
The DPP surrounded and suppressed Hou Youyi, and Lin Jialong's disciple Zhuo Guanting fired the first shot, and the KMT was miserable

author:Classic Watchmen

The COVID-19 pandemic on the island of Taiwan remains high, with tens of thousands of confirmed cases and hundreds of patients dying every day. The outbreak has also caused numerous tragedies on the island, with a child from New Taipei City passing away many days ago because he was too ill to receive timely medical attention. The parents of the children accused Taiwan's epidemic prevention department and the New Taipei City government of being so incompetent that they took dozens of minutes to arrange transfers in the process of answering the phone. Originally, the incident was aimed at the service hotline of Taiwan's health department. However, with the exposure of a recording of the New Taipei City Fire Bureau, it was confirmed that the New Taipei City Government was also suspected of dereliction of duty and evasion of responsibility. The mayor of New Taipei, Hou Youyi, was thus caught in a whirlpool, and the DPP even collectively launched a siege against Hou Youyi. Among them, Zhuo Guanting, a disciple of Lin Jialong of the Democratic Progressive Party, rushed to the front line and fired the first shot. What the specific situation is, I will tell you slowly.

The DPP surrounded and suppressed Hou Youyi, and Lin Jialong's disciple Zhuo Guanting fired the first shot, and the KMT was miserable

Hou Youyi

The death of a two-year-old child has led to a political storm

New Taipei City is one of the two core cities currently ruled by the Kuomintang and the most populous area in Taiwan. Zhu Lilun and Hou Youyi have served as mayors of New Taipei for eight years, and New Taipei City has become one of the core fortresses of the Kuomintang in the north. Hou Youyi is now the most prestigious politician in the entire Kuomintang, regarded as one of the hottest figures in the 2024 Taiwan election, and he will be re-elected as mayor of New Taipei in 2022. In order to avoid a head-on confrontation with the KMT Hou Youyi, the DPP has not yet determined a candidate for mayor of New Taipei at the end of 2022. The reason why Hou Youyi was able to become the "king of popularity" in Taiwan is because he does not have any stains on his body, and the DPP has no way to smear him. However, this time the outbreak of the epidemic in Taiwan itself, the DPP's original "popularity king" Chen Shizhong instantly changed from "god of epidemic prevention" to "epidemic prevention sinner", basically losing the capital to chase deer on election occasions. And Hou Youyi was also caught up in the whirlpool of the epidemic, and it is likely that he will fall off the altar because of this.

The DPP surrounded and suppressed Hou Youyi, and Lin Jialong's disciple Zhuo Guanting fired the first shot, and the KMT was miserable

Chen Shizhong

On April 14, 2022, En'en, a two-year-old child from Zhonghe District, New Taipei City, Taiwan Province, unfortunately contracted COVID-19, and his father was forced to quarantine in Hsinchu City a few days earlier because of the confirmed COVID-19. Eun's mother and sister also unfortunately contracted a fever at home, and Eun's symptoms were particularly severe. At 17:38 on April 14, En'en's father called the service hotline of the Taiwan health department for the first time to inform the two children that they were in a bad condition and asked for assistance. At 18:08, En'en's father called the service line again to ask for assistance, and En'en fell into a coma. It wasn't until 7:20 a.m. that an ambulance from the New Taipei City Government Health Department set off for En's residence. When the child entered the hospital, it was close to nine o'clock in the evening, and the situation was already very critical. Eun Eun eventually passed away on April 17, becoming the first child in Taiwan to die from the COVID-19 pandemic.

