
Why is the more capable people who learn the better, the more humble they are? Have you thought about it?

author:Meng after the 80s

In fact, this is a typical Duck effect: the less capable people are, the higher they value themselves, and the more capable people are, the more they underestimate themselves.

Why is the more capable people who learn the better, the more humble they are? Have you thought about it?

Not long ago, I discovered a very interesting thing while playing Glory of Kings. I often encounter headwinds. At the time of the headwinds of the low-end round, that is, the qualifying of the silver gold segment, I found that you just need to tell them about the situation, saying that you can play the group or play the later stage of the first obscene development and so on, they will not listen. In the mid-range (platinum, diamonds), not only did the proposals go unheard, but they would also ironically say "teach with you" and so on. But when it comes to the Star Shine and the King's Bureau, playing the Headwind Bureau, everyone's opinions are always very unified, and they will all go to the implementation.

Why is this happening? This is actually the Duck effect in psychology: people with lower abilities are more likely to overestimate themselves. The main reason for this positive illusion is that many of the evaluation indicators are vague.

Psychologists once found in a leadership study of more than 1 million American high school students that 70 percent of students believe their leadership is above average, 28 percent think their leadership is at least average, and only 2 percent think their leadership is below average. Leadership encompasses many dimensions, such as self-confidence, communication skills, decision-making skills, and so on. But we might choose one of these dimensions to evaluate ourselves and ignore the others. For example, a confident person defines leadership as self-confidence; People who are able to communicate define leadership as better influencing others.

This favorable evidence makes it easy to overestimate their abilities. Therefore, people of moderate ability tend to have the strongest overestimation because they have an advantage to a greater or lesser extent in one or two dimensions. So it's a good understanding of why, in the mid to late stages of the Glory of Kings game, people are so arrogant when they don't listen to advice.

Why is the more capable people who learn the better, the more humble they are? Have you thought about it?

In fact, there are many such phenomena in life. A few days ago, I discussed my views on e-commerce with someone I knew a little bit about. He said it's easy to do in this area. They have a large number of such manufacturers, and it is not difficult to find the resources of the online store. If the start-up capital is small, it can reach tens of thousands of yuan. Later, after discussion, I realized that he was just a novice in this field for less than half a year.

As Darwin said, "The ignorant have more confidence than the intelligent." ”。 In fact, these people are very similar—they were invincible for three years, and they doubted life for three years. Their judgment of their own abilities is limited to their own perspective, considering only the calm situation, and automatically ignoring the situation that is not smooth in all probabilities. Therefore, only by learning more about this area can they experience the real situation.

Why is the more capable people who learn the better, the more humble they are? Have you thought about it?

Why did less than 5% of companies survive for a year and less than 1% survive for less than three years? I think the biggest reason is also the Duck Effect. When they started a business, their assessment of their strengths was too one-sided. Some people think that the product is good and there must be a market, but they don't notice their marketing weaknesses; Some people think they have a lot of ideas and getting users isn't a problem, but they don't expect other people's ideas to be better and more classy. A successful entrepreneur must be a good resource allocator, not just a loner with an advantage in a certain field.

Humans have all sorts of ideas, but they are surprisingly unified in one thing, and that is, they subconsciously think they are better than others. We are no exception, otherwise "know thyself" would not have become a proverb that has been passed down through the ages. So, how can we better understand ourselves and avoid making false judgments because of the Duck effect? I think the best approach is to use feedback from the team environment to make adjustments.

When I first hit Glory of Kings, I was actually affected by the Duck Effect. Not only do I not listen to advice, but I always complain about how stupid my teammates are and why are they so delicious? Later, I learned that the system will match players of your level. Your skill is silver, and so are your teammates. Also, a lot of times, the people on the bench are the opposite, but we automatically ignore that. We just remember that we won with our own technology. When you're in a hole, you automatically forget because of the subconscious self-preservation. It's brutal. I have to admit that what kind of people we are, it's easy to attract our peers.

If you are a pit cargo, you will encounter pit cargo along the way. If you don't have any real advantage, but you imagine yourself as different, then the people around you will be just like you. It's like a blind date. The matchmaker will introduce you to someone who meets your criteria based on your situation. If you feel that the person you encounter is not very good, it is likely that your own conditions are not good. If you often complain that your college isn't good, in fact, it could also be your own problem because you have the opportunity to go to a better place, but your ability is only enough to get you up to that level of school, isn't it?

Only by constantly improving ourselves can we reduce the possibility of encountering pit goods. Just as the more advanced the game is played, the fewer teammates encounter pits. Sometimes we may mistakenly enter an environment that does not match our own ability, and the best way is to try to stay away from this environment and let yourself jump into another matching environment, instead of complaining all the time, otherwise you are probably just a member of that group, but you are not aware of it.

Only by constantly examining your environment can you realize your true level!