
If you are sick, you will die! Summer standard is a "time bomb"

author:New Hunan

Original title: Light is sick, heavy is dead! Summer standard is a "time bomb"! No matter how hot the weather is, you can't eat like this...

Summer is the happiest season for many "foodies": beer, edamame, crayfish, watermelon, cold drinks, ice cream... So many people began to eat "wantonly".

However, experts remind that no matter how hot the weather is, you can't eat like this, you can't eat like this, you can't get sick at worst!

1. Beer + edamame is a "time bomb"

Skewering, paired with edamame and beer, is now the standard for many people in the summer.

However, according to media reports, the Department of Rheumatology and Immunology of Nanjing First Hospital received an elderly person, and the old man's fingers, elbows and toe joints have serious bulging deformations, which not only usually hurt, but also affect normal life and walking.

If you are sick, you will die! Summer standard is a "time bomb"

According to the doctor who received the consultation, this old man usually likes to drink wine with edamame (soybeans) and eat the current wine and dishes together. In the long run, the uric acid in his internal body was very high, resulting in the erosion of the fingers and toe joints by tophi, and the bones were deformed, and finally they could only be removed.

If you are sick, you will die! Summer standard is a "time bomb"

According to the doctor, the original edamame is a relatively high vegetable containing uric acid and purines, and excessive consumption is easy to cause gout, and if you drink alcohol at the same time, the situation will be worse. The combination of edamame + beer is simply a "time bomb".

2. Drink mung bean soup regardless of constitution

In the hot summer, after drinking a bowl of sweet mung bean soup, people suddenly feel refreshed and the heat is completely gone. This is because mung beans contain a large amount of lysine, threonine, as well as calcium, iron, phosphorus, etc., which can supplement the nutrients consumed in metabolism.

However, some people do not understand their physical condition and even drink mung bean soup as water. Recently, some media reported many cases of worse health caused by drinking mung bean soup.

Mung beans are not only food, but also a traditional Chinese medicine. Some people with cold limbs, cold waist and legs, diarrhea and stool, etc., drinking mung bean soup regardless of their physique will aggravate their symptoms and even cause other diseases.

3. Eat cold drinks in the summer

Drinking an ice cold drink in the hot summer, or eating an ice cream to cool off the heat, is a very refreshing thing. However, experts say that eating too much cold drink in the summer will not only not relieve the heat, but will cause health problems.

The temperature of ice drinks, ice water, cold drinks, etc. is generally 20 ° C to 30 ° C lower than the temperature in the stomach, a large number of cold drinks into the body, it is easy to stimulate the gastrointestinal tract, causing vasoconstriction, mucosal ischemia, thereby weakening the gastrointestinal digestive function, spastic pain, and even lead to abdominal pain, diarrhea.

For the elderly, especially the elderly with cardiovascular diseases, drinking ice water and ice drinks can not only cause stomach discomfort, but also cause spasms of cerebral blood vessels, which can cause angina, etc. Therefore, the elderly with cardiovascular problems must not drink ice water and eat cold drinks wantonly.

4. Take the food out of the fridge and eat it

A lot of people eat in the summer and like to take it out of the refrigerator and eat it. But experts say that regularly eating food just taken out of the refrigerator has an impact on health.

The temperature of the gastrointestinal tract of people is generally around 36 ° C, and the food just taken out of the refrigerator is only 2 ° C ~ 8 ° C, after the stomach and intestines are stimulated by a strong low temperature, the blood vessels suddenly contract and thin, the blood flow is reduced, and the digestive juices of the gastrointestinal tract also stop secreting, resulting in physiological dysfunction. In the long run, it will lead to digestive disorders and weaken the ability to absorb nutrients.

Therefore, the food taken out of the refrigerator should not be eaten in a hurry, but should be eaten at room temperature for a while, and it can be touched without ice hands.

5. Boil the bitter loofah directly in the soup

Loofah is called a "summering artifact" by many people, and many people like to drink some loofah soup in the summer.

However, before that, there were media reports that "a pot of loofah almost killed a family." An old man in Sichuan bought a loofah stew soup in the vegetable market, and when he ate it, he found that the loofah was a bit bitter, and he was not willing to throw it away, so he drank a pot of soup with a hard scalp. Since then, the family of three has experienced symptoms of vomiting and diarrhea, and has been rushed to the hospital for rescue.

Doctors said that during the rescue process, the patient's family vomited diarrhea, blood pressure dropped, inflammation appeared in the body, and liver damage was caused by poisoning. Due to the serious situation, after up to 6 hours of first aid, the 3 people were finally temporarily out of danger!

If you are sick, you will die! Summer standard is a "time bomb"

Among them, bitter loofah is the culprit. The test results of the hospital showed that the vomit and excrement of the elderly family of 3 contained alkalin glycoside biotoxins, and this toxin originated from bitter loofah, and it was this toxin that almost killed them.

Therefore, do not feel that loofahs are "more bitter and more fire".

6. Eat overnight cold dishes in summer

People often ask, can I spend the night with cold vegetables in summer? Can I still eat cold vegetables overnight?

Summer temperature is high, cold mixed vegetables overnight after the easy breeding of bacteria, people eat will cause damage to the stomach and intestines. Even cold dishes stored in the refrigerator can be infected with other bacteria, so don't eat them overnight.

According to experts, it is not uncommon to see problems caused by eating overnight dishes in the summer, such as abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting and other conditions in the light, and food poisoning in the heavy.

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This article was reviewed by Zhang Zhaomin, Master of Food Science, Senior Engineer