
As a Chinese banned dog, the Bellington Terrier, how fierce it is, don't look at the sweetness of others, how to identify the reasons why people send you to the Western Heavens

author:A hairy yam

Text/Ono Shoveler

Full text approx.: 1200 words, reading time: 3 minutes

This article was first published by Ono Shoveler and may not be reproduced commercially by any individual or institution without permission.

Hello everyone, I'm Ono Shoveler. Today Ono will share with you a very interesting fan submission, let's take a look!

After reading my title, do you feel very confused, don't rush to take a look at the following picture. If I don't say, does anyone think it's a baby sheep, in fact, because of its appearance, the Bellington Terrier is also called a "sheep dog". Next, let's take a look at them.

As a Chinese banned dog, the Bellington Terrier, how fierce it is, don't look at the sweetness of others, how to identify the reasons why people send you to the Western Heavens

<h1>Don't look at people's sweetness, provoke people to send you to the Western Heavens</h1>

The Bellington Terrier is a member of the grey wolf breeding dog family, native to the United Kingdom, they were not born, but at the end of the nineteenth century, it was through a multi-mixed breed to cultivate the beautiful and vibrant it is today.

Don't look at their soft appearance, they look quiet, there is no attack power, but in fact, they have existed as touring hunting dogs and fighting dogs for a long time. They are soft on the outside and tough on the inside, full of infinite vitality like a little leopard, running almost as fast as a pony.

As a Chinese banned dog, the Bellington Terrier, how fierce it is, don't look at the sweetness of others, how to identify the reasons why people send you to the Western Heavens

But they have a strong competitive spirit, like to be competitive, and are more fierce, easy to hurt and difficult to tame. However, once adopted, the Bellington Terrier will show great sincerity, so many families in the UK will raise it as a strong housekeeper dog.

<h1>Reasons for the prohibition</h1>

The first point is that because they are active by nature, they need a lot of exercise to maintain the need for psychological stimulation, otherwise it is fatal to them, they should not be in the city, they should run on the grass, let their powerful abilities play out. The second point is that the Bellington Terrier is more ferocious, and there are many things that attack people, and many of our cities in China are forbidden to breed more ferocious dogs, after all, they are easy to hurt people.

As a Chinese banned dog, the Bellington Terrier, how fierce it is, don't look at the sweetness of others, how to identify the reasons why people send you to the Western Heavens

<h1>How to identify</h1>

Here you can teach you how to easily identify the Bellington Terrier, in case you go out, see people cute to touch it, it is really tragic. The Bellington Terrier is about forty centimeters tall, the body hair is thick, it looks a bit like sheep wool, the coat color is white, gray, light gray blue, etc.; the head shape is relatively long and round, like a three-dimensional capsule, the root of the ear is lower and the ear is drooping, the eyes are relatively small, the shape is triangular, their nose is black, and the nostrils are relatively large;

In terms of body shape, the back is arched, the tail is slender and the root is located down, and the tail is also drooping, and the whole dog looks like a small sheep. And remember that the Bellington Terrier likes to be competitive, so you know that if you lead the dog to meet them, remember not to go near them, so as not to be injured by this "little leopard".

As a Chinese banned dog, the Bellington Terrier, how fierce it is, don't look at the sweetness of others, how to identify the reasons why people send you to the Western Heavens

Contributed by: Dai Xin

Edit: Ono Shoveler

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