
32 home-cooked dishes to share, delicious and delicious, make a few dishes at a time, and the meals of the week are not the same

author:Tranquil clear skies

I once saw an article that read: "At present, food can always have some thoughts, or hungry qianjiao, observe before eating, think in the middle of eating, simmer after tasting, eat for nature, chew quietly, gently taste, extraordinary rhyme." Eating is a kind of happiness, taste is a kind of fun, and transparent ink fragrance feels the spicy salty and sweet in the text, which is a kind of happiness. Those who can eat get a stomach-warming enjoyment; The eater finds a peace of mind. "Savor it, have a deep understanding!" Food has now become a part of our lives, life, slowly walking, slowly living, life does not need gorgeous coats, nor does it need sweet words, life needs to eat three meals a day, and live every day plainly. Each of us has our own living habits, in order to meet everyone's different dietary needs, every day a selection of different dishes to share with everyone, together for the wonderful life of every day!

Chongqing small noodles

32 home-cooked dishes to share, delicious and delicious, make a few dishes at a time, and the meals of the week are not the same

Step 1: Cook the fresh noodles;

2, salt, soy sauce, ginger water, oil spicy seeds, pepper noodles, sesame oil sauce;

3, cooked bean sprouts, green vegetables, add peanuts, squeezed vegetables into the noodles;

4: Mix well with the sauce, vegetables and noodles.

Honey roasted pineapple

32 home-cooked dishes to share, delicious and delicious, make a few dishes at a time, and the meals of the week are not the same

The roasted pineapple tastes sweeter and tastes different, soft and crunchy, drizzled with honey, and even sweeter and tastier.

-- Fees --

Pineapple, honey

-- Directions -- Peel and wash the pineapple and cut into slices.

Place pineapple slices in a baking sheet with tin foil underneath to make it easier to clean the baking sheet.

Place the pineapple in the oven, put it in the oven and bake at 180 degrees for 10 minutes.

The baked pineapple slices are drizzled with honey.

Stuffed shiitake mushrooms with meat

32 home-cooked dishes to share, delicious and delicious, make a few dishes at a time, and the meals of the week are not the same

Ingredients: minced meat, shiitake mushrooms, salt, corn starch, soy sauce, egg, oil, green onion, lettuce leaves


1, if there are fresh shiitake mushrooms directly washed, with dried shiitake mushrooms, use boiling water to soak hair, minced meat with the right amount of salt, soy sauce, corn starch, eggs stir evenly marinated for a few minutes;

2, wash the soaked shiitake mushrooms, place them on the plate facing upwards, and put the stirred meat filling on top of the mushrooms slightly pressed;

3: Pour oil into a hot pan and turn on low heat. Fry the meat-filled side in a pan until slightly brownish, fry it all and rearrange it on a plate, steam it in a steamer over high heat for about 25 minutes until cooked thoroughly;

4, take a clean plate, spread the lettuce leaves, the steamed shiitake mushrooms are placed neatly, pour the steamed shiitake mushroom water into the bowl, add a small amount of corn starch, water, raw pumping into the pot to hook the mustard, pour on the steamed shiitake mushrooms, sprinkle a little green onion.

Walnut chestnut lotus root soup

32 home-cooked dishes to share, delicious and delicious, make a few dishes at a time, and the meals of the week are not the same

Ingredients: 2 walnuts, 1 pound of lotus root, 2 two lotus seeds, 8 chestnuts, 1 slice of orange peel, 10 red dates

Method: 1, wash all the ingredients, cut the lotus root into large pieces, remove the core of the red dates, remove the core of the lotus seeds,

2, put 8 minutes full of water in the pot, first put in the tangerine peel, after the water is boiled, then add all the ingredients,

3: Cook on high heat for 20 minutes, then reduce heat and continue to cook for 2 hours.

Spinach on the soup

32 home-cooked dishes to share, delicious and delicious, make a few dishes at a time, and the meals of the week are not the same

Ingredients: 1 handful of spinach, 1 peeled egg, 1 salted egg, 3 slices of ginger, 100 ml of chicken broth, a little white pepper, a little salt.


