
Asia's largest peach country: South Korea's Smecta, which has been sweeping yellow for many years, is now sweeping more and more yellow

author:Popular Science Diary

If you were to choose the country with the most developed customs industry, wouldn't your first reaction be Japan? After all, Japan is famous for its otaku culture, and many manga, novels, and movies have mostly come from Japan. There is such a country whose customs industry has long surpassed That of Japan and ranks first in Asia. He is Japan's neighbor - South Korea Smecta! So how did South Korea become a peach-colored power? Interested friends like, new friends don't forget to add a concern, let's continue to talk!

Asia's largest peach country: South Korea's Smecta, which has been sweeping yellow for many years, is now sweeping more and more yellow

South Korea's Red Light District

When it comes to South Korea's customs industry, the most notable is the "Room N" case. The case was only known in March 2020 when South Korean police arrested 13 people involved. Since 2018, the suspects have forced nearly 100 women to conduct peach-colored live broadcasts through various threats and inducements, shooting various indecent photos and videos for profit. What makes people even more indignant is that there are more than a dozen minors among these victims. As the case became public, about 260,000 people clicked on the videos. What is this concept? According to the proportion of South Korean population, one in every 100 Korean men participates in it. And these are only public data, the real data is probably only clear to the South Korean police!

Asia's largest peach country: South Korea's Smecta, which has been sweeping yellow for many years, is now sweeping more and more yellow

Dr. Zhao, the main culprit of "Room N"

In fact, since 2002, South Korea's peach color trading volume has far exceeded That of Japan. So how exaggerated is the Customs Industry in Korea! There is such a thing that can better explain the degree of development of Korean customs industry. In South Korea' mother river, the Han River, a large amount of Viagra was detected, and how much use it would take to affect the composition of the Han River water.

Asia's largest peach country: South Korea's Smecta, which has been sweeping yellow for many years, is now sweeping more and more yellow

Korean Mother River - Han River.

The history of the peach trade in Korea goes back to Japan, which has a long culture. Since the 19th century, Korea has become a Japanese colony, the Korean Peninsula has been poisoned by Japan, and the Japanese have given full play to their professional expertise to carry out customs and customs on the Korean Peninsula. In order to alleviate Japan's oppression of itself, South Korea set up a comfort station next to the Japanese army station, and South Korea also derived the customs and culture development of the entire peninsula.

Asia's largest peach country: South Korea's Smecta, which has been sweeping yellow for many years, is now sweeping more and more yellow

Japanese cherry blossoms

In less than two decades, South Korea grew far larger than Japan, and the United States followed after Japan left. In order to firmly hold the thighs of the United States, South Korean executives exchanged women's bodies for American protection. South Korean women who serve American soldiers are also called Western princesses by American soldiers.

The South Korean people, who have experienced many wars, have a very difficult life, and the US soldiers have been very generous. South Korean women living in poverty have to sell their bodies in order to make ends meet. After all, there is no easier and faster way to make money, so more and more women are joining in.

The South Korean government was already discussing how to curry favor with the United States, so it did not stop it but vigorously promoted it. By 1953, the number of people engaged in customs in South Korea had reached 350,000. And the value created by this group of people accounts for 1/4 of the entire South Korean GDP!

Asia's largest peach country: South Korea's Smecta, which has been sweeping yellow for many years, is now sweeping more and more yellow

A beautiful street in Korea's Red Light District

After the end of the Korean War, Park Chung-hee ascended to the presidency. At that time, ordinary Korean people had a problem eating, and South Korea did not have the capital to start to develop other industries. Park Chung-hee really did everything in order to get money, on the one hand, he tried to find a way for the Korean people, on the other hand, he began to do customs business.

In order to provide better and more satisfactory services to the US military, the South Korean government began to train women in English, etiquette and so on free of charge throughout the country. The plan was enacted, and many women rejected it. So South Korea's brainwashing campaign began, claiming that this was for South Korea's recovery plan and a good thing to win glory for the country. This excuse, which seems so absurd to modern people, was actually established in Korea at that time! In this way, through the selfless dedication of Korean women, the government finally opened the way to modernization.

Asia's largest peach country: South Korea's Smecta, which has been sweeping yellow for many years, is now sweeping more and more yellow

South Korea – Chongli Gate

During the years when Park Chung-hee ran the country, South Korea's economy has made rapid progress, which is inseparable from the contribution of Korean women! So, if South Korea's initial vigorous development of the customs industry was to solve the problem of start-up capital, then today's Korean economy no longer needs help.

Why is this problem getting worse instead of being solved? See the old friends here don't forget to like, new friends don't forget to add attention Oh, let's continue to talk!

In fact, as early as 2004, South Korea promulgated a special law on peach color trading to include the custom industry as an illegal industry, and since then, the vigorous anti-pornography campaign has begun. In the four years that followed, South Korean police seized nearly 46,000 peach-colored trading venues and arrested nearly 260,000 women in the industry.

However, according to previous surveys, there are more than 60,000 such venues in South Korea, and there should be more than 300,000 women engaged in the service. What does this mean? There is one practitioner in every 30 Korean women, and if you exclude the underage, the elderly and the unwilling to participate, this proportion is really frightening!

Unfortunately, South Korea can no longer turn back, after so many years of development, the customs industry has been deeply rooted in the hearts of Koreans. Therefore, the South Korean government's crackdown on the industry has not prevented its development. Nowadays, Korea's custom industry has changed its identity and continues to flourish! Therefore, although South Korea's anti-pornography has been carried out for many years, it has never achieved results, but it has become more and more yellow. The South Korean government's sweep of pornography has also swept away a lonely, and slowly South Korea has become a joke in the world.

Asia's largest peach country: South Korea's Smecta, which has been sweeping yellow for many years, is now sweeping more and more yellow

Korean actress - Jang Zi-yeon

In South Korea, not only are ordinary women in the industry, but many seemingly bright female stars are also victims of the peach industry. With the explosion of the suicide case of South Korean 26-year-old female star Zhang Mouyan in 2009, South Korea's entertainment circle really stunned people at all levels of society!

She left behind a suicide note of more than 50 pages, detailing her untold secrets since her debut. Under the pressure of the company, she was forced to provide peach service to high-powered people.

Maybe some people in South Korea don't want the peach trading industry to collapse, after all, the profits they can get here are not a star and a half. South Korea, once known as one of the four Asian tigers, is indeed thought-provoking behind such a rapid economic development!

Asia's largest peach country: South Korea's Smecta, which has been sweeping yellow for many years, is now sweeping more and more yellow

Korean actress - Choi Shirley

In recent years, it seems that every piece of news about our neighbor has been breaking through our perception of this country. To this neighbor, we felt that he was pitiful and impressed by his strange worldview. After all, every internationally recognized culture seems to have originated in Korea! What are your different views on this country, the source of all things? Feel free to leave a comment in the comments section to discuss, we will see you in the next issue!

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