The DPP surrounded and suppressed Hou Youyi, and Lin Jialong's disciple Zhuo Guanting fired the first shot, and the KMT was miserable

New Taipei City

From the time series, it is not difficult to see that the Taiwan health department and the New Taipei City Health Bureau delayed for more than an hour when they received the call. Who should be responsible for this has become an important issue, and the family of the child pointed the finger at the service hotline under the Taiwan health department for the first time after the incident, and at the same time asked the New Taipei City Government to access the call records at that time. Both the New Taipei City Health Bureau and the Fire Department only showed the relevant translations on the grounds that it was related to privacy. But recently, a mysterious recording has been leaked, which is the entire recording of the Grace Incident, which not only has no privacy part, but also records the frivolous attitude of the relevant personnel. The tape also confirms the negligence and concealment of the New Taipei City Government. This triggered public opinion throughout Taiwan, and the person who produced the recording was Zhuo Guanting, a young cadre of the Democratic Progressive Party. He first disclosed this recording in the program of Taiwanese celebrity Zhou Yuke, and Taiwan's "Mirror Weekly" also followed up, allowing the incident to continue to ferment.

The DPP surrounded and suppressed Hou Youyi, and Lin Jialong's disciple Zhuo Guanting fired the first shot, and the KMT was miserable

Zhuo Guanting

Zhuo Guanting is a young generation within the DPP, belonging to the "Zhenghui" faction within the DPP, and Shangfeng is lin Jialong, the general of the "Zhenghui". He joined the Democratic Progressive Party since he was a student and saddled up at Lin Jialong's side. In 2014, Lin Jialong was elected mayor of Taichung. At the age of twenty-eight, Zhuo Guanting was appointed "Information Bureau Chief" by Lin Jialong, and he also set a record for serving as the head of the local county and municipal bureaus in Taiwan Province at the youngest age. He has since become a confidant of Lin Jialong and the Democratic Progressive Party, and this time Zhuo Guanting announced that he will run for the New Taipei City Council in 2022. In order to win the election, he naturally has to constantly create social issues, and the tape this time is from a high school classmate who works as a firefighter according to Zhuo Guanting. Judging from the current situation, Hou Youyi has acknowledged the authenticity of the tape in disguise. A new wave has been formed, and Zhuo Guanting should also become a "new star" in the political arena. And Zhuo Guanting's wife is bound to play an important role in this.

The DPP surrounded and suppressed Hou Youyi, and Lin Jialong's disciple Zhuo Guanting fired the first shot, and the KMT was miserable

Hong Ciyong

Mr. Zhuo's wife is None other than Hong Ciyong, a former legislature representative of public opinion, and her younger brother, Hong Zhongqiu, was tortured to death by the Taiwanese military in 2013. At that time, the DPP took advantage of this to attack Ma Ying-jeou and set off large-scale protests in society. Hong Ciyong and Hong Zhongqiu were both adopted by the Hong family's parents and were not related by blood. However, Hong Ciyong still became a political star with the identity of "victim's family", jumped up in the political arena, and had a large number of influence and fan groups. It was in the process that she publicly announced her support for the DPP's Taichung mayoral candidate, Lin Jialong, who publicly announced her support for the Democratic Progressive Party. In 2017, the two officially married. Prior to this, Hong Ciyong had already defeated the Kuomintang general Yang Qiongbao in the 2016 election of public opinion representatives in Taiwan's legislature and was successfully elected. Through the experience of the two, it is not difficult for us to find that the DPP hopes to make the "Grace Incident" a second "Hong Zhongqiu Incident" in order to crush Hou Youyi, the most prestigious political figure in the KMT.

The DPP surrounded and suppressed Hou Youyi, and Lin Jialong's disciple Zhuo Guanting fired the first shot, and the KMT was miserable

28-year-old Zhuo Guanting was the youngest "information chief"

Hou Youyi is in big trouble?

Hou Youyi is now the most popular politician in the KMT and a big hit to represent the KMT in 2024 for the leadership of the Taiwan region. However, Hou Youyi has kept a distance from the KMT top brass in recent times, choosing to stand by and stand by in the "four major referendums" in 2021, which has also made many KMT top brass extremely dissatisfied with him. And zhu lilun, Zhao Shaokang and others of the Kuomintang who also want to compete in the 2024 general election naturally do not like Hou Youyi out of selfishness. After the tape of the "Grace Incident" was exposed, Hou Youyi has chosen to publicly declare that he "deeply feels guilty and will take full responsibility", which is equivalent to bowing his head to the outside world and showing weakness, and also proves that the New Taipei Municipal Government does have great problems in the handling of this problem. Naturally, the DPP will not miss this opportunity to attack Hou Youyi, and has been besieging Hou Youyi with all its might from top to bottom. The top brass of the Kuomintang chose to watch the fire from the other side, and almost no one stood up to speak for Hou Youyi.

