
Baby cold fever, how should I take care of it?

author:Zhongke Ankang Chengdu Branch

Seasonal changes, changeable weather, large temperature differences between day and night, etc., it is easy to accelerate the spread of germs. Because the baby has imperfect resistance, it is easy to cause the baby to catch a cold, which in turn leads to the baby's fever. How to care for the baby, parents need to strengthen their understanding of colds and fevers. Let's talk a little bit about this:

1. Distinguish between colds and flu

For babies, colds and fevers are relatively common, for the common cold, parents can deal with it at home, you can not go to the hospital. However, if it is the flu, it needs to be highly vigilant, because the flu has a certain risk, can cause complications, and even threaten people's life safety. Because the baby's physique is relatively weak and the resistance is relatively low, this makes the baby prone to serious complications after suffering from the flu.

Baby cold fever, how should I take care of it?

Influenza is an acute respiratory disease, relatively highly contagious, and has a relatively short incubation period in the clinic, generally within two days, the shortest time is about a few hours, and the longest time is about three days. Usually, the main symptoms of influenza are more acute onset, and after the onset of the disease, the whole body has more severe symptoms, such as high fever, poor mental state, general weakness, fast breathing, etc., high fever can reach more than 39 degrees Celsius, which can cause complications such as pneumonia. For the common cold, it is the most susceptible disease for babies, under normal circumstances, the main symptoms of the common cold are runny nose, cough, mild fever and so on. If the baby has a relatively good mental state when there is no fever, the body temperature is repeated, but it will not become higher and higher, and the parents can do a good job of monitoring and nursing at home.

2. How long is the best time for the baby to go to the hospital with a cold and fever

Parents see the baby fever, the heart will be very anxious, see the baby's small face red, they want to immediately carry the child to the hospital. Although you can understand the mood of parents, many times parents will do bad things with good intentions, and may not be good for the baby. This is because if the baby does not have to go to the hospital, it will cause the baby toss, may aggravate the condition, if the baby is just a common cold, he may be fine, so going to the hospital may be infected with bacteria, but will adversely affect the baby. If the parents are not sure whether the baby is a cold caused by the virus infection, or are not at ease, and wait less than three days, it is recommended that parents can pay attention to the baby's fever for at least 24 hours, and then take the baby to the hospital according to the situation.

Baby cold fever, how should I take care of it?

3. Evaluate the baby's status

Once the baby has a cold and fever, the parents will think that it is very serious, and sometimes the baby is very serious, just lying down, but the parents think that the baby is asleep, there is nothing wrong. How to assess your baby's status? In this regard, it is mainly to see the baby's spirit and reaction. To better assess your state, you need to compare your baby's current state with your usual state. After the baby has a cold and fever, the state is definitely worse than usual. For example, eating less, mentally less mental, this is a normal performance, this is the same as adults, sick where you will feel uncomfortable.

For the baby's state needs to be deeply observed, to see if the baby has a constantly aggravating situation, if the baby has been wanting to sleep, do not want to eat and drink, do not want to pay attention to people, the spirit is very bad, or the baby is more irritable, a little unhappy to cry, and usually play is still better, do not love to cry. Or usually the baby is better to coax, and now it is difficult to coax, has always wanted to cry, these situations indicate that the baby's state is not very good, need to go to the hospital for examination. It should be noted that if the baby's body temperature drops to thirty-five degrees Celsius, this is not the embodiment of the baby's improvement, but the baby may have a very serious disease, the body has been somewhat unable to bear, it is difficult to maintain the body temperature, if the baby does not eat or drink, it means that the baby is very serious, need to go to the hospital immediately for examination. If the baby uses antipyretic drugs, the body temperature for two to three days is between thirty-five and thirty-six degrees Celsius, but the baby's state is relatively good, normal eating and drinking, it means that the baby has no problems, and it will be fine in a few days.

Baby cold fever, how should I take care of it?

4. Measures to care for your baby's cold and fever at home

For the care of the baby's cold and fever, whether it is the nursing before going to the hospital, or the nursing after going to the hospital, it is the same, you need to clean the baby's nose, treat the baby's cough, pay attention to the baby's state, create a good mood for the baby, and let the baby drink more water.

Baby cold fever, how should I take care of it?

4.1 Care of the baby's fever

When parents use the thermometer to measure the baby's body temperature, the baby's body temperature is greater than 38.5 degrees Celsius, or the baby's body temperature is not particularly high, but it is very uncomfortable, parents can use Merrill Lynch to help the baby deferve. When the baby feels cold, parents can not carry out physical cooling, need to do a good job of keeping the baby warm, when the baby feels hot, you can carry out physical cooling, for example, with alcohol, warm water and other antipyretic.

Baby cold fever, how should I take care of it?

4.2 Clean up the snot

When the baby has a cold, the snot is very annoying, it will cause nasal congestion, cause cough, affect the baby's sleep, and also affect the baby's eating, so parents should help the baby clean up the nose in time and make the baby as comfortable as possible.

Baby cold fever, how should I take care of it?

4.3 Treatment of cough

For the baby's cough, it can cough up the pathogen and mucus from the baby's body, which helps to alleviate the disease. Therefore, if the baby's cough has no effect on eating, nor does it affect sleep, you can not deal with the baby's cough. And for the baby, the effect of cough medicine is actually not large, but it has a lot of side effects, therefore, it is not recommended for the baby to use cough medicine. Cough caused by colds, mainly due to damage to the respiratory mucosa, so that the cough sensory nerves are exposed, so it is very sensitive, a little irritation can cause cough, in addition, when the nose is very much, it will flow into the throat, which will also cause irritation, thus causing cough, so the treatment of cough to distinguish the cause, need to do a good job of protection of the respiratory mucosa, clean up the nasal discharge.

Baby cold fever, how should I take care of it?

In addition to the baby's cold and fever, it is also necessary to do a good job in the prevention of colds, which requires the cultivation of good living habits of the baby, washing hands before eating and after the toilet, and washing hands before going out to return. Open windows and ventilate at home every day to improve the quality of the air. To arrange the baby's diet reasonably, eat more foods rich in protein and vitamins, and eat more fresh fruits and vegetables. Also go to outdoor activities, parents can choose to take their babies to the sun when the sun is full, breathe fresh air, and enhance resistance.

Well, today's explanation is here, I hope to provide some help to all newbies!