
Kindergarten teachers share students' lunches, and parents discover "secrets" in dishes

author:Honestly naughty youth

In this highly competitive society, parents pay great attention to the education of their children. For kindergartens, parents are very concerned, so when they choose, they also put a lot of effort into it.

Parents are always cautious when their children first enter school. Before sending a child to kindergarten, they all have to look at it and then think about it. Sometimes, though, kindergartens look good on the surface, but in reality, the effect is not very good.

The kindergarten teacher divides the child's lunch with the child, but the parents find that the meal is "hidden secret"

Kindergarten teachers share students' lunches, and parents discover "secrets" in dishes

Some time ago, someone broke the news that a student's parents had discovered a secret at lunch. Because the child has reached the age of kindergarten, the parents have considered it for a while and decided to choose a better school for their children.

The kindergarten chosen by this parent is well-known in the local area and the fee is not low. In addition to tuition, there is an additional fee, but to reassure parents, they will provide their children with the best food.

Kindergarten teachers share students' lunches, and parents discover "secrets" in dishes

The children were selected for kindergarten and were satisfied. Watching their children so obedient, parents know that their decision is the right one.

The parents saw that the kindergarten was doing well, and also told colleagues and neighbors that they praised the kindergarten. However, this calm did not last long, and some recent moves at school have made many parents angry.

Kindergarten teachers share students' lunches, and parents discover "secrets" in dishes

The teacher sent photos of their lunches to their parents. The parents were fascinated by the children's lunch, and they looked at the pictures and found an infuriating thing, that is, there was a bug in the bowl of soup.

The kindergarten explains this

In the following picture, what is even more infuriating is that the school authorities not only did not say that they did not do a good job of hygiene, but even defended their own faults. The kindergarten teacher said there were no bugs in the soup, but the child's parents misunderstood because all he saw was a bowl of rice.

When parents heard this explanation, they were so angry that if it was rice, why would it float on the water? The school also admitted that this is a bug, but the school is not worried about the appearance of rice worms, because the presence of rice worms shows that this is a green rice without any side effects, so children can eat it with confidence.

Seeing the principal so cunning, the parents were furious. Parents retorted, "If you think it's so good, eat it yourself." ”

Principal: "After a series of events, the parents were very disappointed in the kindergarten.

How to choose a kindergarten?

Nowadays, many families put their children first, so the protection of parents for their children is also very strict.

Kindergarten is still a very important period for children. So, how can I choose a suitable kindergarten?

The first thing to pay attention to is the campus environment. A good learning environment is conducive to children's physical and mental development, so when choosing a kindergarten, the school environment is also an aspect that people should consider when choosing a kindergarten.

Secondly, the location of the kindergarten should take into account the distance. The children in the kindergarten are too young to go home alone, like those who went to elementary school. This is the distance between home and school, and if anything happens, parents can rush to school in the first place.

Next up are health issues. Since children are still growing up, diet and hygiene are very important. Therefore, when choosing a kindergarten, we must pay attention to hygiene issues.

Third, the patience of young teachers. Although kindergarten is not yet the time to learn, it is also the key to cultivating children's personality, so a good and patient teacher is essential.

Is there a need to send children to expensive nurseries?

Kindergartens are where children enter school for the first time, and parents want their children to have a good learning environment.

In fact, there is no need to buy an expensive nursery for their children, the reason why parents choose an expensive nursery is to let them learn more, but you know, during this period of time, their learning ability is not very strong, and their memory is not very good, so learning is very difficult. Therefore, choosing an expensive nursery is not necessary and cannot achieve its original purpose.

There is no need to choose expensive schools for children, especially those with poor family conditions. For children, kindergarten is only for physical and mental benefits, not compared to kindergarten tuition.

There are bugs in the above soup, which is enough to show that the school does not take hygiene issues to heart. Moreover, the way this matter is handled is not very good, which is why many parents are angry. Children are the future flowers of the country, and schools must pay attention to their physical health.