
Gather strength to promote global economic recovery

Source: People's Daily

Gather strength to promote global economic recovery
Gather strength to promote global economic recovery

From October 11 to 13, 2021, the final of the 2021 "Belt and Road" and BRICS Skills Development and Technological Innovation Competition was held. The picture shows the contestants concentrating on the competition.

Photo by Liu Weidong (People's Vision)

Gather strength to promote global economic recovery

From January to May this year, Qingdao's direct route to the BRICS countries completed a total of 830,000 TEUs, an increase of 12% year-on-year. The picture shows the operation site of Qingdao Port Qianwan Port Area of Shandong Port on June 15.

Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Ziheng

Gather strength to promote global economic recovery

China State Grid Brazil Holding Company participated in the investment and construction of the first phase of the UHVDC transmission project in The Beautiful Mountains in Brazil. The picture shows the Eastredu station of the receiving end of the project.

Courtesy of State Grid Brazil Holding Company of China

The BRICS Business Forum 2022 was held in Beijing on June 22 in a combination of online and offline. Focusing on the theme of "Deepening brics business partnership and creating a better future for global development", the forum set up five thematic seminars, namely "upholding the concept of openness, promoting world economic recovery", "accelerating green transformation and promoting global sustainable development", "embracing the digital economy and promoting the BRICS New Industrial Revolution Partnership", "uniting to cope with challenges and expanding health cooperation under the epidemic", "strengthening coordination and cooperation, and enhancing the resilience of the industrial chain supply chain". Government officials, industry representatives and business people from BRICS and other countries had extensive and in-depth exchanges at the seminar.

- Editor

Adhere to openness, mutual benefit and win-win results

Reporter Yang Xun

At present, economic globalization is encountering "headwinds and countercurrents," and there is a long way to go to promote world economic recovery and development. How can BRICS countries deepen cooperation and contribute "BRICS power" to promoting global development? At the symposium on "Upholding the Concept of Openness and Promoting the Recovery of the World Economy", government officials, entrepreneurs and scholars from different countries spoke freely and stirred up wisdom.

Sergei Catlin, president of the Russian Federation chamber of commerce and industry, believes that the current dregs of unilateralism and anti-globalization are spreading, and the uncertainty of the world economy has increased. Under the BRICS cooperation framework, countries can carry out open, inclusive and mutually beneficial multilateral cooperation in trade, economy and finance, strengthen connectivity, stimulate their inherent development potential, and make greater contributions to promoting world economic recovery.

In the view of Bussi Mabuza, chairman of the South African Industrial Development Corporation, open trade is an important way to cope with related challenges, which is conducive to strengthening the interconnection of countries, creating more jobs, helping more people to lift themselves out of poverty, and creating a more stable, secure and prosperous development environment. "The BRICS countries have a lot to offer in promoting open trade, and they should carry out closer coordination and cooperation."

"The more types and scope of trade flows, the more resilient the world economy will be in the face of challenges." Yusuf Al-Bayan, vice chairman and CEO of SABIC, said that the key to building a world where trade, investment and knowledge can flow quickly and more openly lies in broader and deeper collaboration. He called on the public and private sectors, governments and non-governmental organizations to strengthen cooperation to promote international exchanges, revitalize the world economy and promote sustainable development.

Expanding openness and integration is the common voice of the guests. Chen Siqing, Chairman of the Chinese Council of the BRICS Business Council and Chairman of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, said that the industrial and commercial community is a new force in promoting BRICS pragmatic cooperation, and should gather consensus on cooperation, gather momentum for transformation, help improve people's livelihood, unite as one, work together, and inject more stability and positive energy into the recovery and development of the world economy with open cooperation.

Focus on long-term green development

Reporter Zhang Bolan

Sustainable development concerns the future and destiny of humanity and the planet as a whole. As representatives of emerging markets and developing countries, brics countries share common concerns and responsibilities for promoting global sustainable development. At the symposium on "Accelerating Green Transformation and Promoting Global Sustainable Development", the participants actively offered suggestions and suggestions to discuss and build a clean and beautiful world.

