
Falling out with his partner, and his girlfriend rebelling against him, is it smooth to sixty ears?

author:Pig Mimi said entertainment

Today, June 22nd

It is the sixtieth birthday of Stephen Chow, the king of comedy

Can't imagine "time flies, white colts pass through the gap"

The former idol is sixty years old

Although everyone knows the king of comedy and everyone knows everyone

But the real him seems quite mysterious

Falling out with his partner, and his girlfriend rebelling against him, is it smooth to sixty ears?

So just today

Some mainland media launched the "Everyone Loves Stephen Chow" series of live broadcasts

Special invitation to star ye to direct the film

E Jingwen, the actor of "The King of New Comedy"

There was also a deep involvement in "Journey to the West"

and the director behind the scenes of "The Mermaid"

Actor Lu Zhengyu shared the bits and pieces of work with Xingye

Falling out with his partner, and his girlfriend rebelling against him, is it smooth to sixty ears?

Through interviews with filmmakers

We can summarize the characteristics of Star Lord

Rigorous and serious in work, quite boring in life

"When it's time to be excited, he keeps excited, but when it's not good, he will be very calm, sometimes you think he's going to be angry, but he's extra patient, he keeps teaching, teaching for more than an hour, there's only one purpose, that is, to shoot this work well, and he doesn't care about too many other things!"

Falling out with his partner, and his girlfriend rebelling against him, is it smooth to sixty ears?

Compared to entering the film world, I am fully engaged and my eyes are shining

In private, Star Ye was a silent and serious person

"The contrast between him in real life and in the movie is so big, he doesn't make strange expressions, he doesn't lively like that, he's very gentle, he doesn't talk much, he's very Sven, I feel that he's gentle inside." I found out he loves lollipops and it's his lovely place! ”

Falling out with his partner, and his girlfriend rebelling against him, is it smooth to sixty ears?

Seeing these evaluations, I think it is also the same as everyone's daily life

Hearing those who described the character of Star Master was comparable

That is, the King of Comedy is essentially one

"Others laugh at me too crazy I laugh at others can't see through" existence

The madness is that he will always have it in the movies

Endless whimsical ideas

And "can't see through" is

He poured all the light and heat of his life into the movie

Even some small problems in life

It leaves behind a paranoid, eccentric, and arrogant look

Falling out with his partner, and his girlfriend rebelling against him, is it smooth to sixty ears?

That's right, when it comes to the glory of Star Ye's life

It is already difficult to describe in pen and ink

It is an indisputable fact that he claimed hegemony in the Chinese film world

But what everyone doesn't know is

It turned out that the international film industry also once enshrined him

Falling out with his partner, and his girlfriend rebelling against him, is it smooth to sixty ears?

No, he is the third highest-grossing Chinese director in the world

Second only to Wu Yusen in the first place and Ang Lee in the second place

He was also featured in People magazine in 1992

Named "The World's Most Interesting Male Star"

It is still the only Chinese person to receive this honor

If you change to ordinary people, it is highly affirmed by the international film industry

We must seize the opportunity to go international

But what is incomprehensible is that Star Master is not rare

It is said that he has rejected Hollywood's invitation to cooperate four times

Falling out with his partner, and his girlfriend rebelling against him, is it smooth to sixty ears?

That's right, it was 1996

"God Eater" starring Xingye was very popular in Hong Kong

It once attracted the favor of Hollywood studios

There are also local producers who intend to buy the rights to "God Eater"

Invite Star Ye to remake the American version

However, Star Ye flatly refused because he did not want to repeat the creation

Later, "Kung Fu" also succeeded in making a name for itself in Hollywood

Got Columbia Movies once planned a sequel

Also rejected by Star Ye

Falling out with his partner, and his girlfriend rebelling against him, is it smooth to sixty ears?

Later, Hollywood movie star William Smith

He also personally looked for Star Ye

Hopefully, he'll remake 1984's "Veyron Kid."

He also serves as director, producer and actor

And tout his son Jaden Smith as the protagonist

Face the olive branch thrown by international superstars

Star Ye did not gladly follow

Later, Jackie Chan came forward to replace it

Falling out with his partner, and his girlfriend rebelling against him, is it smooth to sixty ears?

