
Instantly famous by a song, NetEase Cloud has commented on 400,000, but now it is little known


There is such a song, presumably many people have heard it, that is, Chen Hongyu's "Ideal Thirty". And this song is also very popular on NetEase Cloud, and the current number of comments has already exceeded 400,000. And this song has achieved such a good result, of course, it is also related to the lyrics, especially the ending sentence: "The light and shadow beat like in, sleepy and said love, in the senseless sigh, I thought I understood, the place where the dream collapsed, now has crawled with moss." ”


Instantly famous by a song, NetEase Cloud has commented on 400,000, but now it is little known

  Regarding Chen Hongyu, there is a sentence that is very appropriate, "I am not willing to be known to the public, and I am worried that too many people like him, but my selfishness has nowhere to escape." "About this song, many people have left stories about themselves in NetEase Cloud.

Instantly famous by a song, NetEase Cloud has commented on 400,000, but now it is little known

  @Memories Doraemon No Dream: There is a folk song youth who said that the simplest favorite is that even if you reject me, I will never complain about you, but I will not go near. If you ask me, I will still bow down. From now on, I will hide my likes, I will not show off the market, I will try to live well, and I like you too.

  @ When I was a child, I loved to cry, my mother lied to me, and you cried again when the police uncle arrested you. I didn't cry when I was afraid, and when I grew up, I really liked a policeman, and I was together for six years, and my parents had a fight for six years, and finally he chose to return to normal life and marry someone else. On the day of his wedding, I sat in the doorway, suddenly thought of something, turned back and smiled at my mother and said, "You said, I cry now, will the police uncle take me away?" Mom cried.

Instantly famous by a song, NetEase Cloud has commented on 400,000, but now it is little known

  But in fact, the melody of this song just does not sound very stunning, but the content of the lyrics is very touching, after all, everyone has their own story, and this song is to write the normalcy of life into it, the nostalgia for the past, the reluctance to youth, about youth Everyone has a difficult feeling, everyone experiences is very different, but the resonance of music is very touching.

Instantly famous by a song, NetEase Cloud has commented on 400,000, but now it is little known

  So what kind of charm does Chen Hongyu have that makes people like it so much? Let's take a look.

  Chen Hongyu is a young man born in Inner Mongolia in 1989, and he has a special love for music since he was a child. In 2002, Chen Hongyu had his first guitar in his life, so he began to carry the guitar and began to pursue his musical dreams. Everyone has their own music idol, Chen Hongyu is no exception, his music idol is Nirvana Band and Beyond, influenced by his idol, Chen Hongyu shouted to a few like-minded classmates: "Since we all like music so much, let's form a team." Also called "Flow band", Chen Hongyu also began to compose his own music. Young is capital after all, although there are unrealistic musical dreams, but sometimes the reality is still cruel, in 2005, they launched their debut album "Flow wounds", a total of 500 copies, 10 yuan sold cheaply. Even if it was an attempt, in Chen Hongyu's heart, he planted the dream of becoming a musician.

Instantly famous by a song, NetEase Cloud has commented on 400,000, but now it is little known

  After going to college, Chen Hongyu began to drift north, but the life of north drift is not smooth, in order to live, Chen Hongyu began to do a variety of jobs, but also opened a fast food restaurant to start a business, the hardships of life he has experienced, such as because he can not pay to look at the ceiling in a daze, or in the rainstorm riding a small broken tricycle to deliver takeaway ... Life will always encounter these or those things, depending on how you turn setbacks into motivation. This experience also provided him with a lot of creative inspiration, and also made him more certain about the life he wanted, that is, music.

Instantly famous by a song, NetEase Cloud has commented on 400,000, but now it is little known

  So like most folk singers, Chen Hongyu made a decision, carried others to the end of the world, and began a journey of his own. This trip also traveled all the way from the northernmost Mohe River to Sanya, Hainan, during which he also worked as a couch guest, slept in a tent and so on. But it was also this trip that gave Chen Hongyu the inspiration to write songs. For example, the lyrics in his "Walking Song":

  Growing up is an adventure, and those who get lost go first

  When I was a teenager, there was scenery everywhere, not like looking back.

Instantly famous by a song, NetEase Cloud has commented on 400,000, but now it is little known

  In 2015, after returning, Chen Hongyu founded the "Zhongle Ji" music organization, where people are like him, like music, a group of people began to create music at once, and this "Ideal Thirty" was created at this time.

Instantly famous by a song, NetEase Cloud has commented on 400,000, but now it is little known

  Most people know Chen Hongyu may be the beginning of this song "Ideal Thirty", but the more they know Chen Hongyu, the more they can be moved by a serious attitude of making music in him, many people make music to make money and consider a lot of commercialization, but Chen Hongyu is for his dreams, more often, in a quiet tavern, he holds a guitar and sings on the stage, telling the story of his way. It also echoes the previous evaluation of him by others, "I don't want him to be too red, so that I can treasure it like a rare treasure." ”

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