"The BRICS countries are an important engine of world economic growth and an important force in the fight against climate change." Dai Houliang, chairman of China National Petroleum Corporation, said that China has practiced the goal of carbon neutrality with practical actions to inject confidence and impetus into the international community's response to climate change. BRICS enterprises have complementary advantages in industry and technology, and should continue to use the cooperation mechanism to promote coordinated industrial development and the interconnection of technology and standards.

At the meeting, Andrade, president of the Brazilian National Confederation of Industry, put forward a four-point initiative of "realizing energy transformation", "building a carbon emission market", "developing a circular economy" and "vigorously protecting forests". "The transition to a low-carbon economy presents many new opportunities for brics," he said. Cooperation among brics is essential to building a more sustainable world, achieving economic growth, environmental protection and improving living standards for all. ”

In recent years, BRICS countries have actively joined hands to promote sustainable development, and the BRICS Economic Partnership Strategy 2025 lists "sustainable development" as a key area of cooperation. Xin Baoan, chairman of the State Grid Corporation of China, said that China has continuously deepened exchanges and cooperation with BRICS countries in green technology, green equipment, green services, green infrastructure construction and other aspects, and promoted the development and utilization of clean energy. "We must work together to make green a clear background for brics pragmatic cooperation."

"In the face of global challenges such as the COVID-19 pandemic, BRICS countries should continue to strengthen cooperation to enhance the resilience of the world economy." Shuvalov, chairman of the Russian State-owned Development Bank, said that Russia is willing to further exchange experience with all parties and actively promote cooperation in the fields of green finance, new energy and carbon reduction.

Ibrahim Patel, Minister of Trade, Industry and Competition of South Africa, said: "We need greater synergies, with greater cooperation between developed and developing countries, governments and businesses, and brics will continue to work towards a more resilient economy." ”

Seize the opportunity to increase momentum

Reporter Zhang Yuannan

The digital economy is an important direction for the future development of the world. In recent years, brics countries have continuously expanded their opportunities for cooperation in the digital economy and achieved remarkable results. At the symposium on "Embracing the Digital Economy and Promoting the BRICS Partnership for the New Industrial Revolution", the participants actively discussed relevant topics.

Ziyad Suleiman, Chief Commercial Officer of EOH South Africa, said that digital transformation can help improve economic resilience and enhance development momentum. Strengthening innovation cooperation and actively sharing experiences among BRICS countries will enhance the level of digital transformation in the five countries, help the development of small and medium-sized enterprises, and also provide a "BRICS solution" for improving the global digital development environment.

Not long ago, the Joint Declaration of the Sixth BRICS Conference of Ministers of Industry was issued, encouraging the use of the BRICS New Industrial Revolution Partnership platform to further deepen cooperation. Alexei Gruzdev, Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, said: "This will help the BRICS countries to solve the problems facing digital development, especially in the areas of human resources and infrastructure. ”

Liang Baojun, deputy general manager of China Unicom, believes that under the current situation, we should seize the opportunities of digital economy development, strengthen cooperation in scientific and technological innovation, digital information infrastructure construction, industrial digital transformation and other fields, and jointly help build the BRICS New Industrial Revolution Partnership and promote mutual benefit and win-win results.

Krimbitov, Chairman of the International Finance Centre of Astana, Kazakhstan, said that digital transformation is a priority area for Kazakhstan to support innovative development. With the support of Chinese Internet companies, Kazakhstan is actively using digital technologies to achieve better connectivity and greater efficiency. Kazakhstan looks forward to close trade with BRICS countries and more cooperation in the field of digitalization.

Unite against the epidemic and protect health together

Reporter Qu Song of this newspaper

The COVID-19 pandemic continues to spread around the world. The international community needs to strengthen confidence, work together and respond in unity to win the fight against this major infectious disease of humanity. At the symposium on "Uniting to Meet Challenges and ExpandIng Health Cooperation under the Epidemic", the participants shared their experiences and exchanged in-depth views.

In March this year, the BRICS Vaccine R&D Center was officially launched. Brazilian Ambassador to China Paulo Valle believes that the BRICS cooperation mechanism helps countries to strengthen their actions in the field of health, and the establishment of the BRICS Vaccine Research and Development Center enables scientists from the five countries to share relevant information on vaccine production in a timely manner, which helps to achieve equitable distribution of vaccines around the world.

