
These 4 organs on the chicken body may contain a lot of toxins and heavy metals, but many people still like to eat

author:Dr. Dong Kop

With the improvement of living standards, people pay more and more attention to food safety. In recent years, there have been many rumors about toxins and heavy metals in chicken parts, so which parts of the chicken body can not be eaten? Find out!

These 4 organs on the chicken body may contain a lot of toxins and heavy metals, but many people still like to eat

Chickens are the most abundant and widely distributed poultry in the breeding of livestock and poultry, with about 100 species of breeding in the world, with a total of about 25 billion birds, more than all other birds. Chicken is roughly divided into two categories: domestic chicken and pheasant, chicken mainly contains protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron and various vitamins, fats, etc., is the standard low-fat, high-protein food.


The nutritional value of chicken

1, the digestibility of chicken is high, it is easy to be absorbed and utilized, and it has the effect of enhancing physical strength and strengthening the body.

These 4 organs on the chicken body may contain a lot of toxins and heavy metals, but many people still like to eat

2, now most of the population is in a sub-healthy state, eating chicken can enhance immunity, reduce the probability of disease, chicken has the effect of warm and beneficial qi, beneficial to the five viscera, supplement the weakness, can be used to treat fatigue and weakness, lack of energy, less food, palpitations, dizziness and edema and other symptoms.

3. Kidney tonic: chicken can alleviate symptoms such as frequent urination and deafness caused by insufficient nerves.

4. Promote intellectual development, have antioxidant and certain detoxification effects, and have a better effect in improving cardio-brain function and promoting children's intellectual development.

5. Muscles contain more unsaturated fatty acids, such as oleic acid and linoleic acid, which can reduce the low-density lipoprotein and total cholesterol that are detrimental to human health, and are conducive to maintaining blood vessel health.

These 4 organs on the chicken body may contain a lot of toxins and heavy metals, but many people still like to eat


These 4 organs on the chicken body may contain a lot of toxins and heavy metals, but many people still like to eat

【Chicken Skin】

When eating chicken, it is best not to eat chicken skin, in general, chicken skin contains more subcutaneous fat and sebum, cholesterol is also high, do not eat more for patients with high blood lipids. Especially when grilling, the chicken skin that has been burned or other spoiled chicken skin should not be eaten, and its carcinogenicity is very large.

These 4 organs on the chicken body may contain a lot of toxins and heavy metals, but many people still like to eat

【Chicken Neck】

Eating too much chicken neck may lead to the emergence of high cholesterol disease, and charred chicken neck may also cause cancer. Chicken neck has a lot of lymph nodes, easy to hide dirt and dirt, chicken neck with a lot of oil and lymph nodes, easy to burn during cooking, will produce benzo ratio lead to carcinogenicity.

In addition, the chicken neck may contain heavy metals, which will also have adverse reactions to the human body. If you really want to eat, you can soak the chicken neck in salt water overnight, and then bake it, usually do not eat more.

These 4 organs on the chicken body may contain a lot of toxins and heavy metals, but many people still like to eat

【Chicken Head】

In the process of pecking, chickens will eat substances containing heavy metals, which are mainly stored in brain tissue, and the older the chicken, the greater the storage, the faster the toxicity. And the cholesterol content in the chicken head is high, if you eat too much, it will bring unnecessary trouble to the body, so when eating chicken, it is best to throw away the chicken head, do not eat.

These 4 organs on the chicken body may contain a lot of toxins and heavy metals, but many people still like to eat

【Chicken butt】

Chickens eat some of the contaminated poisons, such as insecticides killed by insecticides, asphalt-contaminated food or carcinogens in feed, etc., after digestion and absorption, will be swallowed by lymphocytes, mainly concentrated on the chicken butt, in simple terms, all the toxic substances in the chicken's life, are concentrated on the chicken butt, which is full of toxins and heavy metals, if you eat chicken butt, it may damage the intestinal health and induce a series of diseases.