The DPP surrounded and suppressed Hou Youyi, and Lin Jialong's disciple Zhuo Guanting fired the first shot, and the KMT was miserable

Zhao Shaokang

Hou Youyi's long-term line has been a practical style of "shrewd and capable, down-to-earth", and not taking the initiative to get involved in political issues has become his characteristic. Many KMT supporters have also accused Hou Youyi of being a "blue-skinned green bone", but from the actual situation, Hou Youyi is still the only candidate in the KMT who can compete with the DPP Lai Qingde for the 2024 position, and the two people still have the possibility of competing. Zhao Shaokang, Zhu Lilun, Han Hanyu and the like could only be completely crushed when they met Lai Qingde, and the gap between the two sides was very obvious. If the DPP can crush Hou Youyi through this "Grace Incident", it will not only remove a huge stumbling block for 2024. If the issue is allowed to continue, then Hou Youyi will most likely not be re-elected in the New Taipei mayoral election at the end of 2022. Moreover, the outbreak of the epidemic in Taiwan this time, the DPP's fainting and incompetence is obviously the culprit. However, once they pour all the dirty water on the local counties and cities, then they can take advantage of the situation to shirk most of the responsibility, which can be said to be three eagles with one stone.

The DPP surrounded and suppressed Hou Youyi, and Lin Jialong's disciple Zhuo Guanting fired the first shot, and the KMT was miserable

Hou Youyi was in big trouble

Faced with such a situation, the DPP will certainly not let it go easily. The DPP has published a "crusade against Hou Youyi" on its official social media platform, attacking Hou Youyi and the New Taipei City Government by name. Gao Jiayu, Lin Chuyin, and other public opinion representatives of the legislative body of the Democratic Progressive Party even aimed all their artillery fire at Hou Youyi, directly calling Hou Youyi a "fraudulent mayor" and "collapsing manpower." Such an overwhelming offensive is obviously to destroy Hou Youyi's political foundation and social prestige, and whether Hou Youyi can survive this disaster depends on his subsequent movements. For the DPP, if this matter really lowers Hou Youyi's prestige, then Zhuo Guanting, who provided the tape, is "a first achievement." His chances of successfully running for the New Taipei City Council will be greatly improved, and he will also be able to add a lot of points to Lin Jialong, who wants to run for mayor of Taipei. Whatever the outcome of this matter, the "main congress" faction within the DPP will be the ultimate beneficiaries.

The DPP surrounded and suppressed Hou Youyi, and Lin Jialong's disciple Zhuo Guanting fired the first shot, and the KMT was miserable

Lin Jialong

From Taiwan's political arena in recent years, it is not difficult for us to find that the DPP's organizational strength and combat effectiveness are significantly higher than those of the KMT. The superiors responded to the call, and all the people "spoke in unison" to the outside world. If Hou Youyi is defeated this time, then the KMT will no longer have the strength to turn around, and the situation on both sides of the strait is bound to deteriorate further. In this way, the DPP's long-term administration of the island of Taiwan will become a high-probability event, and the mainland should also be prepared for this. The mainland should take the absolute initiative between the Taiwan Strait and firmly grasp the trend within the island of Taiwan. The possibility of hoping that the Kuomintang on the island will regain power through elections and then reconcile with the mainland is disappearing. If the KMT loses miserably in this year's county mayoral election, then the KMT will basically not be able to escape the fate of defeat. If the broom is not available, the dust will not run away on its own, and it is better to seek others than to seek oneself to solve the Taiwan issue. Only the loyal People's Liberation Army can truly solve the dilemma between the two sides of the strait and give Taiwan a new lease of life.