By 2011, Sony Pictures was planning to make "The Green Hornet."

Originally, it was intended that Star Ye served as the director and

Play the role of Kato and pay tribute to Bruce Lee

Unfortunately, there was constant controversy during production

In the end, Star Ye also resigned as an actor

Top by Jay Chou on the corner of Kato

Falling out with his partner, and his girlfriend rebelling against him, is it smooth to sixty ears?

And when it comes to strife with people

In the years since Star Ye has been in the arts, it can be said that there is constant conflict

It's not just about falling out with partners

Even Yu Wenfeng, a girlfriend who has been in love for many years

Also goodbye to it is not a friend, after the breakup to the court

So now, people have reached sixty stars

It gives people a feeling of rebellion and loneliness

Falling out with his partner, and his girlfriend rebelling against him, is it smooth to sixty ears?

Just according to confucius's view of the spiral of life

Thirty and standing, forty without confusion, fifty and knowing the Destiny

Sixty and obedient, seventy and obedient to the heart, not excessive

Although Star Master has been known for his stubbornness for the first half of his life

It is an "exclusive village" famous in the circle

But when he was sixty years old, would he restrain his stubborn temper?

Falling out with his partner, and his girlfriend rebelling against him, is it smooth to sixty ears?

All because of the sixty ear shun, the ear shun means

When people reach the age of sixty, they become more and more "moderate"

Specifically, people of this age have spent most of their lives

I have experienced everything that should be experienced, and I have tasted everything that should be tasted

Sour, sweet, bitter, spicy and salty, after the clutch of sorrow and joy, I have seen through everything

Be able to take one more deeply

Objective and super high realm to treat the world

There is no attachment to external objects such as fame and fortune, status, and money

He is also indifferent to the success or failure

Therefore, everything can be heard, and it is more clear that it is not the right thing to do

So will Star Ye have this trend

Falling out with his partner, and his girlfriend rebelling against him, is it smooth to sixty ears?

My answer was "it's hard."

If his ears are smooth, he is not a star master

That's right, Star Master may be in this life

Defeat is also stubbornness and stubbornness

Stubbornness has led him into a situation of rebellion

It also allowed him to gain ten lifetimes for others

Unattainable artistic achievements

Falling out with his partner, and his girlfriend rebelling against him, is it smooth to sixty ears?

No, look back at Star Lord's comedy

His biggest sparkle isn't limited to making you laugh

It makes you "laugh and laugh and cry."

From truant Veyron to the king of comedy

From the king of comedy to the big talk journey to the west

From big talk westward journey to kung fu

The little people in each play poke tears in the ordinary humility

Falling out with his partner, and his girlfriend rebelling against him, is it smooth to sixty ears?

Although it developed along with the popularity of the star lord

Those tears of perception that belong to ordinary little people

It also gradually fades and disappears

But as long as Xingye is still in the "exclusive village" one day, Gu Ying is self-pitying

Chewing on the bitterness and tears of loneliness

He can still have light in his eyes and fire in his heart in one day.

Falling out with his partner, and his girlfriend rebelling against him, is it smooth to sixty ears?

Outstanding artists can be seen

It's all about walking on the brink of love and pain

Find creative inspiration

And the loneliness of the star master is both inevitable and fatalistic

This is something that thousands of latecomers cannot do

So with the star lord growing old

It is difficult to produce a second king of comedy

All because Star Ye is the product of the times

That era of economic barbarism and vicissitudes

Gone forever

Falling out with his partner, and his girlfriend rebelling against him, is it smooth to sixty ears?

No, it's sad

Just a few days before Star Ye's sixtieth birthday

The antique ship Treasure Seafood Workshop that filmed "God Eater" that year

It also sank on the way to Southeast Asia for repairs

This also seems to imply that the memories of our generation will eventually come

As the kings age, the old ships sink and the times fade

Little by little, it faded down, and finally only a sigh remained

"Nostalgia for the past is often intoxicated, half happy and half tearful, dreaming like happiness in life, always remembering the deep bone marrow of sorrow"

Falling out with his partner, and his girlfriend rebelling against him, is it smooth to sixty ears?