
Parents and schools work together to promote growth

author:Nine Faction Express

【Source: Yan Liang Education】

Parents and schools hold hands

Education is heart-to-heart

Enhance home-school communication

Open up more resources and space for student growth

Yanliang schools are co-educated

In progress

Use your parents' strengths

Open a window to the world for students

Welcome Elementary School

The father of the first-grade class Zhou Mo

Bringing "Funny Subway"

Parents and schools work together to promote growth

"What kind of transportation do students take when they go out to play?"

"Did you know that the invention of the subway was related to rats?"

"How the subway works"

Parents and schools work together to promote growth

Papa Zhou combines his expertise

Vivid and interesting language

Lead the students to understand the subway related knowledge

Stimulate children's interest in exploring science

Parents and schools work together to promote growth

Chinese Food Culture

It is a window to open china's excellent traditional culture

In order to let children understand the Chinese food culture

Bring textbooks closer to life

Revitalization Center Elementary School

The second grade class generation Yang Haoyu's father

Bring knowledge about Chinese cuisine

Parents and schools work together to promote growth

A long history of food culture

Eight major cuisines in China

Simple cooking method

Father Yang explained in detail and vividly

Let the classroom "overflow"

It also allows students to establish a sense of saving food

Parents and schools work together to promote growth
Parents and schools work together to promote growth

Take care of your child's health

The scientific method cannot be less

Feng Weiyu's mother, the fourth class parent of the Sixth Nursery School

Bring it to parents

Professional "Children's Oral Health" knowledge lectures

Parents and schools work together to promote growth

Characteristics of the growth of children's teeth

Causes and prevention of caries

Scientific approach to dental care

Detailed science popularization

Let parents understand the scientific parenting methods

Take care of the growth of young children together

Parents and schools work together to promote growth
Parents and schools work together to promote growth

Painting expresses a child's knowledge and understanding of the world

For the sake of parents

Get to know your child better

The third kindergarten was launched

Creative Arts Parents' Viewing Activities

Parents and schools work together to promote growth

"Welcome to the world of Jumping Candy"

"The scenery in autumn is colorful"

"Our Self-Portrait"

Little docents

Introduced in a way

Parents and schools work together to promote growth
Parents and schools work together to promote growth


Stop and admire the childlike works

Step into the inner world of children

Happiness is shared

A glimmer of happiness is felt

Growing up is remembered

Parents and schools work together to promote growth
Parents and schools work together to promote growth

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