
Men's "5 major longevity habits", drinking water, lunch break on the list, self-test, how many do you account for?

author:Dr. Ying talks about health

From ancient times to the present, people have never stopped the pursuit of longevity, there are kings refining elixirs of immortality, and now there are modern people health care, seeking medical treatment everywhere, the purpose is just to make themselves immortal, immortality seems easy, the real implementation is very difficult, with the continuous development of medical technology, people are gradually aware of immortality, only appear in TV series, it is difficult to achieve in real life. #爱乐养生 #

Relevant data research found that the average life expectancy of men is 5 to 8 years shorter than that of women, men as the top pillar of the family, need to bear the greatest responsibility, want to live a long and healthy life, active health is very critical, there are 5 kinds of good habits to help men live happily every year may wish to self-test, see if you account for a few.

Men's "5 major longevity habits", drinking water, lunch break on the list, self-test, how many do you account for?


Men's "5 major longevity habits", drinking water, lunch break on the list, self-test, how many do you account for?

1. Pay attention to personal hygiene

Many men are not too concerned about their personal hygiene, and even some men, in order to save trouble for a few days do not bathe, clothes will not be changed in time, such a bad habit will affect the appearance of men will also make intrusive into the body, affect personal health.

Male friends want to be healthy and maintain a long-lived physique, must pay attention to personal cleaning, take a bath and change clothes in time, open the window in time for ventilation, and help delay aging.

Men's "5 major longevity habits", drinking water, lunch break on the list, self-test, how many do you account for?

2. Drink enough water

Water is the source of life, everything in the world is inseparable from the moisture of water, about 70% of the substances in the human body are composed of water, drinking more water is beneficial to health, whether it is a cold fever or inflammation in the body, people will always urge you to drink more water, drink more water can improve the body's metabolic capacity, accelerate the gradual discharge, better maintain physical health.

Water can also effectively maintain the balance of fluid in the body after entering the body, accelerate the ability of gastrointestinal digestion and peristalsis, stimulate food flow, healthy people can ensure at least 1500 ~ 2500 ml of water per day, and healthy people should drink more water, which is the key to developing longevity.

Men's "5 major longevity habits", drinking water, lunch break on the list, self-test, how many do you account for?

3. Insist on taking a lunch break

Sleep is the premise of maintaining good health, about 1/3 of a person's life, are spent in sleep, the night is the internal organs, self-cleaning and detoxification time In addition to maintaining a good night's sleep at night, most of those young men have good habits of lunch break.

Male friends, on weekdays may wish to take a break of 10 to 30 minutes at noon, develop a good habit of insisting on a lunch break, can alleviate physical discomfort, improve the efficiency of work and study in the afternoon, and make the body age more slowly.

Men's "5 major longevity habits", drinking water, lunch break on the list, self-test, how many do you account for?

4. Quit smoking and limit alcohol

Smoking and drinking is a very unhealthy behavior, long-term smoking cigarettes and a large amount of drinking alcohol will increase the burden and pressure of the body, the harmful gases in cigarettes and the ether and ethanol in alcohol will paralyze the blood vessels after entering the body, affecting their own metabolic function, damage to liver health, if not treated in time, slowly will also develop into alcoholic hepatitis, chronic hepatitis, alcoholic liver, cirrhosis, liver fibrosis.

Long-term smoking, cigarette toxicity with the flow of blood, will also increase the burden and pressure of blood vessel walls, resulting in increased blood pressure, induce cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, so that blood vessels become thicker, the flow rate becomes slower.

If you want to live a long and healthy life, male friends must quit smoking and limit alcohol as soon as possible, stay away from the temptation of cigarettes and alcohol, can not let you delay aging, than peers look younger and more temperamental.

Men's "5 major longevity habits", drinking water, lunch break on the list, self-test, how many do you account for?

5. Optimistic mindset

"Smile a smile for ten years less, a sad white head" optimistic mentality is the premise of maintaining good health, male friends want to live a long and healthy life, must reasonably adjust personal emotions, develop an optimistic and cheerful attitude, do not let yourself always be in a state of anxiety and depression.

If you look closely, you will find that most of the long-lived elderly always maintain a state of laughter and laughter when talking and doing things, maintaining a naïve and optimistic personality, which is the main key to the longevity of the elderly to maintain a healthy and long life.

If male friends want to delay aging, they must reasonably regulate their personal emotions in daily life, vent their inner pressure in time, communicate with friends more or do more things that interest them, and do not let themselves always be in a depressed state.

Men's "5 major longevity habits", drinking water, lunch break on the list, self-test, how many do you account for?


If you want to delay aging, you may wish to eat more of the following foods

(1) Corn

Corn as a common coarse grain, by its many weight loss people welcome many dieters will be corn as a staple food to eat, because corn nutritional value is high, low calories, even if you eat a little more will not get fat, the fiber contained in it can also improve the ability of gastrointestinal peristalsis and digestion, accelerate the excretion of feces, effectively improve constipation problems.

Relevant expert research found that corn is still a good anti-cancer food, many friends are very fond of eating corn, in addition, corn contains a better beauty effect, which contains vitamin E can effectively repair damaged skin tissue, reduce the production of subcutaneous melanin, not only can help skin beauty spots, but also make the skin more delicate and shiny, effectively delay aging.

(2) Black sesame seeds

Black sesame as a kind of black food, black sesame is rich in vitamin E and sesamin eating more black sesame seeds can make the gray hair turn black again, promote the production of melanin under the hair follicle, inhibit the oxidation of free radicals, and play an antioxidant and anti-aging effect.

Black sesame seeds are rich in calcium and magnesium, which can help bone growth, while also promoting the oxygen content of the skin, whitening skin provides the skin with a wealth of trace elements, which helps to delay aging.

(3) Tomato

Tomato is what we often call tomatoes as one of the vegetables, tomatoes have very low calories, very high nutritional value, which is rich in lycopene, is the most powerful antioxidant of the same kind of nutrients, eat more tomatoes can improve the oxygen content of the skin, effectively reduce the production of subcutaneous melanin and spots.

Tomatoes are very good in antioxidant elimination of oxygen free radicals, relevant data studies show that each person eats about 50 to 100 grams of fresh tomatoes per day, can meet the body's needs for nutrients and minerals, while also effectively repairing damaged skin tissue, so that the skin becomes whiter, more delicate, and delay aging.

(4) Pineapple

Pineapple belongs to one of the tropical fruits, which is rich in vitamins, pineapple can not only whiten spots, but also make the skin more shiny and translucent, effectively eliminate the excessive accumulation of skin stratum corneum, enhance the skin's metabolic capacity, so that the skin is always in a healthy state.

Men's "5 major longevity habits", drinking water, lunch break on the list, self-test, how many do you account for?

People with dull skin tone, eating pineapple can achieve the effect of whitening and rejuvenating the skin, which is helpful for delaying aging.