
In 1903, the Indian man-eating tiger ate 436 people in succession, and it was only after being killed that the cause of cannibalism was revealed

author:Documentary in the shadow
In 1903, the Indian man-eating tiger ate 436 people in succession, and it was only after being killed that the cause of cannibalism was revealed
In 1903, the Indian man-eating tiger ate 436 people in succession, and it was only after being killed that the cause of cannibalism was revealed

Images are from the web


Tigers have always been a symbol of strength and ferocity and absolute strength.

At the beginning of the 20th century, there was such a ferocious tiger. In 8 years, it wandered between the two countries and ate 436 people alive.

After the tiger was eventually shot, professionals were able to analyze why it ate people.

What is the truth behind the vicious tiger eating people?

In 1903, the Indian man-eating tiger ate 436 people in succession, and it was only after being killed that the cause of cannibalism was revealed

01. Evil tigers eat people

"You said that tiger, who will eat tonight?"

At nightfall in 1903, a village in Nepal had stopped the sound of people.

Every house locked its doors and windows, and everyone lay in bed, but did not dare to go to sleep.

Next to the bed were tools for ploughing the land, but for the villagers at this time, this was a sharp weapon for self-defense.

What the villagers want to guard against is not a burglar who robs, but a tiger that lives in the mountains near the village.

In 1903, the Indian man-eating tiger ate 436 people in succession, and it was only after being killed that the cause of cannibalism was revealed

In recent weeks, many people in the village have disappeared one after another.

Even the person who had greeted him the night before was never seen again when he got up the next day.

A few bold men took advantage of the light of day to check out the neighborhood of the village.

Who knows, on the way to find the missing people, he saw a lot of dried blood and footprints left by animals.

Locals, after a closer look at the footprints, pointed out that this looked like they were left behind by a tiger.

The tiger has come down to eat people!

The news came out and all the villagers fell into a panic!

Villagers knew that there were wild tigers near the village. But these tigers have always lived separately from the local people and lived in peace.

There has never been a tiger cannibalism in the village.

However, all current indications are that tigers have indeed taken advantage of people.

In 1903, the Indian man-eating tiger ate 436 people in succession, and it was only after being killed that the cause of cannibalism was revealed

Regardless of why tigers eat people, the villagers' top priority is to quickly protect themselves.

After the discussion and analysis of the whole village, everyone unanimously determined that it was a lone tiger that went down the mountain to eat people.

Moreover, this tiger did not dare to rush into the village during the day, and it would only take advantage of the dark night to choose the crowd that stayed outside.

In order to prevent the tigers from eating people again, the village chief immediately ordered the villagers to travel in groups during the day.

At the same time, stop all activities at night and prepare tools for self-defense at any time.

In 1903, the Indian man-eating tiger ate 436 people in succession, and it was only after being killed that the cause of cannibalism was revealed

At this time, Hill, who was curled up on the bed and shivering, pushed her husband next to him and asked:

"The fence outside our house seems to be broken, and you say that the tiger will break into the yard and attack us?"

When the husband on the side heard his wife say this, he had no idea for a moment, and could only pretend to be calm and say:

"That tiger will certainly not come today, I will fix the fence outside the house tomorrow, rest assured."

Hearing her husband say this, Hill finally relaxed his mind and fell asleep in the constant wave of sleepiness.

And in the middle of this silent night, a sturdy figure flashed out of the mountain forest and then slowly moved towards the village.

In 1903, the Indian man-eating tiger ate 436 people in succession, and it was only after being killed that the cause of cannibalism was revealed

The uninvited guest of the village at night is this man-eating tiger!

Its keen eyes keep it unimpeded in the darkness, and the thick foot pads help it to make its way to its prey silently.

Its sharp fangs allow it to bite the arteries of its prey with unmistakable accuracy, and its robust limbs allow it to swoop down on its prey in an instant.

However, after the tiger toured the village, it did not find anyone who was staying outside, nor did it find an opportunity to start.

The tiger, who found nothing, immediately returned to the mountain forest.

In the three days since, there have been no more disappearances of people and cannibalism of tigers in the village.

