
Honey water, good to drink in the morning or good to drink in the evening? Blister with warm water or blister with cool water?

author:Journal of Family Physicians

When it comes to honey, everyone is no stranger, who doesn't have a few bottles at home!

Many people are healthy on weekdays, or encounter some small diseases and pains, and will make a cup of honey water to drink.

Honey water, good to drink in the morning or good to drink in the evening? Blister with warm water or blister with cool water?

However, brewing honey water seems simple, but in fact, there are no small doorways.

It is not an exaggeration to say that if you ignore some details, not only is it not healthy, but it may hurt your body!

Today we will talk about honey and those things~

First of all, what are the benefits of honey?

Chinese medicine believes that honey tastes sweet, flat, into the lungs, spleen, large intestine meridian, has nourishing, tonic, moisturizing, detoxification, pain relief and other effects, used for dry lungs cough, dry bowel constipation, stomach pain, water and fire burns, mouth sores, skin sores and other symptoms.

Among them, the most concerned effects are moisturizing the intestines and suppressing cough.

In the past, honey was popular with constipation patients and was used to treat constipation. To this day, honey is still the first food treatment for laxative and intestinal treatment of many gastrointestinal diseases.

Honey does stop coughing. However, in the view of Chinese medicine, not any kind of cough is suitable for eating honey, honey is more suitable for patients with dry lungs and cough, because dry heat hurts the lungs to moisten and cough.

Honey water, good to drink in the morning or good to drink in the evening? Blister with warm water or blister with cool water?

And Western medicine also gave honey a thumbs up.

Modern pharmacological research believes that honey has pharmacological effects such as moisturizing intestines, protecting the liver, protecting the heart, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory.

Small reminder: For some diseases, honey plays more of an adjuvant therapeutic role, and it needs to be eaten for a certain period of time before it will be reflected.

Next, let's talk about the time to drink honey water -

Honey soaked in water, which time to drink well?

Someone has to say: drinking a honey water has such a trouble, I want to drink whenever I want to drink!

In fact, it is not, drinking honey water, time is exquisite -

1. Drink in the morning: laxative

After a night's sleep, some of the water in the body has been excreted.

Drinking a small cup of honey water on an empty stomach in the morning can not only replenish water, but also increase nutrition, and also play a role in promoting defecation.

2. Afternoon eclipse: Replenish energy

Afternoon tea time (15:00 ~ 16:00) is between lunch and dinner, which is the most fatigued and hungry time of the day.

Drinking a glass of honey water at this time can replenish sugar and energy, so that the chaotic brain can wake up in the fragrant fragrance.

Honey water, good to drink in the morning or good to drink in the evening? Blister with warm water or blister with cool water?

3. Drink before meals: inhibit stomach acid

Honey has a regulatory effect on the secretion of stomach acid.

Therefore, patients with excessive stomach acid, drinking a small cup of warm honey water one and a half hours before meals can inhibit the secretion of gastric acid and reduce the stimulation of the gastric mucosa.

4. Drink before going to bed: calm the spirit and help sleep

Honey has the effect of regulating the nervous system, relieving nervous tension, promoting sleep, drinking a cup of honey water before going to bed can soothe emotions and improve sleep quality.

However, do not drink too much honey water before going to bed, a small cup or a few sips on the line, so as not to frequently get up at night to affect sleep.

In short, everyone can choose the right time to drink honey water according to their own situation.

In addition to time, drink honey water should also pay attention to the following points.

Drink honey water and pay attention to these 2 points

1. The temperature of the brewed water

Brewed with different water temperatures, the health effect is also different ——

(1) Boiling water brewing: big taboo

Honey is rich in enzymes, vitamins and minerals, and excessive water temperature will destroy the nutrients and bioactive substances in honey.

(2) Warm water brewing: tonic

Honey is brewed with warm water of 40 to 60 degrees Celsius, and its nutrients are completely preserved and easily absorbed by the human body. It is recorded in the "Compendium of Materia Medica" that brewing honey with warm water can tonify the spleen and stomach.

Therefore, those with weak spleen and stomach and weak constitution should brew honey with warm water.

Honey water, good to drink in the morning or good to drink in the evening? Blister with warm water or blister with cool water?

(3) Cold water brewing: clear heat

In the "Compendium of Materia Medica", it is recorded that brewing honey with cool boiled water can clear heat, moisturize and detoxify. Therefore, hot gas on fire, acne, constipation, etc., are suitable for brewing honey with cool water.

2. Three types of people are not suitable for eating

(1) Infants under one year of age

Infants and young children eating honey is prone to poisoning, which can be seriously fatal.

(2) Diabetic patients

The glycemic effect of honey is particularly obvious and should not be taken by diabetics.

Honey water, good to drink in the morning or good to drink in the evening? Blister with warm water or blister with cool water?

(3) Those who are using cold medicine

Many cold medicines, such as Tylenol, Senlik, Cold Qing, etc., contain antipyretic and analgesic ingredients "acetaminophen", which will form a complex when encountering honey, affecting the body's absorption rate and weakening the efficacy.

Therefore, if you are taking such cold medicine patients, it is not advisable to take honey at the same time.

In addition to using honey to soak water to drink, you can also add some "material", the health effect is better -

Honey soaking water plus a treasure, health effect is better!

1. Honey + oranges

Ingredients: 50 g honey, 100 g oranges.

Directions: Wash the oranges, squeeze the juice together with the meat of the belt, mix with honey and stir well, then drink.

Efficacy: It can rationalize gasification phlegm and suppress cough.

2. Honey + corn

Ingredients and preparation method: 1 cucumber, 1 corn, beat the juice, add honey to an appropriate amount.

Benefits: Relieves thirst caused by fever and injury, and also moisturizes the intestines.

Honey water, good to drink in the morning or good to drink in the evening? Blister with warm water or blister with cool water?

3. Honey + milk

Ingredients and preparation method: Prepare 1 g of minced pearls, 50 g of honey, 50 g of milk, mix and drink.

Efficacy: For stomach pain, stomach ulcer, emollient whitening.

Finally, I would like to introduce you to a few tips for buying and storing honey-

Buy and store honey, smart people do it!

1. Simple three tricks to buy good honey

(1) Look at the water content: the lower the water content of honey, the better the quality (national standards stipulate: the moisture is less than 20%, for the first-class product).

(2) Look at the drawing: the pure honey texture is viscous, and the honey has the characteristics of continuous drawing.

(3) Look at the crystallization: honey is very easy to crystallize, the crystalline particles are soft and delicate, more like grease, floating on the upper layer of honey. Honey mixed with white sugar has a low degree of crystallization, and unsolved sugar granules are prone to appear at the bottom; Fake honey made of pure sugar cannot crystallize.

Honey water, good to drink in the morning or good to drink in the evening? Blister with warm water or blister with cool water?

2. Store honey tips

(1) Containers for storing honey: It is best to use glass or ceramic utensils, not metal containers to prevent acids in honey from corroding the container.

(2) The environment for storing honey: dry, ventilated and clean; Be careful not to put honey in the refrigerator.

The little knowledge about honey has been introduced to everyone, and friends who like honey should quickly eat it

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