1: Steam the peeled eggs and salted eggs for 15 minutes, cool them and cut them into granules; Wash the spinach and drain.

2: Heat the oil in a wok and stir-fry the ginger slices, then add the peeled eggs and salted egg grains and stir-fry a few times.

3: Stir-fry the spinach in a pot, add a little white pepper and salt, and add chicken broth and fry for about 1 and a half minutes.

Braised pig's trotters

32 home-cooked dishes to share, delicious and delicious, make a few dishes at a time, and the meals of the week are not the same

Ingredients: 2 pork hands, rock sugar, oil, dark soy sauce, soy sauce, green onion, ginger, garlic, 1 star anise, 1 small piece of cinnamon, pepper.


1. Rinse the foam after blanching the pig's trotters, and use rafters to clean up the remaining pig hair.

2: Heat the oil in a hot pan, after the oil is hot, sauté the rock sugar over low heat to make the sugar color, and stir-fry in the pig's trotters until it is colored.

3: Add shallots and ginger, star anise, cinnamon, soy sauce and soy sauce, add boiling water, bring to a boil on high heat and reduce heat to simmer for about 40 minutes, add salt to taste, and continue to cook until the pig's trotters are soft and rotten.

4: Sprinkle pepper to enhance the taste, collect the juice on the plate on high heat, put the cooked sesame seeds, and decorate the green onion.

Ants on trees

32 home-cooked dishes to share, delicious and delicious, make a few dishes at a time, and the meals of the week are not the same

Ingredients: 200 grams of authentic sweet potato flour, 1 green pepper, 1-2 millet peppers, 1.5 spoons of bean paste, 3 cloves of garlic, appropriate amount of ginger, appropriate amount of lard, appropriate amount of chives, appropriate amount of salt, appropriate amount of oyster sauce, appropriate amount of soy sauce, a little vinegar, a little pepper powder, 100 grams of refined meat, appropriate amount of coriander.


1. Soak the vermicelli in warm water and remove the dried water, mince the meat and marinate with salt and corn starch for 20 minutes.

2. Finely chop the green onion, ginger, garlic and rice pepper separately and set aside.

3. Heat the pot and add an appropriate amount of cooking oil and a little lard, add the minced meat and stir-fry until fragrant, push the minced meat to the side of the pot, add the bean paste, ginger and garlic and stir-fry.

4. Add an appropriate amount of water, (if the stock is better) add pepper, oyster sauce, boil over high heat, pour into the vermicelli, cover the pot and cook for 3-5 minutes.

5. Add rice pepper, salt, drop a few drops of aged vinegar, put the parsley over high heat, collect the juice and put it on the plate, sprinkle with green onion.

Kung Pao Chicken Cubes

32 home-cooked dishes to share, delicious and delicious, make a few dishes at a time, and the meals of the week are not the same

Ingredients: 2 baby chicken thighs, 40 grams of peeled peanut rice, 10 grams of red soy sauce, 10 grams of sugar, 15 grams of cooking wine, 15 grams of rice vinegar, 2-3 grams of salt, about 20 grams of water starch, about 20 grams of broth, 5-8 dried chili peppers, 1 green onion, 1 piece of ginger, 3 cloves of garlic peppercorns 10-20 grains.


1. Chicken thighs are deboned and cut into 1.5 cm diced chicken (chicken breast can also be replaced).

2. Put the diced chicken into a dish, 15g dry starch and 5g water starch, half cooking wine and a little salt to catch the diced chicken, marinate for 10 minutes.

3. Cut the dried chili pepper into sections, slice the green onion and ginger, and dice the green onion.

4. Stir the rice vinegar, sugar, red soy sauce and remaining water starch together into the juice, then add the broth or water to mix well.

