
Sleeping too much is actually not good! Or more hurt than staying up late, you need this "best sleep guide"

author:Beijing Satellite TV Health Hall

More than 300 million Chinese have sleep disorders and suffer from the same problem of lack of sleep. Many people think that the lost sleep can be made up by "sleep replenishment", is this method really feasible?

Sleeping too much is actually not good! Or more hurt than staying up late, you need this "best sleep guide"

Lack of sleep, can you rely on sleep to make up for it?

Many people have the habit of napping to make up for sleep. A 10-20 minute "fast-charging" nap can help us regain our energy and wake up to work quickly; A 30-minute nap is also good for slowing down the heart rate and protecting the heart, but there may be some "sleep sluggishness" after waking up, which takes time to alleviate.

If the nap time exceeds 1 hour, it may increase the risk of hyperglycemia, Alzheimer's disease, cardiovascular disease and so on.

Sleeping too much is actually not good! Or more hurt than staying up late, you need this "best sleep guide"

There is also a kind of sleep supplementary situation: the first night to sleep less, the next day to try to sleep more; Or maybe you are more tired on weekdays and sleep all day on weekends. It seems that sleep time can be made up enough, but in fact, it is easy to lead to large differences in sleep time and duration, resulting in irregular sleep.

Studies have shown that people with long-term irregular sleep are less sensitive to insulin and more likely to cause genetic damage than people who stay up late all the time, causing genetic mutations to increase cancer risk. Therefore, proper sleep supplementation can help to restore energy, but long-term sleep supplementation may not be worth the loss, it is recommended to regularize the sleep time as much as possible.

Sleeping too much is actually not good! Or more hurt than staying up late, you need this "best sleep guide"

Sleep more than this time

Or more dangerous than staying up late

We all know that sleeping less may bring about neurasthenia, dementia, poor skin and other problems, and what harm does sleeping more do to the body?

The University of California, San Diego School of Pharmacy and the American Cancer Society surveyed 1 million 30-102-year-olds over six years and found that adults slept 6.5-7.4 hours a day, with the lowest mortality rate, while less than 4.5 hours or higher than 9.4 hours, the mortality rate increased sharply.

1 Increased risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases

During sleep, blood flow becomes slower, which is undoubtedly dangerous for middle-aged and elderly people who have underlying diseases such as high blood lipids and coronary heart disease, and it is easy to form blood clots and sudden cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

According to a study published in the Journal of the American Heart Association, people who slept more than 10 hours a day had a 56 percent higher chance of dying from a stroke and a 49 percent higher chance of dying from a variety of heart diseases.

Sleeping too much is actually not good! Or more hurt than staying up late, you need this "best sleep guide"

2 Causes nervous system dysfunction

When we go to sleep, our sleep control center will be active, and the wake control center will be relatively inactive. If the sleep time is too long, the sleep center is in a state of excitement for a long time, other nerve centers are inhibited for a long time, and the recovery of wakefulness will be relatively slow.

A common reaction is to feel groggy and listless, which is why the longer you sleep, the more tired you may become, and it is easy to cause disorders of nervous system function.

3 Increased risk of Alzheimer's disease

Alzheimer's disease is one of the five major killers that endanger the health of the elderly, sleep deprivation can affect dementia, and excessive sleep is also a risk factor for dementia. A study in Neurology showed that people who sleep more than 9 hours a night are more likely to develop dementia, accompanied by symptoms such as brain volume reduction and executive dysfunction.

Sleeping too much is actually not good! Or more hurt than staying up late, you need this "best sleep guide"

❖ Recommended table for optimal sleep duration

According to the American Sleep Foundation:

  • The optimal sleep time for adults is 7-9 hours;
  • 7-8 hours for the elderly;
  • 9-11 hours for children 6-13 years;
  • It is 8-10 hours for adolescents aged 14-17 years.

Improve sleep quality

You need this sleep aid

In addition to ensuring adequate sleep regularity, sleep quality is also very important! Stanford University in the United States found that people with longer deep sleep will also live longer. So how can you improve the quality of sleep and get a good night's sleep?

1 Create a sleeping environment

First of all, the sleeping environment should be kept dim, turn off the lights and draw curtains, especially the blue light of electronic devices should be turned off; Also guarantee quiet; Room temperature 20 ° is the most comfortable sleeping temperature; The pillow should not be too high nor too low, 8 to 13cm is appropriate.

Sleep aid sachet

Herbs: 15g of sour jujube kernels, 10g of Poria, 10g of Yuanzhi, 10g of acacia flowers, 10g of roses, 10g of nocturnal vines, 2g of amber, 10g of raw white art.

Efficacy: Sour jujube kernel peace of mind, Poria god and night vine to promote sleep, Yuanzhi and amber are also calm and calm, acacia flowers and roses are liver relief, can treat mental restlessness at the same time, white art spleen.

Directions: Mash the above herbs into a sachet bag, and a simple sleeping sachet is ready. Just place at the head of the bed and change once a week.

Sleeping too much is actually not good! Or more hurt than staying up late, you need this "best sleep guide"

2 Supplements with natural melatonin

Melatonin can prolong deep sleep and help improve sleep. However, after the age of 35, the body's own secretion of melatonin decreased significantly, in addition to pharmaceutical supplements, usually can also be supplemented from some foods, such as walnuts, sesame, oats, bananas, etc., appropriate to eat more to help promote melatonin synthesis.

3 Use the sleep aid switch well

Rubbing your finger on the sleeping point for 2 minutes before going to bed can help improve the quality of sleep. The sleeping acupoint is located behind the ear, at the midpoint where the wind pool acupoint is connected to the wind cavity. Its main treatment of insomnia, dizziness, headache, palpitations, irritability, tinnitus also has a certain effect.

Sleeping too much is actually not good! Or more hurt than staying up late, you need this "best sleep guide"