
Intangible Cultural Heritage Publicity and Display Activities Connect Modern Life and Bloom with Charming Brilliance

author:China Industry Network

Original title: Connecting Modern Life, Blooming Charming Brilliance (Theme)

——2022 "Cultural and Natural Heritage Day" Intangible Cultural Heritage Publicity and Display Activities (Subtitle)

China Tourism News trainee reporter Huang Gaoyuan

Watch intangible cultural heritage images for free on the online platform, learn about intangible cultural heritage skills, and "cloud tour" world natural heritage sites; Buy intangible cultural heritage items on the e-commerce platform, enhance the vitality of cultural consumption, and carry forward the excellent traditional Chinese culture... This year's "Cultural and Natural Heritage Day", the Ministry of Culture and Tourism closely followed the theme of "Connecting Modern Life and Blooming with Charming Brilliance", focusing on creating two major brand activities of "Yunyou Intangible Cultural Heritage Exhibition" and "Intangible Cultural Heritage Shopping Festival", widely attracting the participation of the people, and more than 6,200 special intangible cultural heritage publicity and display activities have been held successively in various places, providing the people with a rich intangible cultural heritage feast and a gift package for the people.

The beauty of intangible cultural heritage is appreciated on the clouds

Watch a documentary on intangible cultural heritage on Tencent Video and experience the collision of intangible cultural heritage and fireworks; Learn about the innovative stories of young non-hereditary inheritors in the live broadcast room of Douyin, and witness the charm and vitality of intangible cultural heritage in the new era; In the Cool Dog "Intangible Cultural Heritage Collection Season", listen to opera works, buy intangible cultural heritage collections... This year's "Yunyou Intangible Cultural Heritage Film Exhibition" was jointly organized by the China Performance Industry Association and 8 online platforms, and each platform opened a video zone, bringing together more than 2,800 non-genetic documentary videos and documentaries on intangible cultural heritage themes for public welfare exhibition and broadcast.

"Last year, the online exposure during the 'Yunyou Intangible Cultural Heritage Exhibition' accumulated more than 1.83 billion times. This year, the event highlighted the core content of the intangible cultural heritage 'connecting modern life and blooming with charm and brilliance' from the three dimensions of practicing cultural inclusion, innovating promotion methods, and attracting the participation of the masses. Each platform has planned a live broadcast of relevant interactive topics and themes, and invited non-hereditary inheritors and traditional culture experts to share and tell the new ideas of intangible cultural heritage in modern life. Pan Yan, secretary general of the China Performance Industry Association, introduced.

Zhu Dianjun, general manager of Tencent's Culture and Content Division, introduced that Tencent Video has selected more than 60 film and television works and more than 1,500 episodes, and has set up a special topic of "Cloud Tour Intangible Cultural Heritage" in Tencent News to display the text and image of intangible cultural heritage protection.

Yu Jintao, deputy editor-in-chief of Douyin Group, introduced that during the event, Douyin launched the "Intangible Cultural Heritage Adventures" activity topic, on the one hand, it aggregated the high-quality intangible cultural heritage short video content in the station for centralized screening, and on the other hand, mobilized hundreds of head short video creators to participate, attracted official account creation in the field of culture and tourism across the country, and set off a wave of intangible cultural heritage dissemination.

The thin bamboo wire runs through the horizontal lead, and after dozens of processes, it becomes a wonderful elephant, sika deer, etc.; Colorful silk threads are crocheted by the needles in the hands of the "post-90s" non-hereditary heirs, turning into bright flowers, lifelike birds, fish and insects... In the topic section of Douyin's "Intangible Cultural Heritage Adventures", intangible cultural heritage-related videos attracted many netizens to watch and like, and many netizens left messages, "Good skills should be passed on, don't let it disappear" "Do you want to be an apprentice, I want to learn"...

"We have a maximum of one or two thousand spectators when we perform in the offline theater. Nowadays, tens of thousands of people watch online at the same time, and many people who do not usually pay attention to Peking Opera have also begun to contact Peking Opera. Dalian Peking Opera House national first-class actor Ling Ke said.

Take home the intangible cultural heritage

Since 2020, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the Ministry of Commerce, and the relevant departments and bureaus of the National Rural Revitalization Bureau have taken the "Cultural and Natural Heritage Day" as an opportunity to support e-commerce platforms to hold "Intangible Cultural Heritage Shopping Festivals". This year, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, together with relevant departments, will continue to support Alibaba, and other platforms and localities to carry out "Intangible Cultural Heritage Shopping Festival" activities to help intangible cultural heritage products expand sales channels. According to statistics, nearly 7,000 intangible cultural heritage shops have been organized to participate in the "Intangible Cultural Heritage Shopping Festival", involving more than 4,000 representative projects of intangible cultural heritage at all levels.

