
What should I do if I get psoriasis? Just look at this one

author:Dermatology TCM Chen Chuntao

Psoriasis is easy to repeat, summer symptoms may be alleviated, but must not be taken lightly, always pay attention. So what should I do if I get psoriasis? Here, Dr. Chen gives you some small advice. If you have any other questions, feel free to contact me.

A sunbathing

I don't know if you have found that although the incidence of psoriasis is very high, about 3 to 4 people in every 100 people have psoriasis, but in reality we can hardly see psoriasis patients. Because most of the lesions of psoriasis grow on the head, the back and legs are often covered from sunlight. Therefore, it is conceivable how important sunlight is to the treatment of psoriasis. The principle of sunlight on psoriasis, as I said in the previous article, you can move to see. Article link here: Summer is an excellent time to treat psoriasis, are you still missing out?

So how should psoriasis patients bask in the sun? How long does it last? If you usually read more popular science texts, you will find that many doctors have given the same advice, and my side of the advice is similar: it is best to dry in the morning and afternoon through the glass for about 30 minutes.

What should I do if I get psoriasis? Just look at this one

Basking in the sun through a glass is better for psoriasis treatment

2. Conditioning the body

Conditioning the body is a slow, long process that requires conditioning from all aspects of life.

Diet: patients who love to smoke and drink, coffee, and strong tea are best to quit, carbonated drinks can not be drunk, it is best to drink more warm water. Fruits and vegetables should be eaten more, light foods can be eaten more, spicy and greasy should be eaten less. Can refer to: 1 white fungus soup, white fungus has the effect of nourishing the yin and moisturizing the lungs, improving the qi and strengthening the spleen, can enhance the body's metabolism, promote blood circulation, make the subcutaneous tissue rich, skin lubrication, and greatly beneficial to psoriasis patients. 2 papaya date pork bone pot, papaya, date and pig bone have a good tonic effect, can promote the repair of psoriasis skin lesions.

What should I do if I get psoriasis? Just look at this one

Eat a light diet and eat more fruits and vegetables

In terms of work and rest: how important water sleep is to regulate immunity, I think everyone knows. No matter what kind of illness you have, you must develop good work and rest habits. Modern people are used to looking at their mobile phones before going to bed, looking at them and finding that they accidentally stayed up all night. Psoriasis patients can set the mobile phone to a timer switch to prevent missing sleep time when playing on the phone. Anyway, be sure to go to bed early.

What should I do if I get psoriasis? Just look at this one

Go to bed early and get up early

Personal hygiene: people with psoriasis can take more baths. Showers, medicinal baths, soaking baths are available. The water temperature should not be too high, about 35-39 degrees, and the bathing time should be controlled at 20-50 minutes. Do not use alkaline soap or shampoo, and do not scrub with a towel or bath towel. After washing, press the body with a dry and clean towel to absorb the moisture, then apply the moisturizer in time.

What should I do if I get psoriasis? Just look at this one

Clothing: dressing is also very important for psoriasis patients, first of all, you must not wear tight clothes and pants, tights are easy to rub the body, increasing the degree of dry itching of psoriasis. It is best to wear loose cotton clothes, and change and wash frequently. Finally, exercise more, exercise can strengthen immunity and reduce the number of diseases. Moreover, sweating during exercise can alleviate the symptoms of psoriasis dry itching. In addition, maintain a good mental state.

3. Seek medical attention as soon as possible

In the early stages of psoriasis, the treatment will be simpler and cheaper, and it will be difficult to control. Be sure not to procrastinate. Modern medical treatment is developed, although psoriasis can not be cured, but can achieve the effect of clinical cure, can control the condition for a long time without recurrence. However, due to the complex etiology of psoriasis and the variety of pathologies, it is generally necessary to treat it symptomatically. That is to say, others have cured it with this method, but you have used this method is not necessarily good. Therefore, be sure to go to a regular hospital for scientific treatment.