In 1903, the Indian man-eating tiger ate 436 people in succession, and it was only after being killed that the cause of cannibalism was revealed

Images are from the web

Everyone thought that the tiger would no longer visit the village, so they began to live a normal life.

At this point, Hill noticed that her husband had forgotten to repair the fence, and she wanted to complain a few words. But after thinking that the tiger really did not appear, Hill turned around and threw himself into the busyness of the day.

What Hill doesn't know, however, is that danger is approaching her at this point!

While Hill was working in the courtyard, a sturdy figure jumped into the courtyard from the broken fence!

In an instant, the behemoth had already thrown Hill to the ground, and immediately opened its blood basin mouth.

Before Ciel could exclaim, he sensed that his blood vessels had been punctured by sharp fangs.

In 1903, the Indian man-eating tiger ate 436 people in succession, and it was only after being killed that the cause of cannibalism was revealed

The villagers who heard the noise were horrified to find that a tiger was appearing in the courtyard of The Hill's house!

However, it was still daylight when the sun was high!

Although the villagers want to save Hill, the strength of the human and tiger is too different, and the tiger reacts extremely quickly.

After biting off Hill's blood vessel, it immediately carried Hill into the forest and disappeared from sight!

After the villagers witnessed the tragic situation of the hungry tiger eating people, they couldn't help but be frightened to the spot!

At present, this tiger is afraid that it has reached the point of madness, not only committing murder in the night, but now it dares to break into the village during the day!

The news that followed was even more shocking!

Not only was this village attacked by tigers, but there were also evil tigers hurting people in nearby villages.

In 1903, the Indian man-eating tiger ate 436 people in succession, and it was only after being killed that the cause of cannibalism was revealed

Images are from the web

People in several villages unanimously decided that it was the same tiger that entered the village to eat people.

They named the tiger Champawat.

The speed of Champawat's movements is staggering, with more than 200 villagers killed in 2 years.

At this point, the king of Nepal finally could not sit still, and immediately mobilized his men and horses to round up Champawat.

However, what everyone did not expect was that the searchers used all their strength to almost lift the entire forest over, but they never found Champawat!

This man-eating tiger, which carried more than 200 lives, actually disappeared into the field of vision of everyone!

Nepalese troops then expanded the scope of the hunt, even launching a cross-border search for the tiger, and finally got the news.

This man-eating tiger saw that things were not good, and even turned around and fled to India!

However, even if it was a change of land, the tiger did not relent in this, but continued to do evil.

In 1903, the Indian man-eating tiger ate 436 people in succession, and it was only after being killed that the cause of cannibalism was revealed

Images are from the web

02. The true face of the man-eating tiger

One day in 1905, an old man who lived near the border between Nepal and India mysteriously disappeared.

At the same time, the Indian authorities received news from Nepal that the man-eating tiger was eating people.

The Indian police immediately linked the disappearance of the man-eating tiger and the old man, and determined that the old man should have died!

After learning that the tiger had been saddled with multiple lives and even planned to continue eating people, the Indian police realized the seriousness of the problem and immediately sent troops to assist the border police in hunting and killing the tiger.

Here Champawat did not stop, he still appeared on the Indian border from time to time, looking for suitable prey.

In 1903, the Indian man-eating tiger ate 436 people in succession, and it was only after being killed that the cause of cannibalism was revealed

I have to say that this man-eating tiger is really cunning.

It never appears during the day and does not come out until late at night.

Even though the Tiger Hunting Brigade had continued to search and hunt Champawat, they had only seen the tiger a few times.

And each time they saw Champawat, the man-eating tiger was also very agile, escaping the capture of it by the searchers several times in succession.

Even the elaborate traps laid by man, this man-eating tiger has never stepped into it.

By 1907, the mad man-eating tiger had eaten 436 people, which was a frightening number.
In 1903, the Indian man-eating tiger ate 436 people in succession, and it was only after being killed that the cause of cannibalism was revealed

Images are from the web

Based on the dangerous situation of Champawat's several attacks at the border, the residents were in a panic for a while!

Capable people choose to move out of the border, while those who have no way to leave are afraid all the time, afraid that one day they will die!

