
Illustration of anorexia tuina techniques in children

author:Kettle Weng 77226865

Pediatric anorexia refers to a chronic digestive disorder syndrome in which children have long-term loss of appetite or even refusal to eat as the main symptom, which is more common in children aged 1-6 years and is a common disease and multiple diseases in pediatrics. Over time, there will be weight loss, disease resistance decline, severe cases can lead to anemia, malnutrition, rickets or recurrent respiratory tract infections, etc., will affect the growth and development of children and intellectual development to varying degrees. Pediatric tuina has a good effect on pediatric anorexia, and the pediatric anorexia tuina techniques are explained in detail as follows for everyone to learn and collect.

1. Knead the door

Illustration of anorexia tuina techniques in children

Position: Palm face large fish intercollegonal plane

Tuina technique: fix the child's palm with one hand, press the rubbing door with the thumb is called the kneading door, clockwise, counterclockwise can be, called the kneading door or the plate door.

Function: healthy spleen and stomach, digestion and stagnation, mostly used for the prevention and treatment of milk stagnation, bloating, loss of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea and so on.

Supplement: pushing from the wrist stripe to the base of the thumb can be antiemetic, called the horizontal stripe push plate door; Pushing from the base of the thumb to the wrist cross stripe can stop diarrhea, called the plate door push transverse stripe.

2. Gossip within the transport

Illustration of anorexia tuina techniques in children

Position: The inner Bagua is located in the palm of the hand, with the Laogong Acupoint as the center of the circle, and the radius from the Laogong Acupoint to the root of the middle finger as the circle, that is, the Inner Bagua.

Detailed explanation of the gua position: (This paragraph is somewhat complicated, everyone read carefully) for the small tianxin is kan, the middle finger is away, the midpoint of the thumb side away from the kan semicircle is the tremor (regardless of the left and right hand tremor positions are located on the thumb side), and the midpoint of the semicircle on the little finger side is the exchange (pictured). Generally, only the left hand can be used during treatment, during treatment, the doctor generally uses the thumb of the left hand to hold the baby's departure, the right hand is transported, and the finger abdomen of the right thumb is transported from the nail of the thumb of the left hand, so as not to let the departure be massaged to avoid disturbing the heart fire.

Tuina techniques and functions: Take the left hand as an example, clockwise transport called luck Bagua, partial temperature, can treat cold diseases, qi is the main ascent, can be wide chest qi, cough phlegm, digestion stagnation; Counterclockwise transport is called reverse luck gossip, coolness, can treat hot diseases, qi is the main decline, can lower stomach qi, consume food, increase diet, cough and asthma. Children with chest tightness, fullness, vomiting, coughing, etc. are more than lucky; No appetite, frequent hiccups for multi-purpose reverse luck.

Now the frequency of use of clinical reverse luck gossip is higher than that of bagua within the luck, because now the living conditions are better, many children are overfeed, stomach gas is caused by inversion, clinically can see bad breath, hiccups, cough, vomiting, accumulation of food, stool dry knots and other diseases, with reverse luck within the gossip effect is better.

3: Knead the mid-neck

Illustration of anorexia tuina techniques in children

Location: The mid-sternum is located in the epigastric region, on the anterior midline, when the upper umbilicus is 4 inches (the lower sternum and the midpoint of the navel junction).

Tuina technique: use the palm root or food, middle and nameless three fingers to knead the child's stomach in the middle of the abdomen called rubbing the middle neck.

Function: healthy spleen and stomach, lower reverse water, indications for the treatment of children's diarrhea, vomiting, bloating, abdominal pain, loss of appetite, belching, food accumulation and so on.

Supplement: Pushing from the middle neck upwards to the larynx or pushing down from the larynx to the middle neck pushing the middle neck or pushing the stomach, pushing the middle neck from top to bottom is mainly used for the treatment of gastric gas upward reversal, belching vomiting, and pushing straight from the bottom up is mostly used for pediatric vomiting.

4. Push the small horizontal stripe

Illustration of anorexia tuina techniques in children

Position: Located at the metacarpal index finger, middle finger, ring finger, little finger metaphalangeal joint rhabies.

Tuina technique: pinch from the index finger to the little finger with the thumb nail, called pinching the small horizontal stripe; The radius of the thumb is pushed from the side of the index finger straight to the side of the little finger, which is called pushing the small horizontal stripe.

Function: open chest depression, phlegm saliva, used for irritability, aphthous sores, bloating, cough, spleen and stomach hot knots, lung rales, etc.

Supplement: Pinch the small horizontal stripe for the complement method, push the small horizontal stripe for the general method. With spleen replenishment, spleen deficiency and bloating can be treated; Cooperate with the Qing Spleen Sutra and the Bagua within the transport to treat injuries and food accumulation; Cooperate with the clear spleen meridian, clean stomach, clear small intestine, clear tianhe water, etc. to treat dry lips, mouth and tongue sores, etc.; Combined with lung rubbing, it can treat lung rales and so on.


1, tuina treatment is recommended once a day, generally do the child's left hand, the strength should be gentle, you can use tamat powder as a medium;

2. According to the age and severity of the child's condition, adjust the number and intensity of massage of each acupuncture point in the group;

3. Regulate the spleen and stomach function of children, which is expensive to adhere to.

Note: This article is for reference only, the operation methods involved should be performed by professional doctors, and I do not assume any responsibility arising therefrom.