
When the weather warms up, what are the precautions for the diet of cancer patients?

author:Life Nutrition
When the weather warms up, what are the precautions for the diet of cancer patients?

In terms of disease prevention and maintenance of the body, ancient physicians pointed out the climatic characteristics of spring, summer, autumn and winter and their changing laws as early as the mainland's medical classic, the Yellow Emperor's Inner Classic, emphasizing that people should adapt to the climate change of the four seasons and adjust themselves. However, because of the particularity of the body and the challenge of disease treatment, tumor patients should pay more attention to the impact and changes of diet in the summer.

When the weather warms up, what are the precautions for the diet of cancer patients?

Effects of rising temperatures on nutrition in cancer patients

1. In the case of high temperature, the peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract is weakened, the secretion of digestive juices such as saliva and gastric juice is reduced, the acidity of gastric juice is reduced, the digestive function is reduced, and there will be loss of appetite, anorexia, etc., and tumor patients will often be more obvious because of drug treatment.

2, due to the high temperature in summer, the body's basal metabolism becomes faster, the consumption of nutrients will also increase, coupled with the loss of appetite caused by a decrease in intake, easy to cause protein and various vitamin deficiencies.

3, the summer body is easy to sweat, a lot of sweating makes people lose more water and electrolytes, and cancer patients have a relatively higher chance of dehydration, because more sweating causes more loss of sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium and other minerals.

When the weather warms up, what are the precautions for the diet of cancer patients?

4. Tumor patients are generally susceptible to infection due to disease progression or radiotherapy and chemotherapy leading to decreased immunity. Summer food is easy to breed bacteria, tumor patients in the choice of food first do not eat unclean food, so as not to cause diarrhea and other adverse problems.

If the patient has diarrhea symptoms, we have written an article before specifically to talk about what to do if diarrhea occurs during chemotherapy, recommended reading!

Chemotherapy-laced diarrhea? 12 dietary recommendations are effective in improving symptoms

How to eat properly in summer

1. Full intake of high-quality protein: including lean meat, fish, eggs, milk, soybeans and soy products.

2, supplement rich in vitamins and potassium / calcium / magnesium / iron and other rich food: potassium deficiency is one of the causes of heat stroke, potassium-rich foods such as vegetables, fruits and beans. Green vegetables, nuts, and whole grains are rich in magnesium. Milk and dairy products are rich in calcium. Animal liver, lean meat, and animal blood are good sources of iron and are well absorbed and utilized. Animal foods are rich in zinc and have a high absorption rate, such as oysters, lean meats, and animal offal.

3. It is best for cancer patients to drink more than 1500 ml of water per day in summer, and increase the intake of 1-2g of table salt per day; Drink more green tea, lightly salted boiled water and fruit juice. Drink water without waiting for thirst, drink water regularly, a small number of times. However, patients with hydrocephalus and tumors in the bladder, kidneys or stomach should pay special attention, and supplemental fluids should follow the balance of in and out, and supplement as needed.

4, light mainly, more use of steaming stew, vegetables and fruits, different varieties, different colors with eating, less use of frying to cook. But the diet should not be too light, in the high temperature environment, the body's energy consumption increases, the basal metabolic rate increases by about 10%, the human body's heat energy intake should be slightly more than usual. If you blindly pursue a light diet, tumor patients will have insufficient heat energy and protein intake, which will affect the body's immunoglobulin synthesis.

When the weather warms up, what are the precautions for the diet of cancer patients?

5, should not eat more cold food, try not to eat raw or not thoroughly heated food. Because if the gastrointestinal tract is suddenly cold, it will cause gastrointestinal cramps and cause abdominal pain. Patients with gastrointestinal tumors and hepatobiliary tumors should pay special attention.

6. After surgery, patients undergoing radiotherapy and chemotherapy, when there are strong side effects or loss of appetite, special nutrition products for tumor patients should be used to ensure nutrition, and diet cannot be reduced because of the strong side effects after treatment.

7, pay attention to food hygiene in the summer high temperature, high humidity environment, a variety of pathogenic microorganisms to accelerate the reproduction, food is easy to spoil, in the purchase, processing and storage of food and other aspects should pay attention to. Do not eat at roadside stalls, food stalls, etc. with poor hygiene conditions.

Food safety precautions for cancer patients

First, prevent food from being contaminated by bacteria. To buy fresh food, do not buy spoiled food, such as buying fish to buy live, buying pork to have a "print"; Do not buy "so-called cooked food", even if you buy it, you should reheat it and process it before eating it; Try not to eat raw seawater products, fish, shrimp, crabs, snails and other meat, poultry and aquatic products should be thoroughly cooked before eating; Do not drink raw water, do not eat raw vegetables, do not use fresh aquatic products in the vessel to hold other food for direct consumption.

When the weather warms up, what are the precautions for the diet of cancer patients?

Second, it is necessary to control the reproduction of bacteria. Low-temperature storage of food is an important measure to control the multiplication of bacteria, food should be put into the refrigerator in time after purchase, and the storage of raw and cooked food in the refrigerator should be strictly separated. Knives and cutting boards that have processed fresh aquatic products must be cleaned and disinfected before they can be used. In addition, the proportion of elderly people in tumor patients is higher, they are generally more economical, and it is most likely that there will be problems because of food spoilage in the problem of overnight meals, which should be paid attention to.

Third, the food is completely killed before consumption. Heating is an important measure to kill bacteria to prevent food poisoning, that is, the food should be cooked thoroughly, especially to pay attention to large pieces of food, that is, boiled, sometimes boiled for a period of time, but the temperature of the food center is not high, it has not yet reached the requirements of killing bacteria, and there are live bacteria, if there are pathogenic bacteria, it may cause food poisoning.

As long as you pay attention to the above three links, you can effectively prevent the occurrence of bacterial food poisoning.

Today's interaction: Tumor patients need special attention in addition to diet in the hot summer, what aspects of life need to be paid attention to? Feel free to leave a message in the comments section and share your experience or doubts!

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