Xing Yue, vice president of Alibaba Group, said: "This year, Taobao Tmall has opened a special ingenuity venue to provide special display spaces for craftsmen and inheritors stores, and cooperates with various provinces to launch the 'Intangible Cultural Heritage Shopping Festival'; invites head anchors to recommend intangible cultural heritage and tell the story behind intangible cultural heritage; and sets up public welfare special sessions to promote county intangible cultural heritage products and help rural revitalization." ”

"The 'Intangible Cultural Heritage Shopping Festival' carries the heavy responsibility of disseminating intangible cultural heritage." Feng Quanpu, vice president of Jingdong Group, introduced that Jingdong integrates nearly 100 brands around the dimensions of "eating", "wearing", "living", "using" and "playing", and creates various scene circles of life through "intangible cultural heritage on the tip of the tongue", "intangible cultural heritage on the tip of the needle", "intangible cultural heritage in time" and "intangible cultural heritage on the fingertip", so that consumers can understand, experience and purchase intangible cultural heritage products at close range.

At present, the "Intangible Cultural Heritage Shopping Festival" has attracted a large number of netizens to buy intangible cultural heritage. While understanding the skills of intangible cultural heritage, everyone tasted the taste of foreign food and hometown. "After graduating from university and working in Beijing, I have always missed the refreshments in Guangdong, and through this festival, I bought shortbread and pastries from Guangzhou restaurants and couldn't wait to receive the goods." Taobao user Cao Li said.

In addition, the "Intangible Cultural Heritage Shopping Festival" in various places is also in full swing. Among them, Hebei, Guizhou, Sichuan, Chongqing, Gansu and other provinces will consolidate the achievements in poverty alleviation as the focus, and help the intangible cultural heritage workshop to improve its online sales capacity by holding e-commerce skills training courses and focusing on publicizing and promoting the products of the intangible cultural heritage workshop; Zhejiang, Henan, Shandong, Guangdong, Hainan, Fujian and other provinces regard the "Intangible Cultural Heritage Shopping Festival" as an important starting point for helping enterprises to bail out, enrich the supply of products and services, innovate the consumption mode of benefiting the people, and stimulate the potential of cultural consumption.

The fruits of conservation are enjoyed by all

As of 2021, there are 1,557 representative items of national intangible cultural heritage on the mainland, and a total of 3,063 representative inheritors of national intangible cultural heritage representative items. Thousands of intangible cultural heritage projects are the "living fossils" of traditional culture and the "window" for the public to enter history and understand the past.

In the past two years, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism has actively promoted the protection of intangible cultural heritage and achieved remarkable achievements. The relevant person in charge of the Department of Intangible Cultural Heritage of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism said that in the past two years, the "Intangible Cultural Heritage Shopping Festival" has received positive response and support from various e-commerce platforms, media and various places, and has become a cultural consumption brand activity loved by the broad masses of the people, continuously promoting the integration of intangible cultural heritage into contemporary life, giving play to contemporary functions, helping to find the connection point between traditional culture and modern life, and continuously meeting the people's growing needs for a better life.

According to statistics, during the first "Intangible Cultural Heritage Shopping Festival", the single-day turnover of Jingdong's intangible cultural heritage related categories increased by 276% year-on-year; The second "Intangible Cultural Heritage Shopping Festival" through the online and offline omni-channel layout, Jingdong platform intangible cultural heritage related categories single-day turnover increased by 260% year-on-year. Driven by activities such as the "Intangible Cultural Heritage Shopping Festival", the role of intangible cultural heritage in serving economic and social development has become increasingly prominent.

At the same time, with the active participation of all sectors of society in the protection of intangible cultural heritage, new progress has been made in the work of intangible cultural heritage on the mainland. During the "China Tourism Day" in 2022, Tencent, together with the Shanxi Provincial Bureau of Cultural Relics and other units, launched the "Ancient Buildings with Paintings" public welfare digital cultural and creative collection plan, and produced and issued a number of digital collections. "In the future, we will release the 'Cultural Heritage Activation Index' to try to measure the effectiveness of specific products and cultural behaviors to promote culture with such evaluation systems." Zhu Dianjun said.

"In the past three years, the number of intangible cultural heritage consumers on Taobao Tmall and per capita consumption expenditure have continued to increase." Xing Yue said, "We not only promote the consumption of intangible cultural heritage during the shopping festival, but also normalize the 'Tmall Collection Plan' and 'Taobao Craftsman Plan', which has built a long-term operation position for the inheritors, and at the same time promoted the 'Intangible Cultural Heritage Fire Plan' in the county to help popularize the dissemination of intangible cultural heritage knowledge, normalize the support of inheritors, and systematize the training of intangible cultural heritage talents." ”

For thousands of years, intangible cultural heritage has carried Chinese values, condensed the Chinese spirit, and is the representative of oriental wisdom. In the great journey of forging ahead into a new era and with the joint efforts of all sectors of society, the intangible cultural heritage will surely bloom with more charming brilliance.

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