
The spleen is weak and humid, the ginseng white magic pill is useless, and the effect of teaching you a trick is doubled

author:Dr. Liu of the Department of Internal Medicine of Traditional Chinese Medicine

In daily life, when many people have spleen deficiency, they will first think of using ginseng baishu pills to regulate, but after a period of conditioning, it is found that there is no obvious improvement, and even some people will appear on fire, then today Dr. Liu will come to tell you the answer, teach you a trick, and double the effect.

The spleen is weak and humid, the ginseng white magic pill is useless, and the effect of teaching you a trick is doubled

Let's first understand what are the roles of the ginseng white art pills, the square is dominated by the soup of the four gentlemen, and then added astragalus, lotus seeds, yam, white lentils, coix seeds, sand kernels and orange stems, these herbs, first of all, the four gentlemen's soup is used to replenish qi, astragalus can play a role in strengthening the spleen and improving qi, yam and lotus seeds can be astringent and replenishing deficiency, for some people whose spleen is not formed, white lentils and coix kernels are used to improve the moisture produced by spleen deficiency, sand kernels and orange stems can play a role in qi, lung propaganda, phlegm These medicinal herbs together are a healthy spleen and damp formula, so why do people with heavy spleen deficiency and moisture have no effect?

The spleen is weak and humid, the ginseng white magic pill is useless, and the effect of teaching you a trick is doubled

Here to summarize three reasons for everyone, first of all, if you usually live or stay in the place too wet, over time will lead to the body to produce water wet, this is an external factor, if you usually like to eat some fat sweet, greasy some food, long-term down, will also cause some moisture in the body, this is an internal factor, these two factors will lead to our spleen is not lucky, piled up together to form moisture and finally turn into phlegm wet, in fact, the blame is mainly due to spleen deficiency, Chinese medicine said, Spleen main transport, transport all water and nutrients, spleen transport loss, ingestion of water valley subtle can not be transported to the whole body, stacked together, will continue to generate moisture, in this case, we have to make up for both inside and outside, first of all, we must pay attention to diet moderation, change the humid living environment, so as to prevent in the wet time will not be wet on the one hand, while wet, to achieve both inside and outside.

The second reason, if you usually always feel that there is phlegm in the throat, the body is tired, sleepy, the limbs are also a little heavy, the skin is always oily, the tongue is thick and greasy, then this is not only the spleen deficiency and moisture is heavy, this is more common is the phlegm wet, in this case, we go to use the ginseng white magic pill to achieve a role in phlegm wet, because the role of the spleen inside is stronger, then if you say that there is a fire after the supplement, it is because you originally had a spleen deficiency phlegm wet and heavy, phlegm wet and sleepy spleen, this situation to make up, then, Not only can not make up for it, but also on fire, this situation we can add a flat stomach pill to improve, it can play a role in dry and humid phlegm, spleen and qi, the party in the Cang, white, tangerine peel, Magnolia is good at reducing phlegm wet, and finally added a taste of licorice to supplement the spleen and qi, flat stomach pills are good at dry and humid phlegm, Ginseng Baishu pills are good at supplementing the spleen, together, it is more suitable for people with spleen deficiency and phlegm.

The spleen is weak and humid, the ginseng white magic pill is useless, and the effect of teaching you a trick is doubled

The third reason if you usually just spleen deficiency moisture heavy, and no phlegm wet, but the tongue looks a little fat, tooth marks tongue, tongue moss is not thick, but the use of ginseng white art pills has no obvious effect, then I will teach you another trick, this situation we can match acupuncture point moxibustion, because ginseng white art pills belong to proprietary Chinese medicine, conditioning will be a little slow, then with some acupuncture points, its medicinal properties through the acupuncture points into the meridians, will achieve a relatively good effect, then how to moxibustion? After taking the medicine for half an hour, we moxibustion in our three positions of Shen Que Acupoint, Middle Acupoint, and Guan Yuan Acupoint for fifteen to twenty minutes, so that the effect of the combination of medicine will evaporate.

Finally, let's make a simple summary, if you are not able to make up for it, a supplement on the fire, then you usually have to pay more attention to changing the diet and living environment, if you are spleen deficiency phlegm wet weight then you can refer to the ginseng white art pills plus flat stomach pills together, then if you want to improve a little faster, you can be combined with moxibustion together, then today's sharing is here, thank you for watching.