
The 40°C heat is coming, and this high temperature prevention guide is quickly put away

author:Nine Pai Health

【Source: Hebei News Network Comprehensive】

The Hebei Meteorological Observatory predicts that from June 16 to 21, most of Hebei Province will be dominated by sunny to cloudy weather, with temperatures continuing to be high, with the highest temperature reaching 35°C to 37°C in the central and southern regions. Among them, from the 17th to the 20th, the maximum temperature in Shijiazhuang, Hengshui and the southern areas will rise to 38 °C to 39 °C, and in some areas above 40 °C.

When high temperatures strike, how to prevent heat stroke? What details do I need to pay attention to in my daily life? How to maintain health in summer? Please see ↓↓

The 40°C heat is coming, and this high temperature prevention guide is quickly put away

●It is important to prevent heat stroke

>> symptoms of heat stroke

According to the severity of symptoms, it can be divided into mild heat stroke and severe heat stroke.

Mild heat stroke is manifested by dizziness, headache, flushing, thirst, profuse sweating, general fatigue, palpitations, rapid pulse, inattention, uncoordinated movements, and the body temperature rises to more than 38 degrees.

Severe heat stroke includes three types of heat stroke, heat cramps, and heat exhaustion, and can also be mixed. Severe heat stroke can lead to coma and even death.

>> response

The 40°C heat is coming, and this high temperature prevention guide is quickly put away

Patients are transferred from a hot environment to a cool, ventilated place and fed some cool drinks or light salt water with salt.

Apply cooling oil and wind oil to the patient's temples, or take medications such as Rendan and Huoxiang Zhengqi water.

If the body temperature is constantly rising, a cool wet towel or ice pack can be used to coldly apply to the head, armpits, and the base of the thighs to make the patient dissipate heat faster.

If severe heat stroke symptoms occur (or a mild heat stroke patient with poor physical fitness), immediately call the emergency number and send it to the hospital for treatment.

●Daily life requires attention

>> Diet

Drink more water, adults at least 1.5 liters to 2 liters of water per day, high temperature workers, drink 3 liters to 5 liters of water per day.

The 40°C heat is coming, and this high temperature prevention guide is quickly put away

Eat more vegetables and fruits with high water content, such as lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes, etc.; Fresh fruits such as peaches, apricots, watermelons, melons, etc.

Pay attention to dietary hygiene.

>> at home

It is not advisable to sleep on the balcony, under the tree or in the open air, and it is appropriate to go to bed late and get up early, and it is advisable to take a nap at noon.

When sweating heavily, it is not advisable to take a bath with cold water immediately, but should dry the sweat first, and then take a bath with warm water after a short rest.

Air conditioners and electric fans should avoid blowing directly or for a long time on a certain part of the body. The temperature of the air conditioner should not be too low. Doors and windows need to be opened regularly for ventilation.

Avoid skin bites by mosquitoes, boiling water burns, etc., and prevent infections caused by high temperatures and accelerated bacterial multiplication.

>> travel

Go out to do a good job of protection, such as wearing a parasol, wearing a sun hat, wearing sunglasses.

The 40°C heat is coming, and this high temperature prevention guide is quickly put away

Try to choose light-colored, breathable cotton, linen, silk texture clothing.

Try to avoid or reduce outdoor activities during the day, especially from 10:00 to 16:00, do not go out to exercise and work in the hot sun.

Drinking water and anti-heat medicines are always available, and if you feel dizzy and uncomfortable, you should immediately stop working and rest in a cool place.

● Special groups should pay attention

>> old and weak patients

Do health checks frequently, and if you are unwell, seek medical attention in time.

Minimize going out, and if you want to go out, be sure to be accompanied by a family member.

It is advisable to meditate more and stop being impatient and angry.

Do not be too cold, the house should be ventilated.

>> infants and young children

Avoid being too warm and too thick, and it is advisable to dress loosely, breathablely and short.

The 40°C heat is coming, and this high temperature prevention guide is quickly put away

It is not advisable to eat too many cold drinks, food should be freshly cooked thoroughly, and indigestion should be consulted in time.

The room should be ventilated, and it is best not to sleep on a cool mat.

Take a bath every day, avoid prickly heat, and beware of burns or bumps.

>> pregnant women

The living room should be ventilated, avoid covering the big cover, and it is best not to sleep on the cool mat.

Often take a bath and change clothes, and it is advisable to dress widely and breathable.

Do not eat cold food.

>> open-air operators

Arrange work and rest time reasonably, and try to avoid working in high temperature time at noon.

The 40°C heat is coming, and this high temperature prevention guide is quickly put away

The workplace should prepare the necessary drinks and anti-heat medicines.

If you feel unwell, you should quickly end your work and move to a cool place to rest.

● Summer wellness does this

>> go to bed late and get up early to take a nap at noon

The summer solstice is the most prosperous season of yang qi, to conform to the characteristics of yang flourishing outside, pay attention to protect yang qi, and strive to take a nap for about half an hour every day, you can maintain a good mental state.

>> eat more "bitterness" in a light diet

In the hot season, the diet should be light, and drink some porridge in the morning and evening, which can quench thirst and nourish the body. At the same time, apples, grapes, papayas, loquat and other peaceful fruits are suitable for people of all kinds of physiques to enjoy; In addition to a light diet, because bitter foods have the effect of removing dryness and dampness, cooling and relieving heat, promoting appetite, etc., you can also eat more bitter vegetables, such as bitter melon, coriander, etc.

The 40°C heat is coming, and this high temperature prevention guide is quickly put away

>> adjust your breathing and sort out your emotions

Summer temperatures are high, it is easy to make people irritable or tired, so keep your spirits fresh, happy and cheerful, and have a broad heart. Just like all things need sunlight to grow, there should be a strong interest in external things, and cultivate an optimistic and extroverted personality to facilitate the release of the qi pulse. Don't get emotionally ups and downs and lose your temper over small things.

>> exercise should be done in the early morning or in the evening

In the summer, the weather is cooler in the early morning or evening, and the sports venue chooses a place with fresh air such as the river and lake, the park courtyard and so on. Exercise programs are walking, jogging, tai chi, and radio exercises. If the exercise is too extreme, it can lead to sweating and sweating too much, which not only hurts the yin qi, but also damages the yang qi, and is also prone to heat stroke.

(Hebei News Network integrated Xinhua News Agency, Xinhua Net, China Weather Network, China News Network, Dazhong Net, etc., edited by Wei Yu)

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