5. Heat the oil, add the chili peppers, and sauté the peppercorns until fragrant

6. Add the marinated chicken cubes and stir-fry, add cooking wine, ginger slices and garlic and stir-fry until fragrant.

7. Pour the prepared sauce along the side of the pot, stir-fry evenly, then add the diced green onion and stir-fry to make it fragrant, and finally add peanuts and rice to stir-fry evenly to get out of the pot and plate.

Back to the pot of meat

32 home-cooked dishes to share, delicious and delicious, make a few dishes at a time, and the meals of the week are not the same

Ingredients: 350 grams of pork belly, 1 green and red pepper each, 3 green garlic, 1 piece of ginger, 1 spoon of sweet noodle sauce, 1 spoon of Pixian bean paste, 15 grams of sugar, appropriate amount of chicken essence, appropriate amount of salt, 3 grams of spring onion, appropriate amount of cooking wine.


1. Pan pork belly in cold water, add shallots, ginger slices, boil the cooking wine and cook for 10 minutes, let it cool and cut into thin slices.

2. Cut green and red pepper into hob pieces, cut garlic into 2-3 cm length segments, ginger cut into small pieces.

3. Heat the pork belly, sauté the oil over medium heat, and set aside.

4. Heat the appropriate amount of oil, add sweet noodle sauce to fry, add green onion, ginger slices watercress sauce and stir-fry the aroma, then add a little water, add sugar and fry evenly.

5. Add pork belly and green and red peppers and stir-fry over high heat until broken.

6. Add garlic and chicken essence and stir-fry evenly.

Kung Pao Chicken Cubes

32 home-cooked dishes to share, delicious and delicious, make a few dishes at a time, and the meals of the week are not the same

Ingredients: 100 g chicken breast, 50 g peanut kernels, 1 green onion, 3 tbsp vegetable oil, 1/2 tsp salt, 1 tbsp vinegar, 1 tsp sugar, 2 tsp light soy sauce, 2 tbsp cooking wine, 2 tsp starch, 1 tbsp Pixian bean paste

Production process:

1: Dice the chicken breast, grasp well with 2 tbsp cooking wine and 1/4 teaspoon salt, marinate for 15 minutes;

2, peanuts and rice are fried in oil, fished out of the oil control;

3: Mix a bowl of juice: 1 tsp sugar, 2 tbsp vinegar, 2 tsp light soy sauce, 1/4 tsp salt, stir well;

4、 Cut the green onion into small pieces;

5: Pickled chicken breast, add 1 tablespoon vegetable oil and 2 teaspoon starch before stir-frying;

6: Pour 2 tbsp vegetable oil in a pan, heat over medium heat, scatter the diced chicken breast and set aside;

7, boil the oil, under 1 tablespoon Pixian bean paste, fry out the red oil, pour in the chicken breast, green onion, sauce, high heat to collect the juice;

8: Add peanuts and rice and sauté well.

Spit chicken

32 home-cooked dishes to share, delicious and delicious, make a few dishes at a time, and the meals of the week are not the same

Ingredients: 1 chicken with three yellow chickens, green onion, ginger, 1 tbsp cooking wine, 2 tbsp chili noodles, 1 minibus of peppercorns, 2 tbsp soy sauce, about 3 tbsp vinegar, 1/2 tbsp sugar, 2 garlic, salt, chicken essence to taste, sesame seeds, ground peanuts, chives


1. Marinate the chicken with a small amount of salt and cooking wine for about 15 minutes, and stuff the stomach with ginger slices and green onions;

2: After marinating, put it in a pot and pour cold water over the surface of the chicken. Be sure to use cold water, with the aim of allowing the chicken to heat up and mature together inside and out;

3, out of the pot, use cool water to cool the chicken;

4: Mix the remaining soy sauce, vinegar, sugar and chicken essence in the seasoning according to the above proportions, pour on the chicken, and finally drizzle with two tablespoons of red oil, sprinkle a little sesame seeds, peanut crushed and chives, and then eat with saliva.

