keeping: Cher's Third Month

Looking at yourself in the mirror and wondering what it feels like?

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