
Deng Taishan: Please don't regret not seeing the sunrise

author:Little Dragon Ha

@ True knowledge of new coordinates

Confucius said, "Climb Mount Tai and make the world small."

Du Fu said, "I will be at the top of the mountain, and I will see the mountains and mountains." ”

Li Bai said, "As soon as the Gate of Heaven roars, the breeze comes." ”

Taishan, how many emperors will be xiang, literati and inkers love this place.

This famous mountain, which has been touched countless times by the eyes of the world, will still be amazed by its majesty when measured with your heels.

Deng Taishan: Please don't regret not seeing the sunrise

A walk-and-go trip, with no planning and no purpose, doesn't sound cool.

It was my middle school days, and one weekend break, my sister and brother-in-law wanted to take me to play and gave me two options:

(1) Go to a nearby cherry orchard to pick cherries.

(2) Drive a car for two or three hours to climb Mount Tarzan and watch the sunrise.

Going out to play, of course, is far away to be fun.

One shot at a time, 5 o'clock in the afternoon!

Deng Taishan: Please don't regret not seeing the sunrise

The bustling crowds are just to enjoy the style of Tarzan.

After checking the tickets and entering the scenic spot, the day is getting late and the night is rising.

Walking on the road around the mountain, there are not many people coming and going, so we naively think that we are coming in the off-season of tourism, and there will be no crowded scenes.

But it turns out that Taishan is a place without a tourist off-season.

Crossing the ring road, the bustling crowd greeted us unexpectedly.

Deng Taishan: Please don't regret not seeing the sunrise

The picture comes from Weibo

Stop and go all the way, and the night is getting darker. To eighteen plates, 1633 steps.

A gentle breeze and a chill rushed straight into the skin. As the altitude gradually rises, the temperature gets lower and lower.

As I dragged my tired body up the steps step by step, the rain, became heavier.

As the saying goes, there are unpredictable storms in the sky.

This cool trip, it was raining heavily.

There are a lot of people here who don't know how to read the weather forecast!

We hid under the curtain in front of a small shop where we bought groceries, and the raindrops fell on the tarpaulin and made a crackling sound.

The sky was pitch black and misty, and through the rain curtain, there were only stars and dots of lights.

Here, wait for the rain to stop.

Deng Taishan: Please don't regret not seeing the sunrise

Some landscapes can be called wonders, perhaps precisely because they are not easy to be seen.

Stop and go until late at night.

Wait for dawn.

Unfortunately, it was another cloudy day.

There was no radiant sun to clear the clouds, the sky was still bright, there was no rainy night to cover, Tarzan, like we revealed the whole picture.

Deng Taishan: Please don't regret not seeing the sunrise

It's not easy to climb a mountain, and it's hard to get down.

But the scenery along the way is worth it.

If you weep because you have lost the sun, then you will also lose the stars.

Before climbing Mount Tarzan, I have described many times in my mind through pictures and words the scene of the sunrise in the east and the great light of its way.

Inevitably, there will be some small losses in the heart.

But it doesn't matter, there's another chance.

If it wasn't for this rain, if it wasn't for the cloudy day, I wouldn't have smelled the fragrance of grass and dirt after the rain;

Tarzan, which has become solemn even under the gray sky, will not be seen.

After all, the mountain, right there.

Deng Taishan: Please don't regret not seeing the sunrise

As we once again packed our bags and headed toward Tarzan.

Spring, summer, autumn and winter, the four hours vary.

Only you are willing to climb, once a harvest, Tarzan, is this kind of magic that makes people linger.