
Dangerous! 11 common flowers that cannot be placed in the bedroom

author:There is a doctor

A few delicate flowers dot the fluffy hair, between the slightly upturned shell teeth of the vermilion lips...

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A large piece of atmosphere is freshly baked!

Dangerous! 11 common flowers that cannot be placed in the bedroom
Dangerous! 11 common flowers that cannot be placed in the bedroom

But behind these beautiful photos, there is a hidden danger. This is not, # girl mouth with oleander after taking pictures of poisoning sent to the hospital # news on Weibo hot search, even as early as before, a number of bloggers have posted their personal experience, and remind netizens to pay attention to the toxicity of oleander when taking photos.

Dangerous! 11 common flowers that cannot be placed in the bedroom
Dangerous! 11 common flowers that cannot be placed in the bedroom

In addition to oleander, in daily life, there are many poisonous flowers and plants, and even many people move these poisonous flowers and poisonous herbs into their bedrooms, the original intention is to use it to purify the air and beautify the environment, but they do not know that invisibly damage our health.

Today I will give you an inventory, these flowers and plants are poisonous, do not keep them at home!!


Dangerous! 11 common flowers that cannot be placed in the bedroom

Many people like the scent of lilies, but this fragrance should not appear in the bedroom, which will cause excessive excitement in the central nervous system of the human body, which will lead to insomnia.


Dangerous! 11 common flowers that cannot be placed in the bedroom

The orchid scent is refreshing, but it can also be overexcited, which in turn can induce insomnia.

Monthly flowers

Dangerous! 11 common flowers that cannot be placed in the bedroom

The fragrance is strong, and the long smell will cause some people to have symptoms such as chest tightness and discomfort, breath holding, and breathing difficulties.


Dangerous! 11 common flowers that cannot be placed in the bedroom

Flowers contain a toxic base that can be touched for too long and will speed up hair loss.


Dangerous! 11 common flowers that cannot be placed in the bedroom

Mimosaline in plants is a highly toxic organic substance, and too much contact with the human body can cause hair to fall out.

Night incense

Dangerous! 11 common flowers that cannot be placed in the bedroom

At night, a large number of particles that stimulate the sense of smell are emitted, and long-term smelling can make patients with high blood pressure and heart disease dizzy, depressed, and even aggravate the condition.


Dangerous! 11 common flowers that cannot be placed in the bedroom

The smell of conifer flowers and trees has a stimulating effect on the human gastrointestinal tract, not only affecting appetite, but also making pregnant women feel upset, nausea and vomiting, dizziness.

Flowers and leaves are evergreen

Dangerous! 11 common flowers that cannot be placed in the bedroom

The whole flower is poisonous, skin contact with the juice will cause itching and dermatitis, such as accidentally eating the flower stem will cause mouth and throat tingling, resulting in paralysis of the vocal cords, and in severe cases, swollen mouth and tongue causing suffocation.


Dangerous! 11 common flowers that cannot be placed in the bedroom

This flower leaf is poisonous, and accidental consumption may become more and more pronounced drooling, nausea, vomiting and skin tingling, followed by headaches, muscle weakness, blurred vision, etc.

Some people may even experience slow heart beats, arrhythmias, and in severe cases fall into a coma.

Red palm

Dangerous! 11 common flowers that cannot be placed in the bedroom

It is toxic around the flower buds, and accidental consumption can cause swelling and blistering of the mouth, hoarseness of the voice, difficulty swallowing, and most symptoms will lessen over time until they disappear.

Dripping Guanyin

Dangerous! 11 common flowers that cannot be placed in the bedroom

The white sap in the stem is poisonous, the water dripping from the leaves is also poisonous, and accidental touching or eating the juice will cause discomfort in the oropharynx, severe suffocation, resulting in heart paralysis, and even death.

Itching or strong irritation can occur from skin contact with the juice, and eye contact can cause severe conjunctivitis and even blindness.


Dangerous! 11 common flowers that cannot be placed in the bedroom

The branches and leaves are poisonous, and after poisoning, there are symptoms such as anesthesia, vomiting, and breathing difficulties. It can also cause stomach upset in children and pets, and if swallowed carelessly, symptoms such as measles, burning pain, inflammation of the mouth or throat, and fever can occur.