
Cloud payment non-fan input legal entity authorization function

author:Yunlixing Technology

I. Introduction to the authorization function of non-identical legal persons

For merchants of enterprises or individual industrial and commercial households, when entering Alipay merchants (including signing contracts on behalf of or signing contracts on their own), if the Alipay account number signed by the imported goods is inconsistent with the legal person of the business license, it can be solved by the authorization function of the legal person of the non-identical person:

In the process of entering the merchant, fill in the mobile phone number of the business license legal person, and after the business license legal person receives the SMS to confirm the authorization, the merchant's non-identical import can be completed.

This function only supports Alipay's non-fan input, and WeChat Direct connection is not supported for the time being.

2. Authorization operation process of non-identical import legal person

1. When the cloud payment service provider assistant enters the Alipay merchant, it obtains the authorization of the legal person

In the step of the service provider signing a contract for the merchant to pay in person, when the "signed Alipay account" filled in by the service provider is not the same person as the business license, the legal person authorization switch can be opened on the "Alipay contract" page and enter the legal person's mobile phone number.

Cloud payment non-fan input legal entity authorization function

2. Confirmation of legal entity information

After the business license legal entity receives the SMS, open the connection in the SMS and perform authorization authentication.

Cloud payment non-fan input legal entity authorization function
Cloud payment non-fan input legal entity authorization function

If the legal entity does not receive the SMS, the merchant can log in to the b station or the signing assistant to initiate the legal entity authorization again after the signing of the contract paid in person is completed.

3. Complete the contract

After the legal person confirms through SMS notification, the importer goes to the Alipay details page and uses the signed Alipay account to scan the code to authorize the signing.

4. Check the signing status

Method 1: Log in to Station B enter the product center of Station B after signing the contract, and select face-to-face payment product contract management - in the review, you can see the signing order just submitted;

Cloud payment non-fan input legal entity authorization function

Method 2: Alipay search for "signing assistant" to select the signed product to pay in person - in the review, you can see the submitted signing order;

Cloud payment non-fan input legal entity authorization function

Special instructions:

1. After the importer sends the authorization information to the legal person, it is necessary to confirm with the legal person whether the authorization is completed and pay attention to the final signing status.

2. The signing review and the legal person authorization parallel, if the legal person authorization is completed before the audit is passed, the contract non-standard version is paid in person, and after the legal person authorization is completed, the system will re-initiate the review and change the face-to-face payment version to the standard version.

Appendix: New Access Rules for Face-to-Face Merchants

According to the regulatory requirements (Chinese Min min bank notice on printing and distributing the "Payment and Settlement Compliance Regulatory Data Interface Specification V1.0 (Trial)" (Circular No. 198),Alipay will make the following adjustments to the access rules and quotas for direct in-person payment merchants:

- Added four fields for store name/business name, store business address, store interior photo, and business license legal person mobile phone number for merchant input;

- The limit of non-standard face-to-face payment (original experience version, original basic version) is increased from 500 yuan per single transaction / 5000 yuan per day to 2000 yuan per single transaction / 20000 yuan per day;

Cloud payment non-fan input legal entity authorization function