Bacon asparagus rolls

32 home-cooked dishes to share, delicious and delicious, make a few dishes at a time, and the meals of the week are not the same

Ingredients: Bacon, asparagus, minced black pepper

Method: 1, cut the asparagus into a length slightly longer than the width of the bacon, put in a pot of boiling water with a little cooking oil and salt, blanch, blanch, fish out and quickly immerse in ice water;

2, bacon everything for three spares;

3. Take a small piece of bacon slice, wrap in 2 asparagus, roll it up and fix it with a toothpick;

4: Roll the prepared asparagus into a frying pan, fry until the bacon is slightly browned, sprinkle with black pepper and crush it.

Tofu soup

32 home-cooked dishes to share, delicious and delicious, make a few dishes at a time, and the meals of the week are not the same

Method 1: Cut the meat into minced meat, cut the ham into cubes, and chop the chives and set aside;

2, eggs scattered and spare, try to break a little, easy to stir the egg flowers in the back;

3. Add the corn starch to water and stir evenly for later;

4: Put a small amount of oil in the pot, add minced meat and sauté until fragrant, then pour water and bring to a boil, continue to cook for 5 minutes;

5. After 5 minutes, add ham and tofu and simmer for a while;

6, then evenly pour in the water starch before the mixture, stir while pouring, and when the thickness is boiled, evenly pour in the beaten egg liquid, stir clockwise when stirring;

7: Season with salt and sprinkle with chopped green onion or parsley before leaving the pan.

Steamed eggs in soy sauce

32 home-cooked dishes to share, delicious and delicious, make a few dishes at a time, and the meals of the week are not the same

Ingredients: 4 eggs, 2 spoons of light soy sauce, 1/2 tsp of sugar, white pepper to taste, 1 spoonful of steamed fish soy sauce


1. First cover the bottom of the plate with oil to prevent sticking to the bottom, pour in soy sauce, pepper and sugar;

2, beat the eggs, do not stir;

3: Steam on a hot pot and steam for 10 minutes;

4, add less steamed fish soy sauce, sprinkle some green, you can serve.

Cold mix vegetarian chicken

32 home-cooked dishes to share, delicious and delicious, make a few dishes at a time, and the meals of the week are not the same

Method: 1, boil water, vegetarian chicken slices in the pot blanched a boiling water, the blanched vegetarian chicken poured into ice water for five minutes, control the water;

2, stir in a bowl minced garlic, green onion, sesame oil, pepper oil, soy sauce, abalone juice, a small amount of sugar, white sesame seeds, stir well;

3: Pour the sauce into the vegetarian chicken and stir well.

Vegetarian stir-fried hollow cabbage stalks

32 home-cooked dishes to share, delicious and delicious, make a few dishes at a time, and the meals of the week are not the same

Ingredients: 500 grams of hollow cabbage stalks, 3 millet peppers, salt


1, hollow cabbage remove the leaves, wash and set aside;

2. Cut the washed hollow cabbage stem into small pieces and chop the pepper;

3: Add oil to the pot and stir-fry the chili peppers first;

4: Then add the hollow cabbage stalks and stir-fry for a while, add the appropriate amount of salt.

Seafood porridge

32 home-cooked dishes to share, delicious and delicious, make a few dishes at a time, and the meals of the week are not the same

Ingredients: pearl rice (to taste), shrimp (to taste), white scallops (to taste), octopus (to taste), tomato (to taste), onion (to taste), garlic (to taste), coriander (to taste), salt (to taste), oil (to taste), white pepper (to taste)


1, fresh shrimp scissors must be washed with shrimp line, white shellfish washed, octopus washed and diced, tomato peeled and chopped, onion washed and diced, garlic minced, rice washed and set aside.

2: Stir-fry the onion and minced garlic until fragrant.

3: Add the minced tomatoes and stir-fry.

4: Stir-fry the tomatoes until the paste is rotten, add the appropriate amount of white pepper, salt and stir-fry evenly, and then stop cooking.

5: Pour the washed pearl rice into a casserole dish, then pour in the cooked tomatoes and onions, add an appropriate amount of water and stir well, cover and cook.

