
The world's tallest bird: The fastest, largest, heaviest bird is a bit alive 104 years

author:Before and after the world
The world's tallest bird: The fastest, largest, heaviest bird is a bit alive 104 years

Fastest Bird: The Sharp-tailed Swift usually flies at a speed of 170 km/h and at the fastest time it can reach 352.5 km/h, making it the fastest bird.

The largest bird in the world, the ostrich (the largest), the wandering albatross (with the widest wingspan).

Bird with the widest wingspan: Drifting Albatross, 3.63 meters.

The largest bird: the African ostrich, its body is 2 to 3 meters tall, weighs about 56 kg, and the heaviest can reach 155 kg. But it can't fly. Its eggs weigh about 1.5 kg and are 17.8 cm long, which is about equal to the total weight of 30-40 eggs, making it the largest bird egg today.

The largest bird: The Curly bird, which lives in southeast Africa, has a wing length of 2.56 meters and weighs about 18 kilograms, making it the largest bird in the world that can fly.

The heaviest bird: the great bustard, the male weighs 18 kg.

Birds with the longest lifespan: There are many long-lived birds, such as large seabirds wandering albatrosses with an average lifespan of 50 to 60 years, and large parrots can live to about 100 years. There is an Amazon parrot named "Jamie" in Liverpool, England, born on December 3, 1870, died on November 5, 1975, at the age of 104, worthy of the bird "old life star".

Smallest Bird and Smallest Bird Egg: Many people know that hummingbirds are the smallest birds in the world, but this statement is not very accurate, because there are about 315 species of hummingbirds in the world, distributed from Alaska in North America to the Strait of Magellan in South America, and many islands in between. Their body shape is also very different, the largest giant hummingbird is 21.5 cm long, of course, it can not be said that it is the smallest bird in the world. The honey-sucking honeybird produced in Cuba is only 5.6 cm long, of which the beak and tail account for about half, the weight is only about 2 grams, and its size is similar to that of a bee, so that the hummingbird is the smallest bird in the world, and its eggs are also the smallest bird eggs in the world, not much larger than a period. Hummingbird feathers are mostly very bright and shiny metallic. Their flying skills are superb, they can fly backwards, vertical rise and fall, and the frequency of wing vibration is very fast, up to 50 to 70 times per second, so they are called "god bird", "comet", "forest goddess" and "corolla". In recent years, many places on the mainland have claimed to have found hummingbirds, but in fact, they are all misinformation.

The largest bird: The Curly bird, which lives in southeast Africa, has a wing length of 2.56 meters and weighs about 18 kilograms, making it the largest bird in the world that can fly.

The heaviest bird: the great bustard, the male weighs 18 kg.

The smallest bird of prey: the Borneo Falcon, with a body length of 150 cm and a weight of 35 g.

The bird with the most feathers: swans, more than 25,000.

Bird with the fewest feathers: hummingbirds, less than 1000.

The bird with the longest feathers: the Heavenly Dahlia, with tail feathers more than twice the length of the body.

The longest-lived ringed seabird: Wang Albatross, more than 60 years.

The longest-lived caged bird: the sunflower cockatoo, more than 80 years old.

Fastest Bird: The Sharp-tailed Swift usually flies at a speed of 170 km/h and at the fastest time reaches 352.5 km/h, making it the fastest bird.

The fastest bird in sprinting: the peregrine falcon, which can reach 180 km / h in a swoop to catch prey.

The fastest bird to fly horizontally: the European Velvet Duck, 76 km / h.

The slowest bird to fly: the hill sandpiper, 8 km / h.

Bird with the highest frequency of flapping wings: Horned hummingbird, 90 beats per second.

The bird with the slowest flapping wings: the large vulture, which glides for hours without flapping its wings.

The bird with the longest flight time: the North American golden plover, which flies at a speed of 90 km / h for 35 hours and crosses more than 2,000 km of the sea.

Highest flying birds: Giant swans and alpine vultures are the highest flying birds, both flying over the roof of the world , Mount Everest , flying at altitudes of more than 9,000 meters, or they may crash into steep ice cliffs and die.

The birds that fly farthest: Arctic terns are the birds that fly farthest. It is a medium-sized bird that is accustomed to living in the daytime, so it is called the "daybird". When night falls, it flies to the distant North Pole, and because the day and night in the North and South Poles are exactly the opposite of night, the North Pole is exactly day. Every Year in June, he "gave birth" to children in the Arctic, and in August he led the "children" to migrate south, flying through the earth, reaching the vicinity of the South Pole in December, staying until the beginning of March of the following year, and then heading north again. Arctic terns travel back and forth between the two poles every year, flying more than 40,000 kilometers. Because it always lives where the sun does not set, people also call it the "day bird".

The most ferocious bird: The Andean condor, which lives between the cliffs of the Andes Insy Mountains of South America, can reach a length of up to 1.2 meters and has wings spreading up to 3 meters. It has a strong and curved "iron beak" and sharp claws, specializing in eating live animals, not only eating small and medium-sized animals such as deer, sheep, rabbits, and even preying on large mammals such as mountain lions, so it is also called "bird that eats lions" and "king of birds".

Birds with the longest tail feathers: The long-tailed chicken bred by artificial hybridization in Japan has a very surprising length of tail feathers, generally up to 6 to 7 meters long, and the longest record is that it was bred in 1974, which was 12.5 meters. If it is allowed to stand on the balcony of a four-story building, its tail feathers can be dragged all the way to the ground of the bottom floor, so it is also the longest bird feather in the world.

Birds with the largest difference in weight between males and females: The Great Bustard, which lives in northern Eurasia, has the largest difference in weight between males and females, with males weighing 11 to 12 kg compared to females weighing only 5 to 6 kg.

Birds with the longest beaked peaks: The toucan living in South America is the longest bird with the longest beak peaks, and its beak peak is about 1 meter long, which is very peculiar.

Longest beak: Australian pelican, 47 cm long.

Widest beak: Whale-headed stork, 12 cm wide.

The most learned bird: the African grey parrot, which learns more than 800 words.

The bird that is best at singing: the wetland reed warbler, which imitates more than 60 kinds of bird song.

The most complex nest: the nest of the African weaver bird, which is also the largest public nest with more than 300 nests.

The largest nest: the nest of the bald eagle, 6 meters long and 2.9 meters wide.

Smallest nest: The nest of a honeyeater, only the size of a thimble.

Birds that lay the fewest eggs: Albatrosses lay only one egg per year, making them the birds that lay the fewest eggs.

The bird with the largest number of eggs: grey mountain quail, 15 to 19 per nest.

Birds with the longest incubation period: Albatrosses are also the birds with the longest incubation period, generally taking 75 to 82 days.

Birds with the latest sexual maturity: The process by which albatross chicks reach sexual maturity is also the longest among birds, taking 9 to 12 years.

The largest fossil bird egg: before the mid-17th century, an elephant bird lived in the southern part of the island of Madagascar, which is now extinct. The length of the elephant bird egg fossil is 35.6 cm, equivalent to the size of 148 eggs, which is the largest bird egg fossil found in the world so far.

Largest bird fossil: The largest bird fossil is the fossil of the long bird, estimated to be about 5 meters tall, originally living on the island of Madagascar, and was extinct in the 7th century AD.

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