The police of the two countries are also really troubled by this man-eating tiger.

They then brought in professionals to help the tiger hunting brigade analyze the tiger.

After hearing the tiger catcher's description of the man-eating tiger, the animal experts judged the true face of this evil tiger!

It turned out that Champawat was a Bengal female tiger.

The Bengal tiger is the second largest tiger in size to the Siberian tiger, and it is also the tiger with the largest number of survivors, the widest distribution and the most cannibals in the world.

At the junction of India and Nepal, this tiger is very common.

In 1903, the Indian man-eating tiger ate 436 people in succession, and it was only after being killed that the cause of cannibalism was revealed

They often move alone, which is why Champachet hunts alone.

And because they do not have a fixed nest and are adaptable to the environment, they often change places to forage and hunt, which adds difficulty to the work of tiger catchers.

Finally, animal experts told the tiger trappers that although Bengal tigers have a wild nature of cannibalism, they are also very spiritual animals and generally do not take the initiative to attack crowds.

As for why this man-eating tiger ate such a large number of people, it will not be known until the tiger catches it!

In 1903, the Indian man-eating tiger ate 436 people in succession, and it was only after being killed that the cause of cannibalism was revealed

Animal experts can only help tiger catchers uncover the true identity of Champawat, but they cannot provide substantial assistance in the arrest.

In the subsequent tiger hunting work, the team members did not have the essentials and lacked skills, or let the Bengal tiger escape and continue to roam in the forest.

Finally, the authorities of the two countries decided to execute the demon-sealing man-eating tiger at all costs.

They began to spend a lot of money to hire hunting masters from all over the world, hoping that some of them would shoot this evil tiger to death!

In 1903, the Indian man-eating tiger ate 436 people in succession, and it was only after being killed that the cause of cannibalism was revealed

03. Kill the evil tiger

As soon as the bounty message was sent, hunters from all over the world heard the news.

They were all so interested in the Bengal tiger that ate 436 people that they even began to kill the tiger and receive a reward and then become a hero of the people!

However, the development of things once again exceeded everyone's expectations.

As if he knew that there was a group of sharpshooters waiting to take his corpse to receive the reward, Champawat plunged into the forest and never showed his face again.

At first, these confident hunters had patience and squatted in the mountains for several days.

In 1903, the Indian man-eating tiger ate 436 people in succession, and it was only after being killed that the cause of cannibalism was revealed

Indian mountain forest (image from the network)

However, with the passage of time, the man-eating tiger refused to show his face, and the minds of these hunting masters began to waver again.

Some people suspect that this man-eating tiger has escaped to another country, and some people suspect that this man-eating tiger is dressed as a person, and after hearing the news, the farce ended.

Under all kinds of speculation, many hunters gave up the idea of squatting in Champawat and left the border area between India and Nepal with disappointment.

However, there is a hunting master who chooses to stay!

The hunter's name was Jim Corbett, from England.

In 1903, the Indian man-eating tiger ate 436 people in succession, and it was only after being killed that the cause of cannibalism was revealed

Jim Corbett

From the beginning, he did not agree with the idea that the tiger hunting brigade chose to squat.

Rather than stupidly waiting for the rabbit hunt, he prefers to take the initiative.

While the rest of the hunters were working in pairs, Jim, with his vast hunting knowledge and experience, chose to go into the deep mountain jungle alone to explore the trail of this man-eating tiger.

Unexpectedly, under Jim's unremitting persistence and efforts, Champawat really let him find it.

Fast forward to 1911, when Jim found traces of Champavat's activities in a village in Nepal.

Then he resolutely stationed here, observing the movement of the tiger at all times.

In 1903, the Indian man-eating tiger ate 436 people in succession, and it was only after being killed that the cause of cannibalism was revealed

Forests of Nepal

One day after the station, Jim finally saw Champawat again!

After lying dormant for a long time, this man-eating tiger chose to attack the villagers again!

After seeing Champawat appear, Jim did not hesitate for a moment and grabbed his shotgun and followed it.

Soon, Jim is catching up with Champawat!

Maybe it's because I can't run because I'm hungry, or maybe I really don't want to hide in Tibet like this.

