
4 kinds of beautiful flowers, raised indoors to die, moved to the outdoor wind and rain, but rubbed long

author:Fat meow garden

Fat Meow often said before that before raising a new plant, you must do your homework, understand its requirements for light, moisture, temperature and ventilation, and choose a suitable environment for your own maintenance environment, so that it will be much easier to manage in the future. If you can only raise flowers on the enclosed balcony, but you want to raise some flowers with high requirements for light and ventilation, you will naturally always get sick and not raise well. Today fat meow will introduce several kinds of flowers that are not suitable for indoor maintenance, more suitable for dew, if there is at home, quickly move out, blow the wind and rain, will give you a surprise.

4 kinds of beautiful flowers, raised indoors to die, moved to the outdoor wind and rain, but rubbed long

The first, peony

The root system of peony is strong, if you want to raise peony, it is best to plant it in the ground, so that its roots can grow deeply, in order to grow luxuriant and blossom more, if you use small flower pots, it will suffocate it, and the growth will be greatly weakened.

4 kinds of beautiful flowers, raised indoors to die, moved to the outdoor wind and rain, but rubbed long

Peony likes light, to be planted in a sunny place, it is best to full sunshine, raise peony medicine indoors, can only be potted, the light is not good, natural growth is poor. If there is no way but to pot, be sure to choose a large pot and try to provide sufficient growth space for the roots of the peony.

4 kinds of beautiful flowers, raised indoors to die, moved to the outdoor wind and rain, but rubbed long

And peony medicine, there is a "king of flowers" reputation of peony flowers, raised indoors is also not good, a friend of the fat meow, very fond of peony flowers, and no yard, can only potted, she wants to do all kinds of ways to improve, or grow badly, the leaves are thin and yellow, basically do not flower.

4 kinds of beautiful flowers, raised indoors to die, moved to the outdoor wind and rain, but rubbed long

The second type, the moon flower

The appearance of the moon flower is very high, the fragrance is good, it has always been one of the most popular gardening plants, people who like flowers, who does not want to have a wall of moon flowers? But the moon flower on the light and ventilation requirements are very high, exposed to raise, relatively less sick, easy to raise up a lot, if you raise indoors, especially closed balcony, you must be prepared for long-term medicine.

4 kinds of beautiful flowers, raised indoors to die, moved to the outdoor wind and rain, but rubbed long

Because the moon season is particularly sick in a poorly ventilated environment, red spiders, powdery mildew, and black spot disease take turns, and the monthly flowers that are always sick naturally grow weak and have fewer flowers. Before there were flower friends in order to raise the moon season indoors, in order to improve ventilation, with an electric fan for 24 hours to blow, still pests and diseases, it is really too difficult.

4 kinds of beautiful flowers, raised indoors to die, moved to the outdoor wind and rain, but rubbed long

If you have to grow it indoors, it is recommended to choose some varieties that are resistant and suitable for balconies, such as canary, neptune king, juice balcony and the like.

4 kinds of beautiful flowers, raised indoors to die, moved to the outdoor wind and rain, but rubbed long

The third kind, the wind and rain orchid

Dew-raised wind and rain orchid basically do not care, in the summer when it is placed under the big sun, there is no need to water frequently, and so that the potting soil is almost dry and then watered thoroughly, when fertilizing other flowers, by the way to get a little, you can continue to grow small balls, after the summer rain, there will be a cute flower bone, really worry-free.

4 kinds of beautiful flowers, raised indoors to die, moved to the outdoor wind and rain, but rubbed long

Can be raised indoors of the wind and rain orchid, although the leaves grow green, but because there is no rain and dew nourishment, is not fond of flowering, others exposed, has long opened several stubble flowers, but their own family is still loading vegetables. Therefore, it is better to throw the wind and rain orchid outdoors, and it will grow better by relying on the sky to eat.

4 kinds of beautiful flowers, raised indoors to die, moved to the outdoor wind and rain, but rubbed long

The fourth kind, osmanthus flowers

In the southern green belt, the osmanthus flowers grow up to be a luxuriant, but once they reach the north, even if they are carefully maintained, they are still problematic, and if they are raised indoors, it is even more difficult. Osmanthus flowers prefer a warm and moist environment, and the dry environment will make it lose its leaves all the time, and the amount of flowers will be greatly reduced.

4 kinds of beautiful flowers, raised indoors to die, moved to the outdoor wind and rain, but rubbed long

If flower lovers in the north want to raise osmanthus flowers, it is best to raise them open and increase the humidity as much as possible, such as planting some other plants next to them, sprinkling water next to the pots, or spraying water on the plants in the morning and evening when there is no direct sunlight.

4 kinds of beautiful flowers, raised indoors to die, moved to the outdoor wind and rain, but rubbed long

Finally, Fat Meow recommends some plants suitable for indoor maintenance, if the light is better, you can plant blue snowflakes, geraniums, small hibiscus, etc., if the light is not good, you can plant hydrangeas, viola orchids, various orchids, large rock trees, dolphin flowers, African violets and so on.