
The most popular 9 "net red green plants", raising a pot at home, super literary

author:Flower Riba Baba
The most popular 9 "net red green plants", raising a pot at home, super literary

There is no space for greenery, no vitality.

Living in the city for a long time, accustomed to seeing the reinforced concrete outside, the first lantern, let people have a breathless "suffocation feeling", at this moment, it is better to buy a few pots of green plants to put at home to comfort themselves.

What green plants are there at home? What are the contraindications? There are many doorways in this. Today we will tell you about those things about green plants, the whole dry goods, recommended collection!

The most popular 9 "net red green plants", raising a pot at home, super literary
The most popular 9 "net red green plants", raising a pot at home, super literary

Living room space

The living room serves as the "façade" of the whole house, and is most suitable for medium and large evergreen plants with simple leaves. Visually, it can alleviate the sense of rigidity caused by large walls, form a buffer for the entire space, and avoid the clutter caused by small green plants.

In addition, the number of green plants in the living room should not be too much, and should not be placed too densely, with emphasis and C positions.

The most popular 9 "net red green plants", raising a pot at home, super literary

(1) Ficus ficus

Face value: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Good Nutrition Index : ⭐⭐⭐⭐

The key to maintenance: like the sun and warm, and the sun is sufficient

The fig leaves resemble a violin, the leaf veins are clear, simple and generous, the plant is straight, fresh and versatile. The leaves have no dead ends, are easy to prune and tend to, and are not easy to breed mosquitoes.

More importantly, super versatile! Whether it is the Nordic style of literature and art, the casual American retro style, or the minimalist Japanese style, the qinye banyan can be perfectly integrated and become the finishing touch in the space.

The most popular 9 "net red green plants", raising a pot at home, super literary

Tips: Ficus ficus is particularly sunny and warm, so it is best for planting seedlings in the summer. The key is to maintain a ventilated and warm, humid environment. When watering, care should be taken not to pour directly on the leaves, otherwise it is easy to be infected with black rot or leaf spot disease.

(2) Turtle back bamboo

Face value: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Good Nutrition Index : ⭐⭐⭐⭐

The key to maintenance: warm and moist, proper shade

The most popular 9 "net red green plants", raising a pot at home, super literary

As a Nordic wind hegemon, the turtle back bamboo has gradually become a "net red green plant" in recent years.

Turtle-backed bamboo belongs to the Tiannanxing family, the plant type is beautiful, the leaves are turquoise and wide, with a strong tropical style. As a photo background, the face value of the photo is a lever drop.

The most popular 9 "net red green plants", raising a pot at home, super literary

Tips: Turtleback bamboo is a shade-tolerant plant and likes to get wet, so it is necessary to pay attention to avoid direct sunlight when placed indoors, so as to avoid aging or burns on the leaves. During the growing season, water can be sprayed on the leaves, which can not only cool the leaves, but also maintain the gloss of the leaf surface.

(3) Rubber tree

Face value: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Good Nutrition Index : ⭐⭐⭐⭐

The key to maintenance: warm and cold

The most popular 9 "net red green plants", raising a pot at home, super literary

The leaves of the rubber tree are thick and round, emerald green and shiny, the plant type is symmetrical, and can generally grow to about one meter, which has strong ornamental value and beautification effect.

In addition, the rubber tree is known as the "guardian of environmental protection", with a strong oxygen production function, but also can effectively absorb toxic substances in the air, the benefits of many people.

The most popular 9 "net red green plants", raising a pot at home, super literary

Tips: For home care, just put the rubber tree at the south-facing, sunny window. At the seedling stage, the pots need to be changed regularly to avoid imbalance at both ends of the leaves and affect the aesthetics.

In addition, the rubber tree is a mulberry plant, and the whole plant contains milk. Therefore, charcoal powder should be applied after each trimming to avoid too much juice flowing out and causing water loss.

The most popular 9 "net red green plants", raising a pot at home, super literary

Bedroom space

The green placement of the bedroom needs to match its quiet, peaceful atmosphere, the color should not be too fancy, mainly elegant and fresh, and all the plants that can purify the air and absorb toxic gases.

(1) Tiger Piran

Face value: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Good Nutrition Index : ⭐⭐⭐⭐

The key to maintenance: like light and shade, avoid waterlogging

The most popular 9 "net red green plants", raising a pot at home, super literary

Tiger Pilan, also known as Tiger Tail Orchid, resembles a sword, and the leaves are often covered with golden tabby. Unique shape, fresh and elegant, exquisite and lovely.

More importantly, Tiger Pilan is one of the few varieties of plants that can absorb carbon dioxide at night, replacing fresh oxygen negative ions, thereby effectively relieving fatigue and improving sleep quality.

The most popular 9 "net red green plants", raising a pot at home, super literary

Tips: Tiger Piran prefers astigmatism, a well-ventilated environment, and the soil must remain loose and fertile. When watering, you need to pay attention to the fact that watering is better dry than wet, except for the spring when you need to water a little more, other seasons should let the soil dry.