6: Cook until the rice is rotten into porridge.

7: Pour in the seafood.

8: Cook until the white scallops are opened, the octopus grains and fresh shrimp are cooked.

Corn rib porridge

32 home-cooked dishes to share, delicious and delicious, make a few dishes at a time, and the meals of the week are not the same

Ingredients: pork ribs (to taste), corn (to taste), ginger (to taste), green onion (to taste), salt (to taste)


1, wash the ribs, first put into boiling water and boil for a while to remove the blood water;

2, and then rinse the foam with water;

3, corn cut into sections, and ribs together into the electric pressure cooker, add the amount of water boiling porridge, boil soup;

4. Soak the rice for a while after washing;

5, after the corn rib soup is cooked, the corn and ribs are fished out, and the soup is left in the pot;

6, pour the rice in, remove the ribs and meat, tear it into shredded meat and pour it into a porridge together;

7, after cooking, adjust the appropriate amount of salt, sprinkle green onion, you can!

Roasted shiitake mushrooms

32 home-cooked dishes to share, delicious and delicious, make a few dishes at a time, and the meals of the week are not the same

Ingredients: curd bamboo, shiitake mushrooms, green and red peppers, carrots, oyster sauce, a small amount of dark soy sauce to add color, a moderate amount of cooking oil, a little water starch, salt depending on the taste, a little green onion


Dried shiitake mushrooms must be cleaned, and the bamboo and shiitake mushrooms are packed separately and soaked in cool water. I usually pack the previous night with cold water soaked, hot even the box together in the refrigerator refrigeration, fungus must be eaten freshly, long soaked fungus if soft rotten please throw away.

Control the water slice of the shiitake mushrooms, and do not pour out the water that soaks the shiitake mushrooms.

The rotten bamboo is cut diagonally into inch segments.

Side dishes carrots cut into diamond-shaped thin slices, there is just a yellow sprout at home to cut into add color, green onion cut into inches for spare, water starch and good spare, this step plus side dishes you can feel free, meat slices, black fungus, green and red pepper and so on are OK.

Heat the oil in a pot of green onions, then add the shiitake mushrooms to the incense.

Stir-fry in the tofu bamboo.

Add the oyster sauce.

Add the water of the shiitake mushrooms to enhance the taste, so be sure to wash the shiitake mushrooms before soaking the mushrooms.

Add the side dishes.

Cooking for a little 30 seconds will make it more flavorful, at which point you can taste the saltiness and decide whether to add salt or not.

Add the water starch, bring to a boil to collect the juice and turn off the heat.

Out of the pot.

Good rotten bamboo is very strong, there will not be a lot of debris, no matter how everything will not be broken, especially resistant to cooking.

Cola chicken wings

32 home-cooked dishes to share, delicious and delicious, make a few dishes at a time, and the meals of the week are not the same


9 chicken wings, 250 grams of cola, 3 slices of ginger, 3 garlic heads, 3 teaspoons of light soy sauce


Blanch the chicken wings in boiling water, drain the cold water, and wipe the water dry.

Heat the pan with oil and fry the chicken wings until golden brown.

Put the ginger slices, stir-fry the garlic to make the flavor and then put the Coke, and put the Coke just after the end of the chicken is enough.

Raw soy sauce I put a little more do not need to put salt, the color is also good, do not put too much Oh, otherwise it will be very salty.

When the juice is harvested, there are still 4 teaspoons of juice left.


Home-cooked tofu

32 home-cooked dishes to share, delicious and delicious, make a few dishes at a time, and the meals of the week are not the same


A piece of north tofu (that is, a relatively firm one) (about 380g), a random fungus, a bell pepper, a large spoon of Pixian watercress hot sauce, green onion, ginger random, a small spoon of sugar, a small spoon of potato starch


Cut the northern tofu into 1 cm thick triangular slices.

Fry in a frying pan over medium heat until golden brown.

Fry a few pieces each time, and fry them several times, so that you can save fuel and not be easy to break.