In the end, the man-eating tiger did not choose to leave, but lay quietly there.

In 1903, the Indian man-eating tiger ate 436 people in succession, and it was only after being killed that the cause of cannibalism was revealed

Images are from the web

At this critical moment, Jim quickly picked up the shotgun and pulled the trigger of the shotgun, shooting at the tiger.

The attacked tiger finally sensed the crisis coming, and immediately wanted to fight back.

However, Jim was very clever at this time, hiding behind a large tree, using the tree to form a shield for himself, and then firing several shots in the direction of the tiger.

In the end, the man-eating tiger, who bore 436 lives, was successfully shot by Jim.

The man-eating tiger is dead, but why did it eat so many humans?

In 1903, the Indian man-eating tiger ate 436 people in succession, and it was only after being killed that the cause of cannibalism was revealed

Indian teenager with Champawat, who was killed

04. The reason why the man-eating tiger eats people

Upon learning of the news that the man-eating tiger was eventually killed, the local villagers began to care about the real reason why the tiger ate people.

In order to recognize the real reason why the evil tiger eats people, the two governments finally chose to dissect Champawat.

Through dissection, professionals found that Champawat had old wounds with broken jawbones and teeth.

Judging from the wound, this wound has been 7 or 8 years old, and it should be the wound caused by Champavat wrestling with other animals while hunting.

Professionals speculate that it may be because Champawat was injured earlier, causing it to be unable to prey on some of the stronger prey.

Even some small-sized animals may escape after being caught by it.

In 1903, the Indian man-eating tiger ate 436 people in succession, and it was only after being killed that the cause of cannibalism was revealed

Images are from the web

Apparently, the injured Champawat was not suitable to survive again in the deep mountain jungle.

It is simply impossible to catch other creatures full of wildness. Bengal tigers, which are always alone, do not receive the help of their companions after they are unable to prey.

At this time, this Bengal tiger chose to find another way, picking easy to catch humans as its own food!

Although human beings are still animals in nature, they have lived a social life after a long period of evolution.

Whether it's strength, body shape, or fighting skills, humans are not tigers' opponents.

After tasting the sweetness of being able to easily catch people to fill their stomachs, Champawat completely lost the fighting spirit and idea of hunting in the mountains and forests in the past.

Since you can grab someone to eat at will, why bother fighting with other animals?

In 1903, the Indian man-eating tiger ate 436 people in succession, and it was only after being killed that the cause of cannibalism was revealed

Images are from the web

Over time, Champawat also grew older.

The lifespan of the Bengal tiger is generally about 20 to 25 years, and through the analysis of the results, the life span of this man-eating tiger has also reached the end of its life.

Champawat was accustomed to living without effort as a teenager, and in his old age, he could not return to his original hunting mode when all his physical functions were degraded!

From frugality to luxury, from luxury to frugality.

Accustomed to laziness, Champawat chose a comfortable path and eventually died at the muzzle of humanity.

In 1903, the Indian man-eating tiger ate 436 people in succession, and it was only after being killed that the cause of cannibalism was revealed


This murderous-addicted Bengal tiger finally got the retribution he deserved.

Through its death, we should also get some warnings!

From the perspective of human beings, we always think of ourselves as higher animals, thinking that human beings have higher intelligence and are the founders, rulers and even founders of this world.

But in fact, if we think about it, how can human life not be fragile at some point?

A single Bengal tiger can kill more than four hundred people, not to mention that sometimes natural disasters strike, which are innumerable lives.

In 1903, the Indian man-eating tiger ate 436 people in succession, and it was only after being killed that the cause of cannibalism was revealed

Images are from the web

Since we are born as human beings, we should cherish our precious lives and live out the wonderfulness of our lives as much as possible!

Not long ago, some people got off the wildlife tour area opened by the zoo without authorization, and they were attacked by beasts of prey, which eventually led to a tragic crime!

This is all a manifestation of holding a fluke mentality and not being responsible for the safety of your own life!

Life is fragile, but even more precious! That's why we should love our lives!

I sincerely hope that cases like the evil tiger eating people will not happen again!

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