Davelina Chakravati, executive director of Artemis Hospital in India, said that the BRICS countries can further gather wisdom, focus on the research and development and production of new crown vaccines and other vaccines, effectively allocate resources, and find production methods that reduce costs as much as possible. At the same time, countries can also cooperate more strongly in helping people in remote areas access digital medical services, building public health systems, and strengthening surveillance and early warning.

China has actively promoted international cooperation against the epidemic, reached out to developing countries, shared information, dispatched medical experts, provided medical supplies, and carried out vaccine cooperation, which has won wide praise from the international community. "In the process of fighting the epidemic, China's strong production, supply and management capabilities are impressive and worth learning." Li Wenzheng, founder and chairman of Lippo Group of Indonesia, said that the Indonesian government and people thank China for their assistance and support, which is a vivid case of the pragmatic development of the "BRICS +" cooperation mechanism.

Stavros Nigulau, senior executive of South Africa's Aspen Pharmaceutical Holdings, said African countries are eager to produce their own vaccines. At present, vaccine cooperation between Chinese enterprises and South African enterprises is underway, and the BRICS cooperation framework provides a good platform for Africa to broaden vaccine supply channels and improve scientific research capabilities.

Davron Vakhapov, chairman of the Uzbekistan Chamber of Commerce and Industry, said that through technical cooperation with BRICS countries such as China and Russia in vaccine production, Uzbekistan has achieved good results in epidemic prevention and control and economic recovery. "We will continue to be open and actively carry out international cooperation."

Complementary advantages smooth chain

Reporter Bai Ziwei

At present, the pressure on the global industrial chain supply chain is increasing. The symposium on "Strengthening Coordination and Cooperation and Enhancing the Resilience of the Industrial Chain Supply Chain" invited business people from different fields such as transportation, manufacturing, grain, and commerce to conduct in-depth discussions. The participants generally believed that brics countries should continue to expand pragmatic cooperation in the economic and trade fields, actively safeguard the security, stability and smoothness of the global industrial chain supply chain, and safeguard the multilateral trading system and the common interests of developing countries.

"The BRICS countries' insistence on maintaining an open, resilient and stable industrial chain and supply chain will help better respond to the epidemic and achieve economic recovery." Anupria Patel, Minister of State of the Ministry of Commerce and Industry of India, said that brics countries can further strengthen exchanges in terms of enhancing industrial competitiveness and promoting the development of various industries, so as to better achieve sustainable development and inclusive growth.

Jackson Schneider, executive vice president of Embraer, believes that the accelerated development of the digital economy provides new opportunities to promote trade and investment liberalization and facilitation and expand global value chains. BRICS countries should strengthen cooperation in the industrial chain supply chain, especially to fully consider the challenges faced by small and medium-sized enterprises, and promote the development of small and micro enterprises with digitalization. He also said that brics countries should strive to create a free, open, fair, non-discriminatory, transparent and predictable trade and investment environment, which is crucial for the development of emerging economies.

The BRICS parties recently reached the "BRICS Initiative on Strengthening Supply Chain Cooperation", focusing on improving the resilience of the supply chain and maintaining the security, stability and smoothness of the global supply chain. Wan Min, chairman of China COSCO Shipping Group Co., Ltd., said that it is necessary to fully stimulate the advantages of the industry, give play to the basic supporting role of the shipping industry in cross-border e-commerce and logistics, make every effort to maintain the security and stability of the global industrial chain supply chain, and further serve the development of global economy and trade.

Lv Jun, chairman of COFCO Group Co., Ltd., said that it is necessary to actively implement the BRICS Food Security Cooperation Strategy recently released, further strengthen pragmatic cooperation in various fields such as agricultural production, technology research and development, trade circulation, etc., explore the construction of a long-term and stable supply and demand docking mechanism, jointly improve the supply guarantee capacity of grain and important agricultural products, and promote the smooth circulation and efficient connection of agricultural and grain commodities.

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