The fungus is soaked in advance, the hard roots are removed, and the bell peppers are washed and broken into small pieces.

Foam fungus I am used to using hot water, relatively soft, if you like the crisp taste can be soaked in cold water, but the time is longer.

Pixian watercress sauce, my bean paste particles are very large, so I broke it with a blender in advance.

Heat the wok and add the oil to the bottom, add the chopped green onion and ginger, add a large spoonful of watercress sauce, and don't put too much, because it will be salty.

I didn't add any more salt, and if you don't feel salty, you can add it to your taste.

Stir-fry for a while until the red oil is fried, pay attention to the fire is not too large, easy to stick to the pan, be sure to fry the red oil, otherwise the taste is not good, the color is not beautiful.

Stir-fry the fungus and tofu in a pot, add a small amount of water and a small spoonful of sugar, cover and cook for a few minutes to taste, and finally add bell pepper and stir-fry evenly.

Before coming out of the pot, you can stir-fry evenly, don't pour it all in, stir-fry while pouring, see the thick soup, rather less than more.

Sweet and sour crispy fish

32 home-cooked dishes to share, delicious and delicious, make a few dishes at a time, and the meals of the week are not the same


1 grass carp, 200 g flour, 1 tbsp tomato paste, green onion, ginger, pepper, salt, cooking wine, soy sauce, starch 15 g, sugar 100 g, vinegar 50 g


Sugar, vinegar and water are mixed into juice in a ratio of 2:1:2.

Flour, starch and water are mixed into a paste.

Descale and gills, wash the breech and cut a knife 1 cm under the gills.

Cut another knife in the tail of the fish.

At the incision under the gills, there is a white dot, that is, the head of the fish and the fishy line, pinch the head of the fishy line, tap the fish body, and easily pull the fishy line out.

On both sides of the fish, 2.5 cm apart into a peony flower knife, the cutting method is to cut 1 cm deep vertically, and then cut 2 cm flat.

Marinate the chopped fish in soy sauce, salt, cooking wine and pepper.

The starch and flour are mixed into a paste and spread evenly over the marinated fish.

Heat the oil to 70%, lift the tail of the fish, and fry the fish head in oil first.

Then use a spoon to scoop the oil on the fish, and when the batter solidifies, slowly put the fish into the oil pan, fry the fish under the pan, and take it out.

When the oil is 80% hot, re-fry the fish until it reaches 80%.

Pour oil on the fish with a spoonful, fry until crispy and serve on a pan.

Leave a little oil in the wok and sauté the green onion, ginger and garlic until fragrant.

Pour in the mixed juice.

Add the tomato sauce.

Add a little wet starch to thicken the juice.

Just pour over the fish.

Bitter melon duck sauce

32 home-cooked dishes to share, delicious and delicious, make a few dishes at a time, and the meals of the week are not the same

Ingredients: 500 grams of pure land duck, 200 grams of bitter melon pieces, 50 grams of red waist beans, 20 grams of green and red beauty pepper festival, sweet noodle sauce, ginger slices, garlic, salt, thirteen spices, soy sauce, monosodium glutamate, chicken essence, fresh soup, salad oil


1: Chop the Pure Land Duck into strips, add ginger slices and salt to taste first, then put it into the oil pan, fry until the color is slightly yellow, pour out and drain the oil.

2, put oil in the net pot, first under the ginger slices, garlic and sweet noodle sauce stir-fry fragrant, to pour in the duck nuggets and stir-fry well, mix an appropriate amount of fresh soup and add salt, thirteen spices, soy sauce, monosodium glutamate and chicken essence, burn until the duck nuggets are soft and cooked before adding bitter melon pieces, green and red bell peppers and red loin beans, burn together for 10 minutes, you can start the pot and plate.

