
In order for your child's English to be at the top of the class, in elementary school, use 2 ways to make children fall in love with reading English

author:Parents Primary School

If you want your child's English to be at the top of the class, the elementary school stage

There are 2 ways for children to fall in love with reading English

In order for your child's English to be at the top of the class, in elementary school, use 2 ways to make children fall in love with reading English

Now parents are very concerned about the learning of children's English knowledge, children learn English age is also getting younger and younger, many children in kindergarten before contact with English knowledge, wait until the child after the primary school can understand simple English sentences and small stories, in the classroom can also be fluent in English communication with teachers and classmates, children early learning English is correct, but also pay attention to the way and method, if you choose the right method, children in the process of learning English will feel the charm of language, From the bottom of my heart, I like to learn and speak English, but on the contrary, if I choose the wrong method, my child may resist English, or it is not comprehensive in learning English knowledge.

In order for your child's English to be at the top of the class, in elementary school, use 2 ways to make children fall in love with reading English

Many parents in the process of teaching their children to learn English, easy to fall into a misunderstanding, that is, let the children learn a lot of English knowledge, English words, in reading does have a great improvement, can be very fluent to complete some English short story reading, of course, in the later examination process can also achieve better results, but often ignore English is a language, need to communicate and communicate, just to understand is not enough, but also to speak.

In order for your child's English to be at the top of the class, in elementary school, use 2 ways to make children fall in love with reading English

If the child has a strong interest in learning English, then he will take the initiative to learn, record English words, read English books, and communicate in English. Therefore, if you want to make your child's English learning well, then the most critical thing is to guide children to increase their interest in learning and help children to truly fall in love with English psychologically. The following summarizes several methods, all of which are of great help to children learning English.

In order for your child's English to be at the top of the class, in elementary school, use 2 ways to make children fall in love with reading English

Read more Articles in English

The accumulation of English vocabulary is the most basic content, children memorize English words every day is the most basic requirement, after learning English words, you have to look at the sentences, after familiar with the meaning of each sentence, you can read the entire English article, so that you can really understand the meaning of the article, in the process of English learning will involve a lot of English textbooks, which will contain a lot of English articles, children after reading the English articles, but also repeatedly review, You can learn some English pronunciation and grammar from it, which is of great help for Learning English.

In order for your child's English to be at the top of the class, in elementary school, use 2 ways to make children fall in love with reading English

In addition to memory, open your mouth to read

Affected by the general environment, children in the process of life is rarely exposed to English, if it is simply relying on classroom learning is far from enough, so it has caused many children to read English articles in the ability is very strong, but in oral communication when the obstacles, there is no confidence, so exercise children's oral expression ability, it is also very important.

If you want to better exercise your child's oral expression skills, you must learn the following two small methods.

In order for your child's English to be at the top of the class, in elementary school, use 2 ways to make children fall in love with reading English

Read some interesting English stories

Because from childhood have not been exposed to English, but also in the environment of English pronunciation, so the child will initially have a resistance to English, or after the child learns for a period of time, it is easy to feel boring, then when we buy English books for the child, we must choose some books that meet the psychological characteristics of the child, if you choose too professional English books, the child does not have any interest in the process of reading, it is easy to lead to a reduction in learning efficiency, and choose some fairy tales, Picture books such as fables and stories can increase the fun of children's learning, and they can also master more knowledge, and the efficiency of learning will naturally increase.

In order for your child's English to be at the top of the class, in elementary school, use 2 ways to make children fall in love with reading English

Watch more Movies in English and listen to Songs in English

Since the surrounding environment is not an English language environment, then it is necessary to create an English learning environment for children as much as possible, you can play more English songs for children in the ordinary life process, watch some English movies, such a theme can help children better bring into the English learning atmosphere, it is easier to accept English knowledge, and naturally will also follow to read or sing, resulting in increased learning efficiency.

In order for your child's English to be at the top of the class, in elementary school, use 2 ways to make children fall in love with reading English

The two small methods summarized above, as long as they are adhered to every day, will help children learn English to varying degrees, and Their English scores will naturally improve. However, in the process of learning, children must make a corresponding learning plan and choose books to learn, so as to help children learn English more systematically. Today I recommend a book called "Primary School English Classic Morning Reading 21-Day Improvement Plan", which is completely designed for children who are new to Learning English or are not very interested in English, divided into three books in total, and the difficulty is gradually improved from easy to difficult.

In order for your child's English to be at the top of the class, in elementary school, use 2 ways to make children fall in love with reading English

The whole set of books contains a total of 252 articles, each of which is not particularly long, it is easy to achieve children's rapid reading, and it will not occupy the child's long learning time, will not make the child bored, and the design in the subject matter is also very extensive, including fairy tales, fables, children's songs, games, etc., the content is very rich and interesting, can better attract children's attention, so that children better fall in love with English.

In order for your child's English to be at the top of the class, in elementary school, use 2 ways to make children fall in love with reading English

This set of books in the design of the content of the use of Chinese and English contrast form, the left for the English content on the right is Chinese translation content, and all the text in the book are equipped with corresponding audio, can help children better understand and remember, children in the process of reading can further deepen the memory in the mind, better integrated into the content should be spoken, not only learned English knowledge, but also understand the truth of life.

In order for your child's English to be at the top of the class, in elementary school, use 2 ways to make children fall in love with reading English

In addition, for some key words and sentence patterns, special labels have been carried out to facilitate children to record and excerpt, these key contents increase children's memory at the same time, but also help children to better review and consolidate, better realize children's planned learning.

In order for your child's English to be at the top of the class, in elementary school, use 2 ways to make children fall in love with reading English

The whole set of books is very planned, the chapters in the book are designed according to the psychological characteristics of 21 days to develop a habit, to 21 days as a cycle, to help children to develop good learning habits, children after reading this set of books, still able to maintain the enthusiasm for learning English, but also through a wealth of content to help children to improve academic performance, to achieve better expression of spoken English, this set of books can be said to cover all the methods we talked about above, And its price is also very affordable, if you also have children learning English difficulties, or plan to let their children have a good English learning method, you may wish to try this set of books, the results will definitely surprise you.

【Source Book Garden】All 3 volumes of Primary School English Classic Morning Reading 21-Day Improvement Plan with audio on and below ¥39.9 Purchase