(2) Loose-tailed sunflower

Face value: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Good Nutrition Index : ⭐⭐⭐

The key to maintenance: sexual warmth and humidity, cold tolerance is weak

The most popular 9 "net red green plants", raising a pot at home, super literary

Loose-tailed sunflower, also known as yellow coconut, anchovy bamboo, has a smooth stem, clear leaf marks like bamboo knots, smooth and slender, soft and lazy. It combines American style and French romance and has a strong decorative effect.

In addition, the loose tail aoi has the function of releasing water vapor. Placing a loose-tailed sunflower in the bedroom can keep the humidity in the room at about 50%, comparable to an air humidifier, especially suitable for dry winter.

The most popular 9 "net red green plants", raising a pot at home, super literary

Tips: Loose-tailed sunflowers prefer soils with high nutrient content and good drainage capacity. Usually, you need to pay attention to avoid direct sunlight, the optimal growth temperature is maintained between 25-35 ° C, and the temperature needs to be maintained above 10 ° C in winter.

(3) Cactus

Face value: ⭐⭐⭐

Good Nutrition Index : ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Maintenance key: control watering, keep light

The most popular 9 "net red green plants", raising a pot at home, super literary

Cacti have a strong ability to resist radiation, reducing the damage of indoor radiation to the human body. Oxygen can also be released at night, increasing the oxygen concentration in the air, which is conducive to sleep and rest.

In addition, it has the ability to absorb soot, which can improve the quality of the air in the bedroom. Leaving aside these, cacti are diverse in variety, different in form, interesting in appearance, and good in ornamentation.

The most popular 9 "net red green plants", raising a pot at home, super literary

Tips: Cactus maintenance requires strict water control to avoid soaking the roots. Cacti in the bedroom can be placed on the window sill or in an area that can expose the sun as much as possible to maintain sufficient light.

The most popular 9 "net red green plants", raising a pot at home, super literary

Bathroom space

The ventilation conditions and lighting conditions of the bathroom are poor, and the humidity is heavy, which is easy to produce odors. At this time, the role of green plants is particularly important.

Choosing the right green plants can not only make the environment more beautiful, but also absorb moisture, sterilization and odor. Reduce the discomfort caused by small and damp spaces, so that the bathroom can also become flexible and full of life.

The most popular 9 "net red green plants", raising a pot at home, super literary

(1) Green lotus

Face value: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Good Nutrition Index : ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

The key to maintenance: like the sun and warm, and the sun is sufficient

As a large vine, its ancestors lived in tropical rainforests, so it is very adapted to humid and shady environments.

The green lotus raised in the bathroom can not only grow better, decorate the space, but also adsorb the odor in the air and play a role in purifying the air.

The most popular 9 "net red green plants", raising a pot at home, super literary

Tips: The bathroom itself is humid enough, so the green lotus placed inside should be watered as little as possible. If the lighting conditions in the bathroom are too poor, you can take it out every other week and put it in the lighting condition for a day or two to avoid the leaves from withering and yellowing.

(2) Ivy

Face value: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Good Nutrition Index : ⭐⭐⭐⭐

The key to maintenance: resistant to shade and often pruned

The most popular 9 "net red green plants", raising a pot at home, super literary

Ivy is tenacious, evergreen, creeping and growing, and the leaves naturally hang down, like a "green waterfall". It also effectively resists the nicotine produced by second-hand smoke, converting toxic substances into sugars and amino acids through small pores on the leaves.

Due to its natural resistance to shade, the requirements for light are not high, and it does not like to be directly exposed to strong light, so it is quite suitable for breeding in the bathroom environment.

The most popular 9 "net red green plants", raising a pot at home, super literary

Tips: Although ivy is very "skinny", due to its excessive vitality, it is easy to climb along the walls and furniture, and it needs to be trimmed and tended from time to time.

(3) Clematis fern

Face value: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Good Nutrition Index : ⭐⭐⭐

The key to maintenance: keep cool and ventilated

The most popular 9 "net red green plants", raising a pot at home, super literary

Clematis fern is graceful in shape and has soft branches, and its leaves are small, overlapping and green. And does not like light, prefer a humid environment, so it is most suitable for keeping in the bathroom.

In addition, clematis can also effectively purify harmful gases such as formaldehyde xylene in the room and absorb harmful gases from the human body.

The most popular 9 "net red green plants", raising a pot at home, super literary

Tips: Clematis ferns can be placed in bathrooms with windows that scatter light. Usually water once every 3 days, apply cake fertilizer once a month, pay attention to maintain good ventilation, and cut off the yellow and withered leaves in time.

The most popular 9 "net red green plants", raising a pot at home, super literary

Green plants can not only increase the interest of life, but also a life attitude. It is a delicate connection between modern people and nature in their busy urban life.

In "Norwegian Forest", it is said: "Everyone has their own forest". And the forest that belongs to me, I want to move it into my house.