Beef grains with asparagus in oyster sauce

32 home-cooked dishes to share, delicious and delicious, make a few dishes at a time, and the meals of the week are not the same

Ingredients: Asparagus 250g; Beef 200g; 3 tablespoons of oyster sauce; 1 tablespoon of black pepper; Half a tablespoon of sugar; 4 cloves of garlic; 1 small piece of ginger; 1.5 tbsp starch; 1 tbsp cooking wine; a few drops of dark soy sauce


1: Cut the beef into 1cm cubes, remove the old roots of the asparagus and cut them into about the same size, and cut the garlic and ginger into minced ones for use

2: Add half of the oyster sauce, half of the black pepper, sugar, 2 tablespoons of water, starch and cooking wine to the beef and grab the taste for more than 15 minutes 3, put the appropriate amount of oil in the pot and heat it, then heat the minced garlic and ginger

4: Stir-fry the beef until it just changes color and fish it out immediately

5: Sauté the asparagus on high heat for 1-2 minutes until it breaks, sprinkle a little water into the pot

6: Pour the beef back into the pan, add the remaining half of the oyster sauce and black pepper, a few drops of old soy sauce and turn well to get out of the pan

Green pepper chicken offal

32 home-cooked dishes to share, delicious and delicious, make a few dishes at a time, and the meals of the week are not the same

Ingredients: Chicken offal (chicken gizzard) 250 g, two wattle green pepper rings 100 g, red beauty pepper rings 50 g, sub ginger shreds 20 g, flower pepper 10 g. Ginger, garlic, salt, cooking wine, chicken essence, soy sauce, vinegar, soy sauce, oyster sauce, sesame oil, pepper oil, salad oil.


1: Add salt and vinegar to the chicken offal and scrub it clean, and then take the bowl after knife treatment.

2. Heat oil in a pan, add ginger when 50% hot and sauté until fragrant

3. Add the washed chicken offal to the pan and stir-fry, add salt and sauté dry water and serve on the plate.

4. Heat the oil in a pan and add the chopped green peppercorns, salt and stir-fry until the green peppers are white and lathered.

5: Add chicken offal and stir-fry quickly, add oyster sauce, salt, chicken essence, soy sauce, soy sauce, soy sauce, soy sauce, pepper oil to taste, and finally out of the pan.

Lamb stew with sauerkraut

32 home-cooked dishes to share, delicious and delicious, make a few dishes at a time, and the meals of the week are not the same

Ingredients: 300 g of lamb, 1/2 sauerkraut, a little green onion, ginger slices, and chopped coriander.

Seasoning: 2 tablespoons soy sauce, 1 tablespoon cooking wine, salt and white pepper.


1: Wash and slice the lamb and shred the sauerkraut into strips.

2: Put the lamb slices in a bowl with soy sauce, cooking wine and pepper and marinate for half a moment.

3: Add oil to the pot, sauté chives and ginger, add sauerkraut and stir-fry, then add enough water and bring to a boil.

4: Add lamb slices, skim off the foam after opening the pot, reduce the heat to simmer until the lamb is soft, add salt and sprinkle with chopped coriander.

Tide-type noodle mixing

32 home-cooked dishes to share, delicious and delicious, make a few dishes at a time, and the meals of the week are not the same

Ingredients: 200g whole wheat noodles, 1 egg, lard, soy sauce, rice vinegar, green onion


1. Mix the three sauces – white vinegar, soy sauce and lard – together and set aside.

2. Cook the noodles, after passing the cold water, drain the water, pour in the prepared sauce and stir well.

3. Fry a poached egg on the noodles, sprinkle with green onions, and enjoy!

Dry pot spicy three fresh

32 home-cooked dishes to share, delicious and delicious, make a few dishes at a time, and the meals of the week are not the same

Ingredients: 500g of tiger shrimp and shrimp, 200g of celery, 1 lotus root, 1.5 tbsp of spicy bean paste, 1 tsp of white wine, 1 tsp of sugar, 1 tsp of white sesame seeds, 1 handful of coriander, green onion, ginger, garlic


1: Heat the pan with cold oil, sauté shredded chives, ginger and garlic slices, add shrimp and stir-fry, and add a small spoonful of white wine;

2, celery and lotus root are cut and sliced separately, lotus root is soaked in cold water in advance, drained and dried water and celery are stir-fried together, add 1.5 tablespoons of spicy watercress sauce, stir-fry evenly, add a small spoonful of sugar, sprinkle a small spoon of white sesame seeds and a small handful of coriander before coming out of the pot, stir-fry evenly to get out of the pot.

