
The Israeli Mossad is a legendary organization of secret agents who have carried out countless perfect operations

author:Little holy miscellaneous talk
The Israeli Mossad is a legendary organization of secret agents who have carried out countless perfect operations

Israel Defense Forces

Previously, because the citizens of Chaoyang in Beijing repeatedly reported many criminal clues to the police and made many achievements, people often ridiculed the four major international intelligence organizations on the Internet: the Mossad in Israel, the CIA in the United States, the KGB in the former Soviet Union (now the Russian Federal Security Service) and the Chaoyang masses in Beijing. This sentence, though extremely playful, hints at Israel's prominent position in the world of intelligence espionage. Some foreign media have commented on the Israeli Mossad: This is probably the most low-key and mysterious intelligence agency in the world, but it is also the most efficient intelligence agency, with fierce and fierce actions. For more than 70 years, in the Middle East in five large-scale battles and countless sporadic conflicts, Israel, with a small land area and a population of less than 10 million, has been able to gain the upper hand, in addition to the IDF's bravery and sophisticated weapons, the Intelligence of the Mossad is also indispensable.

The Israeli Mossad is a legendary organization of secret agents who have carried out countless perfect operations

Israel Defense Forces

The full name of the "Mossad" is the Israeli Intelligence and Special Mission Bureau, known as the military background, shouldering a major mission, the organization was established by the Israeli military in 1948, known as "bold, radical, and mysterious". At that time, in order to make it operational as soon as possible, the Israeli army also specially selected many elite operational personnel from the special forces and scouts for its dispatch. Since its inception, the Mossad has made great achievements in intelligence gathering, assassination of dignitaries, revolts by senior leaders of enemy countries, and revenge, and has also carried out many special operations that shocked the world, becoming a legend in the history of world intelligence.

The Israeli Mossad is a legendary organization of secret agents who have carried out countless perfect operations

Symbol of the Israeli Mossad

For example, in the early 1960s, Eichmann, a German war criminal who had secretly murdered Jews in World War II, was arrested from Argentina and brought back for trial; In 1966, anti-Iraqi pilots flew the most advanced MiG-21 fighter jets of the time to Israel; Stole all the design drawings of the Legal Mirage fighter from Switzerland, and then developed the Israeli version of the "Cub" fighter; And in 1988, the Mossad sent a squad of agents to Tunisia to successfully assassinate Abu Jahad, then a senior Palestinian leader, in almost unfamiliar circumstances.

The Israeli Mossad is a legendary organization of secret agents who have carried out countless perfect operations

When Pompeo visited Israel, Mossad agents provided full protection

But these are not the most exciting and successful actions of the Mossad, when it comes to the most influential actions of the Mossad in the world, it is also a revenge operation against the terrorist organization "Black September", this "thousands of miles of pursuit" to the terrorist organizations around the world to warn the terrorist organizations around the world: do not want to attack the Israelis, otherwise it will usher in Israel's crazy retaliation, but also cut the grass and root, no one left.

The Israeli Mossad is a legendary organization of secret agents who have carried out countless perfect operations

Israeli delegation to the Munich Olympics

In September 1972, a death squad (8 armed men) under the terrorist organization Black September infiltrated the Olympic village in West Germany. During the Munich Olympics, Israel carefully organized a 42-member Olympic delegation to participate in the Olympic games and lived on the second floor of building 31 of the Olympic Village in order to show its international image and promote the concept of peace. On September 5, after wearing clothes and hoods, 8 terrorists carried guns to attack the floor of the Israeli delegation, killing 2 Israelis (wrestling coach Wayne and an Israeli referee) on the spot, abducting 9 people, and then due to the chaos of the West German police organization and the poor rescue, it eventually led to the death of 11 Israelis, known as the "Munich Massacre".

The Israeli Mossad is a legendary organization of secret agents who have carried out countless perfect operations

Terrorists on the balcony of the room

The Israeli Mossad is a legendary organization of secret agents who have carried out countless perfect operations

West German SWAT troops enter the Olympic Village

At 3:00 a.m. on September 6, the West German government announced to the media that the rescue operation had failed: all nine Israeli hostages had been killed, and one Other West German policeman had died; Five terrorists were killed and the remaining 3 (all only 20 years old) were captured. Although the matter had come to an end for the West German government, it was an unforgettable hatred and humiliation for the Israeli government, so Mrs. Meir, then Prime Minister of Israel, ordered the Mossad to carry out his revenge plan: "God's Revenge". Before the start of the operation, Israeli intelligence agencies and even the Israeli military invested a lot of financial resources and manpower to finally find out the planners and senior leaders directly related to the "Munich Massacre" and identified 12 assassination targets (one of which was added on an ad hoc basis).

The Israeli Mossad is a legendary organization of secret agents who have carried out countless perfect operations

Crowds outside the Olympic Village in West Germany

The 12 assassination targets were: Ali Hassan Salamé, mastermind of the Munich massacre, Abu Daoud (demolition expert), Mahmoud Hamsari (spokesman for the PLO), Vajel Zevittel (head of black September in Italy), Basil Kubaisi (professor of law, providing weapons and ammunition to Black September), Saeed. Muchasi (temporarily added to the death list), as well as core members such as Kamal Nasser, Kemal Adwan, Mahmoud Yussef Najar, Mohammed Boudia, Hussein Abad Hill and Dr. Wadi Haddad.

The Israeli Mossad is a legendary organization of secret agents who have carried out countless perfect operations

Mrs. Meir

The assassination lasted nine years, beginning with the assassination of target Vajle Zevittel in Rome on the night of 16 October 1972, and the shooting of Abu Daoud, the last target in a Polish hotel on 1 August 1981 and the target of the Revenge Plan No. 2. If you count the preparations (1969.9-1972.10), the time span of revenge is even longer: 12 years! for tat, blood debt and blood payment, the Israelis have pursued the murderer for thousands of miles, avenged the snow and hatred, and have explained to the victims and the countrymen who have passed away, and since then, no terrorist has dared to openly touch a hair of the Israelis.

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