
The cost of using a car, electric vehicles are really lower than fuel vehicles?

author:Zhiyi Automobile

Zhi He Auto /Zhang Xuanmo

In recent years, under the background of carbon neutrality, countries have carried out drastic reforms, and new energy vehicles have risen and grown rapidly in the post-epidemic era.

The cost of using a car, electric vehicles are really lower than fuel vehicles?

As of now, Tesla, the leader in the new energy vehicle market, has sold more than 310,000 vehicles worldwide and generated revenue of $18.76 billion, an increase of 81% year-on-year; Profit was $3,318 million, up 657.6% year-on-year, and all figures exceeded capital expectations.

For a long time, the low cost of the car, the durability, the high oil price and many other factors have made new energy vehicles very popular in the market.

The cost of using a car, electric vehicles are really lower than fuel vehicles?

Compared with the oil price that has repeatedly broken through the 9 yuan mark due to the influence of international forms, the average electricity price of the basic charging pile basically fluctuates between 1.8 yuan and 2.16 yuan. Taking Model Y as an example, the power consumption of 100 kilometers is about 15 degrees, and if it is charged more than 40 degrees each time, it only takes more than 80 yuan to harvest a service distance of more than 400 kilometers, and the average cost per kilometer is between 0.2 yuan and 0.3 yuan.

The cost of using a car, electric vehicles are really lower than fuel vehicles?

And fuel vehicles, according to each time plus 40L, 100 kilometers of fuel consumption of 8L to calculate, each refueling needs about 360 yuan, on the whole, the average kilometer needs about 0.72 yuan, is 2-3 times the new energy vehicle.

From this point of view, the cost of using new energy vehicles is indeed better than that of fuel vehicles, but this is only limited to consumers who purchase charging piles themselves and have never been in commercial charging piles.

The cost of using a car, electric vehicles are really lower than fuel vehicles?

According to market research data, during the peak period of morning and evening use of commercial charging piles, the electricity price will rise significantly, often exceeding 2 yuan. In addition, the use of commercial charging piles outside may also have violations, supermarket parking and other expenses, if all included in the cost of use, the price is not weaker than fuel vehicles.

Secondly, the replacement cost of batteries for new energy vehicles is also high. If the battery is properly maintained, the use time can usually reach about 10 years, but if it is frequently charged, it will reduce the battery's charging cycle tolerance, and the use time will be appropriately reduced by 2-3 years. The cost of replacing a battery is more than 70,000 yuan, accounting for about 1/3 of the cost of the vehicle.

The cost of using a car, electric vehicles are really lower than fuel vehicles?

On the whole, the short-term use cost of electric vehicles may be lower than that of fuel vehicles, but from a long-term perspective, the mixed use costs of the two are actually almost the same, and car owners do not have to blindly choose according to their immediate interests. As a means of transportation, the car still needs to adapt to itself.

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