Shrimp tofu

32 home-cooked dishes to share, delicious and delicious, make a few dishes at a time, and the meals of the week are not the same

Ingredients: 1 piece of southern tofu, 250 grams of grass shrimp, each appropriate amount of green onion, ginger and garlic, 10ml+10ml of cooking wine, 30m1 of oyster sauce, 10ml of braised soy sauce, pepper, minced black pepper, 1 gram of salt, 1 tsp of corn starch, 50ml of water, 1 tsp of water starch


Fresh grass shrimp are frozen in the refrigerator and soaked in cool water, shrimp peeled and left anchovy tail, washed, mixed with 1 gram of salt, black pepper crushed, cooking wine, a small spoon of corn starch, marinated for 10 minutes;

A piece of southern tofu, prepare the green onion ginger garlic, ginger and garlic slices, green onion and millet spicy cut into small pieces, add a small spoonful of salt in a pot of boiling water, blanch the tofu to remove the raw bean fishy taste, fish out the dry water;

Seasoning ready: oyster sauce 30ml, soy sauce 10ml, cooking wine 10m1;

Sit in the pot and heat it, pour the appropriate amount of vegetable oil, slide the shrimp until it changes color, leave the bottom oil in the pot and sauté the chives, ginger and garlic, pour into the seasoning in the bowl, add 50ml of water to boil, pour in the tofu for two minutes, pour the shrimp in, roll for another minute, and use water starch to draw the sauce.

Tofu lion's head

32 home-cooked dishes to share, delicious and delicious, make a few dishes at a time, and the meals of the week are not the same

Ingredients: Northern tofu, shrimp filling, meat filling, fungus, egg, salt, monosodium glutamate, sugar, pepper, corn starch


1, steam the tofu for 5 minutes in advance, squeeze out the water for later, take out the crushing, 500 grams of tofu put 75 grams of shrimp filling, 75 grams of meat filling;

2, add coriander grains, wood ear powder, add salt, pepper, sugar, corn starch, eggs and stir hard;

3, add an appropriate amount of water to the pot, smear a little starch water on the hand, the tofu filling into a ball, wait for the water temperature of about 40 degrees into the pot, heat it to a fixed shape, simmer for 5 minutes after opening the pot, add MONOS glutamate, pepper, salt, sprinkle with chives and coriander

Cold mix bitter chrysanthemum

32 home-cooked dishes to share, delicious and delicious, make a few dishes at a time, and the meals of the week are not the same

Ingredients: bitter chrysanthemum, salt, ginger, garlic, vinegar, sugar, soy sauce, sesame oil


1. Wash one plant of bitter chrysanthemum, cut in half!

2. Finely chop the ginger and garlic.

3. Place the bitter chrysanthemum in a large bowl, add salt, a little sugar, minced garlic, minced ginger, and mix raw.

4. Soy sauce, vinegar, sesame oil.

Fig Sherry silver ear soup

32 home-cooked dishes to share, delicious and delicious, make a few dishes at a time, and the meals of the week are not the same


Golden swallow ear 6 g, Sydney pear one

1-2 dried figs, rock sugar to taste

Dried roselle flowers 1-2 flowers


1. Prepare the ingredients, and soak the roselle flowers in warm water to make them color, but you can't use hot water

2. A pack of 6 grams of golden swallow ear fungus, no need to wash and bubble, can be cooked directly under the pot

3. Peel and cut the sydney pear into pieces and place in a pot, adding figs and rock sugar

4. Add a packet of gold and silver ear

5. Add some water and bring to a boil

6. Turn to medium heat and cook for 15-20 minutes, then add hibiscus flower water in the last 1 minute