
Big data "sweeping yellow" officially launched, there are such characteristics to pay attention to, you may be "involved in yellow"

author:Yue sister finance

The clean net sweeping away pornography and cracking down on illegal activities has always been the top priority in governing the country, and the fine tradition of the Chinese nation for thousands of years has zero tolerance for incidents such as "pornography" from beginning to end. At present, with the gradual maturity of scientific and technological means such as big data and cloud computing, big data has been officially linked with "sweeping pornography".

Big data "sweeping yellow" officially launched, there are such characteristics to pay attention to, you may be "involved in yellow"

Big data "yellow sweeping" has been officially run at present, and there are mainly some characteristics for identifying whether someone is involved in pornography, and these characteristics are what you need to pay attention to in your later life, and if you are not careful, you may be identified as "yellow-related".

First, what is big data

Big data technology is a new generation of technology and architecture to quickly acquire, process and analyze technologies to extract value from a variety of ultra-large-scale data. Big data involves the collection, organization, storage, security, analysis, presentation and application of data.

Big data "sweeping yellow" officially launched, there are such characteristics to pay attention to, you may be "involved in yellow"

Big data technology is huge and complex, and the basic technology includes data acquisition, data preprocessing, distributed storage, NoSQL database, data warehouse, machine learning, parallel computing, visualization and other technical categories and different technical levels.

In layman's terms, it is to summarize the relevant information you usually browse, use cloud computing to detect your Internet habits, and usually browse what information is mostly to determine the trend of your online behavior habits, and then push your favorite information for you.

Big data "sweeping yellow" officially launched, there are such characteristics to pay attention to, you may be "involved in yellow"

Second, the recording of large consumption in the middle of the night may involve pornography

At present, more and more Chinese people rely on mobile phone payment, and some software backgrounds involving transactions such as Alipay and WeChat will record your consumption behavior in a timely manner. The most noteworthy transaction that makes big data sweep pornography is the behavior of large transfers in the middle of the night.

Once a user with a male account has a large transfer record late at night, the background will lock you and classify you as a suspect of pornography, but only one consumption cannot identify you as a pornographic person, only those who frequently trade late at night, and eventually the police will choose to go to interrogation.

Big data "sweeping yellow" officially launched, there are such characteristics to pay attention to, you may be "involved in yellow"

For female users, receiving large transfers late at night will also be "targeted" by big data, and frequent late-night room opening records will also make the background listed as pornography-related personnel, although this practice is somewhat "one-size-fits-all", but it has played a pivotal role in combating the yellow industry chain.

Third, the anti-pornography experience for many years still needs to be struck hard

The first time the mainland cracked down on the gray industrial chain, that is, the anti-pornography campaign that the masses called it, began in 1989, when science and technology were not as developed as they are now, the speed of dissemination was slow, and the main targets were pornographic newspapers and periodicals and audio-visual products.

Big data "sweeping yellow" officially launched, there are such characteristics to pay attention to, you may be "involved in yellow"

At that time, it lasted about 1 year, banned a large number of obscene pornographic newspapers and periodicals, and destroyed 30 million sets of audio-visual products, which shows how profitable this industry was at that time, many people still took risks to sell pornographic publications, and finally the state re-sentenced a series of criminal gangs.

In 2014, after the central government reported on the hotel operation in Dongguan City, Dongguan quickly began a large-scale rectification action, and for several months, more than 6,000 police officers were dispatched to inspect saunas, foot baths and various entertainment venues, with obvious results. Today's Dongguan is no longer the capital of ambiguity, a thriving scene.

Big data "sweeping yellow" officially launched, there are such characteristics to pay attention to, you may be "involved in yellow"

Fourth, combine big data to innovate the anti-pornography model

Nowadays, with the rapid development of science and technology, the mainland has gradually updated the law enforcement model, earlier the police went door to door to investigate, giving criminal suspects time to escape the scene, in response to such loopholes, comrades in the technical section will unite a platform software background data, there is a basis for screening pornography-related personnel information.

Even misjudgment will not affect the lives of ordinary people, but big data is only a preliminary screening, and in the end, we still rely on our police officers and comrades to interrogate criminal suspects, so that humane law enforcement is gradually being accepted by the public.

Big data "sweeping yellow" officially launched, there are such characteristics to pay attention to, you may be "involved in yellow"

Fifth, why crack down on the yellow industry chain

The first person who engages in the sex trade will be infected with many viruses, such as AIDS, liver disease, and other highly contagious viruses. If these viruses are widely spread, they will create an irreparable situation for society.

On the other hand, the yellow industry does not distinguish between age groups, minors will also be involved, victims and participants may be minors, which will also increase the juvenile crime rate, poison the next generation of our country, so the international will inevitably crack down on the yellow industry chain.

Big data "sweeping yellow" officially launched, there are such characteristics to pay attention to, you may be "involved in yellow"


At present, although there have been many misjudgments in the big data "sweeping pornography", but for the detection of anti-pornography cases have made countless contributions, compared with the interrogation of police officers, the accuracy rate of big data sweeping pornography is still quite high, all speculations are based on various data, can better detect the case to achieve the role of curing the symptoms and curing the root causes.

Big data sweeping yellow can also reduce the deployment of police forces, the daily public security bureau is a lot of cases need to deal with, and the usual anti-pornography operation often needs to send a large number of police forces to arrange the arrest scene, during this period will also produce fish that slipped through the net, the big data sweeping model greatly saves police force.

Finally, I would like to ask readers and friends, what is your view on the "sweeping pornography" of big data?